

LIFE BECOMES MORE INTERESTING WHEN IT COMES TO LOVE. IT'S A MIRROR TO THE OTHER WORLD WHICH NO ONE EXPECTS , BUT IT JUST HAPPENS AND WILL EXPERIENCE EVERY MOMENT WITH SOMANY EMOTIONS WHICH WILL GIVE YOU MORE STRENGTH THAN USUAL.., The story is about Dove an Indian women after graduation got a chance to go to abroad for her higher education. Her life in abroad and the situations to choose between dream and love will be explained in this story

Adari_lakshmi · Teen
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16 Chs


I neglected the situation and started to help Su as it's my first priority . The Audi was full with OSCAR complements , appreciations etc.., After helping Su ,I went back to my seat . Every girl in the Audi fell for Oscar . It's even clear that he is every girls dream . Meanwhile director introduced him and his achievements I know he was so talented , but what am I thinking now ?

Alvis came to me , asked me wanna have a cup of coffee with me ? I was like don't you have a time sense ? what the situation I was in and what are you asking about? I was so in my thinking . Alvis knocked my head like a door and I gained my sense soon he asked me what are you thinking about? I told him nothing . He asked me then shall we go for a cup of coffee . I don't want to make him disappointed as a friend, so I said okay. Then we left the place .

Oscar finished his speech . Su called us ,that her parade is going to start with that message we immediately rushed to the Audi . I started to cheer for Su .

John too came to cheer for Su . Alvis , and John are starring at me . Because I became like a kid when I was cheering for Su . Meanwhile Oscar came to Alvis and asked him what are you doing here ? John and I turned back and it's Oscar . Oscar called me dove. Alvis asked me did you know each other ? Oscar told him , ofcourse I know her . Alvis asked him how and where ? Oscar told him ofcourse by glory , in India .

They were so shocked they started to investigate on me . I digged my head deep and thought to run away . But I thought the time has come ,now I really want to tell them about my past and everything that I kept secret from them . Ohh !! Why Oscar came to my life again !! Why did Oscar was friend of Alvis ?? It's soo tiresome . I should definitely tell them now about my past . I interrupted Oscar from telling more about me and I told him that I will explain them everything please don't tell anything more , okay .

Alvis and John are more interested now in my past life . They started to enquire Oscar about me .I can see from their faces .that they are more interested now . With Oscar's one sentence made them to stop enquire about me . He told them that he was my boyfriend back then . Why did he do that !! For the god's sake . John and Alvis put long faces and they become more blue. I asked him why did you tell them like that ?? Look at them now ! I don't know how can I face them now ?? It's too drastic . He told me that if I told them the real thing they will become more suspicious and will investigate more about this thing . And by the way who's that with Alvis . I forgot to introduce John . I introduced John to Oscar and ofcourse Oscar to John . And then we had a nice talk for a while .

Su completed her parade and joined us and I introduced Oscar to her . The whole college again started to gossip about me actually more now  . The whole college more handsome boys are actually talking to me and even they are the all girls dream boys . Soon I went to my arts exhibit to make the situation better . More like to escape from the situation ofcourse. Alvis and john started to follow me . Oscar was called by our director sir ,so he left us . I was more relief now . Alvis and john accompained me . Oscar came as a guest to our exhibit he asked me to accompany him and show all our exhibit and also told me to explain every paint that has been exhibited . I was like why me ? I was already exhausted . And everyone was starring at me . Don't make me lose my temper again ? And also don't make me to become a news again ?

What a life dove ? You are actually born with a bad luck . I accepted his words because of my HOD ofcourse . And we started our tour in our exhibit . And I showed him all our paintings and director sir accompained us from the middle of our tour . I was explaining every painting soo briefly to them and I also explained my painting too. And director sir , told me that you are a good communicator and also a great explainer , there is a big guest today for that guest you should accompany him with the whole tour . Because I really like the way you explain everything . I was like more in shock . HOD sir , made me to accept . So, I accepted . Director sir got a phone call and he rushed away . Oscar and Alvis accompained him . John was more suspicious and was started to question me but I interuppted him and I told him that I will definitely tell you both after this feast.  With these he stopped questioning me . And again there is an announcement to gather all the students into the Audi . Again we all went into the Audi . John got a call from the cultural activity programmers that our competition is going to start in the Audi in about an hour . With this call we both rushed to change our costume . I was definitely in my low state after the arrival of Oscar . But I can't let John to loss to Princy . So I decided to put my whole strength into it. But I am afraid so and was nervous too .

