
42. Search

It was terrible. Jasper, as a result of the breakdown of Amethyst, was able to get out of the bubble and escape to no one knows where. I had to urgently connect the entire team. Everyone was divided into several teams. Augustus ' team included himself, Peridot, Connie, and Amethyst. The other team included Pearl, Garnet, and Lapis.

--- All right, listen up. - Garnet drew attention to herself.

--- There were several spots where there was Jasper. This is the desert and the distant mountains. We will go to the desert, you to the mountains.

--- Okey

--- We have to find her. Who knows what she's doing right now.


--- I hate this planet ! - at the moment, Jasper is sitting in a cave and trying to somehow warm up. She clearly wasn't prepared for the cold.

--- I hate the planet, I hate the gems, and I hate this cold ! - she shouted and raised her hands in the air. The only thing that gave her warmth was a fire that she was able to somehow make and the skin of a bear, the former owner of this very cave.

--- But I can handle it. For revenge, for you, My Diamond. - she carefully pulled a flower out of her suit. It was pink, it had four petals and there was a small gem in the middle. It is not clear how the flower has not yet withered from such a cold.

--- I will avenge you, My Diamond. For all of us. - she carefully put the flower back and her eyes slowly closed

--- For all of us.... - her eyes closed and she fell asleep. She had used up too much energy.


--- So, where are we interested in looking for her ? - Augustus looked out over the snow-covered fields and peaks.

--- I think we should just look. We don't have any orients. - Connie wrapped her jacket around her as she spoke. It's too cold for the average person here.

--- Are you sure you're okay ? Aren't you too cold ?

--- No, no ! Everything is fine. I have to take it, did I train for nothing ?

And the truth. After they were kidnapped on the ship Jasper and Peridot, Connie realized that she could do nothing to help them and could just watch. So after they ran away, she asked to be Pearl's apprentice.

--- This has nothing to do with training at all. You can get very sick.

--- Don't worry, I ... - before she could finish, she suddenly sneezed violently.

--- Haaaa, I told you.

" --- And where do we look for Jasper now ? If we stay here too long, Stephen, Connie, and I will probably get sick.

--- I know where she is ""

--- WOW !

--- What is it ? Did you notice something

--- Nothing, just a snowflake caught in the collar.

""" --- You scared me !

--- We sorry, we didn't mean to..

--- I see your speech has improved

--- While we were together, we learned a lot.

--- Okay, you said you knew where the Jasper was ?

--- Yes.

--- Will you tell me where she is ?

--- No

--- Why ?!

--- We're lonely. You didn't talk to us.

--- Okay, okay. I promise that as soon as we deal with Jasper, we'll talk all day.

--- You promise ?

--- Yes

--- All right, go... """

--- Let's start from the north.

--- Simply so. Intuition.

--- Oh well. Let's go north, I don't care.

They moved north. Along the way, the Cluster slightly adjusted the route in August's head. As soon as they began to approach the right place, the weather began to deteriorate, a blizzard began. But they quickly noticed the cave from which the light was pouring.

--- Here it is ! I told you, intuition !

--- Whatever you say. Let's grab her quickly and go back. I don't want to be stuck here tonight.

Everyone readied their weapons for battle and began to slowly enter the cave. They immediately noticed a figure near the fire.

--- Jasper ! - Amethyst immediately wanted to hit Jasper with her whip, but Augustus ' hand stopped her.

--- Hey !

--- Take a closer look.

They came closer and saw that Jasper's eyes were completely closed. Her breathing was slow, ragged, and her skin was no longer yellow, it was a very pale color.

--- She's got frostbite ! We have to get her out of here, or she's going to die soon !

--- How is this possible ? We gems can withstand very low temperatures !

--- She probably just got sick. Remember what Garnet said ? First Jasper visited the desert,and then here. She had a cold. - Augustus put his hand to Jasper's forehead.

--- Uniquely. She's very hot. We need to get out of here.

Augustus took the Jasper and put it on his back, he tied it tightly with the bearskin and got up. He almost fell when he tried to stretch out, he forgot that gems weigh a lot.

--- All right, let's get out. I think with the weather like this, we'll make it home in time.


" Hot "

Jasper could feel the heat seizing her body. It was as if she was melting from the inside, her body burning.

" I, the best warrior of the Pink Diamond, am in this state. It's horrible. What would My Diamond say ? "

Jasper felt herself moving. I think they found her. But I didn't have the strength to fight back.

" How could I get into such a deplorable situation ? I was captured by the enemy, it seems my revenge will not happen. My strength is failing me. I give up. "

The Jasper creation was fading. Bit by bit, it disappeared.

" Forgive me all, forgive me My Diamond. I couldn't get my revenge... "


A rather heavy blow landed on Jasper's cheek. Her eyes instantly opened and she saw the face of a man, think his name was August.

--- IF YOU TRY TO DIE AGAIN, I'LL KILL YOU ! There's not much left ! Be patient ! You can't give up half the way !

His words made Jasper flinch. No, she can't die, the fire has rekindled inside her.

" He's right. I can't stop here. "

She closed her eyes again and fell asleep. She couldn't give up, but she needed to rest, too.


--- Be patient ! Just a little more !

Augustus dragged Jasper with the last of his strength. Normal weather. abruptly replaced by a blizzard. Augustus could hardly see his friends. They were almost at the warp, with one last tug left.

--- I see him ! We'll be home soon ! - Amethyst's voice broke through the storm and reached his ears.

--- Finally ! Come on !

The snow blocked their view, and their eyes had long been covered with frost, but they were still able to find the Warp and activate it. The beam illuminated them and they were finally at home.

" I did it. A little more and I would have passed out, but now.. "

He began to fall sharply. The last thing he could catch was a look from his friends and a cry from Pearl.

--- August !

She managed to catch him before he hit the ground.

--- August !

--- Hush, Pearl. He needs to rest. I'll take Connie home, and you put him and Jasper in a warm bed.

--- Yeah.

Pearl and Lapis undressed Augustus and removed the Jasper from his back. They put them on the bed and covered them with several blankets. They kissed him on the cheeks and straightened the blanket.

--- Wake up quickly, don't leave us.