The programme has been started and the guest is the CEO of the biggest company and also the one of the biggest sponsor of our college . The director sir had introduced him on the stage and also there are some felicitation programme is going on . The anchor started the cultural activity programme there are so many participants I can see them . But Princy is my one and only competitor that I want to defeat at all cost , but really I am afraid so with the arrival of Oscar ofcourse , I know about his talent more than anyone else do . The cultural programme has been started . Everyone was doing well and was doing their best in their part . I was so afraid . But John gave me the strength to make it . Our turn has come . We just stand straight on the middle of the stage . First time in my life I had a stage fear for real . John told me to look into his eyes . His eyes were magic . I lost of thoughts ,to be frank lost into his eyes . I kept on starring into his eyes and we danced how we practiced . I can see that he too was starring at me . After our dance performance I was blushing and got so nervous and also uncomfortable for a bit . We were appreciated very well by the crowd .

Then comes the drama queen Princy with Oscar as I thought . I guess I will definitely loss to them . But I am happy for giving my best to compete it's okay to hear what ever the result . I was happy to participate and spend time with John . I was really grateful to the time we spent . Princy and Oscar was soo good on stage also the best pair I had ever seen . After their performance Oscar came to me and told me that you did great I don't know that you are the one competing us. And you are soo good on the stage. I said thank you and I was so in a rush to avoid him . Mainly I want to become invisible before Oscar . I really don't want to face him . The competition was about to end . After the competition the director sir had announced that the winners will be announced at the end of the feast . We went back outside to change our coustume . I met Alvis , he put a very long face I can see that he was very upset but I don't know why ? So I asked him what happened ? He told me that you didn't tell me anything that you are going to compete and you are going to pair up with John I was really upset after this . I was like hush!! an another blow to my mind to think . I think my brain has already half damaged after all this things . I told him don't worry I was just helping John to compete as he helped me in my art and really I am not in a relation . As I read his mind I clarified him . He told me do you have time this weekend ? I was like now what ?? He told me that grand ma asked me to bring you home . Ohh yes !! I was really missing nanni very bad . I told him I will definitely meet her this weekend . Mean while John came to me he changed his dress and asked me why didn't you change at ? I told him I was talking to Alvis . He asked me what are you guys talking about . I told him everything . So he asked us I would like to join you guys . I was like please dont in my mind but I told him not a big deal you can join us .

I went to change my dress and director sir , gave a call to me . So immediately I rushed to him after I change my dress . He told me to accompany the CEO . I accompained him and told him about everything on the feast . And also the stalls and atlast I take him to our arts exhibit and explained him everything . I can see that he was really impressed . After my tour director sir came to us and he took him for dinner . I packed all my things and was searching for all of them . It's already night may be they all already left because they are all tired like me . As the day become night I was more terrified and was so afraid . I was soo exhausted today . And I really don't want a day like this anymore . John ,Alvis and Oscar are waiting for me downstairs my dorm . I was really tired . I don't want this day to be long . They are waiting for me to talk I know that but when I reached their ,I started to talk first I told them that I was really tired today . We will meet tomorrow and I apologized to them . So after listening to me they left the place and Alvis told me that then we can have a talk on this weekend in my house . We all accepted to his proposal .And they left the place . But why Oscar was waiting ? I don't understand a bit why was he here ? Is it because of Alvis ? My mind is getting to be explode by this all questions . So I stopped to think about all this things and I went to my room su already was sleeping and I am about to go to sleep . But I was really not able to get any rest after all this . I opened my phone and checked the latest news in forum . Usshhhhh!!! it's all about me . Having three guys in a life . I know it's a big news to gossip for real I understood . I became a huge news . I really wanted a break in my life for all these things . But I know I can't escape from the reality I should face it . With all these thoughts I went to sleep .

I woke up late , I was really late to college . When I was going to the college everyone is starring at me it's that I know why they are starring at me . But this time their looks are very weird for me . The gossips are been rising high and high as I want to make them disappear but I couldn't . I was becoming more famous rather than in a good way I guess . I hate this as much as I want to .

As I reached my classroom also my

friends has been asking me about my relation with the three of them . Where ever I was going the gossips are following me like oxygen I want to say it as carbon dioxide but it was not that makes sense . I really wish I would disappear into thin air but I couldn't . Wish I knew magic or I had a invisible cloak like in Harry Potter.

HOD sir called me I went to the department he appreciated my work yesterday and also director sir is looking for me . I went to his office he too appreciated me for my work and told me that the CEO is really impressed by my work and wanted to have me in his office as a communicator we can also call it as a mediator . I don't know it's a good idea . Because I was already occupied with so many things . And my brain really wants some rest . I don't know how to respond . I asked him to tell CEO to give me more time . Director sir accepted my request and called him immediately to ask him for more time . He accepted my request .


Dove : - what do you guys think about the offer , do comment and let me know ....

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