
045 Call whatever you like

Gong Yunchi stared at Shen Tang's back, his lips trembling, "I'm sorry..."

The extermination of the Shen family was closely related to the Gong family. They should have preserved the last bloodline of the Shen family, but they failed to do so. This left the straightforward young man facing "sister-in-law" Shen Tang with inner turmoil, a sense of guilt, and self-condemnation that he couldn't put into words.

"What's the use of apologizing to me?" Shen Tang seemed to snap back to reality, turning around. Her eyes, mixed with a thousand words, looked indifferently at Gong Yunchi's ashamed face. "I know who the enemy is very well! What use is it to vent your anger on someone who's also a victim?"

Gong Yunchi was stunned, his eyes misting with tears and a blush spreading from the corners of his eyes.

"Thank you," he choked out.

In just two months, his life had been turned upside down. From being a proud scion of a prestigious family, he had fallen into the ranks of the exiled. Not only had he failed to save his clan, but he had also failed to save himself. When he saw Shen Tang, he had prepared himself to be grabbed by the collar and beaten up, but she didn't blame him.

"The damned one is Zheng Qiao!" Shen Tang paused, her tone carrying a hint of murderous intent. "You don't need to apologize!"

She couldn't stand seeing others cry, especially when they were young and good-looking. Their tears always made her head ache, fearing they would drown her.

Her resounding words, like a sharp blade, cut through the confusion, despair, and melancholy that had accumulated in Gong Yunchi's heart over the past few days—yes, the current Lord of Gengguo, the former favored "beauty," Zheng Qiao, was the real culprit, the instigator—his eyes, usually dead and lifeless, showed a flicker of emotion, and a new surge of hatred emerged, spreading through his body inch by inch.

His hand hanging by his side slowly clenched into a fist, repeating Shen Tang's words, as if speaking to himself.

"Yes, you're right... The damned one is Zheng Qiao!"

Seeing this, Wengzhi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Gong Yunchi had been exiled from the Danfu Mansion, enduring more than a month of walking in chains, witnessing the abuse suffered by his fellow prisoners, some of whom were close relatives, either dying from injuries, illness, or starvation... Although he had survived, he didn't have much will to live.

Burdened by guilt, his spirit collapsed, and with his foundation destroyed, even if he were given the best medicine, he would only be prolonging his agony.

Shen Tang: "..."

Keep on keeping on, sister! If you like him, go for it.

Her gender was like Schrödinger's cat, ordinary people called her "Miss," while these bold ones called her "Mister."

Everyone agreed that the other party must be crazy.

The young man, who had been silent for a long time, glanced at Shen Tang, as if contemplating something, and asked her, "Forgive me for asking, but how did Shen Xiaolang escape when Zheng Qiao ordered the extermination of the Shen family, and the operation was swift and silent?"

Shen Tang replied coldly, "I wasn't there at the time, so I seized the opportunity to save my life during the chaos."

The young man seemed to be lost in thought. "Oh?"

Shen Tang sneered coldly, sarcastically retorting, "What? Can't Mister Gong, the famous doctor, escape while I'm lucky enough to save my life?"

This statement carried the perfect blend of sarcasm, and it stabbed Gong Yunchi in the heart. He quickly interrupted the young man, saying, "Mr. Gu, the Shen family were all loyal and righteous. They didn't fear tyranny or death, so they wouldn't have fled like you imagined."

The young man's face darkened. "..."

Did Gong Yunchi think he knew what he was thinking? Did he suspect that Shen Xiaolang, standing before him, was a coward who fled faster than a rabbit upon hearing the news and abandoned his entire family?

Was he questioning his character and morality?

How shallow!

He unmistakably perceived a certain anomaly in the demeanor of the individual before him, who was ostensibly the "brother-in-law" of Gong Yunchi! Just moments ago, the repeated mentions of the Shen family's extermination, the intense hatred, and the debt of hundreds of lives would inevitably have revealed some emotional crack, yet the person in question remained an enigma!

Was this some sort of a beaver? It was utterly illogical! If one were to ward off his mind-reading with verbal artistry, it would have been understandable, but she did not invoke any linguistic charm. In other words, this Shen Xiaolangjun deliberately kept his mind blank, abstaining from thought or remembrance, perpetually on guard against him. Such caution; could it be without guile? 

The servant, however, did notice one detail.

"Gong's Fifth Doctor is on the run?" Shen Tang nodded, "That's what I've heard, but this was a month ago, and I'm not sure if he's been caught yet."

Gong Cheng's eyes lit up suddenly, excitedly grabbing the servant, "The Fifth Doctor... Wengzhi, Mister Gu, that must be my uncle!"

Despite being only a Ninth-tier in the martial arts hierarchy, Gong Yunchi's uncle was still relatively young, with widely recognized talent. He was a paragon of youthful renown, with vast potential for growth. If not for this calamity, his future accomplishments would have been no less than the Fourteenth Rank!

This was the best news he had heard in many days. As long as his uncle was alive, there was still hope for the future! Shen Tang couldn't bear to dampen his spirits; the words she wanted to say rolled in her throat for a moment, but ultimately, she swallowed them.

"If there's nothing else, I won't bother you any longer." The young man surnamed Gu could read minds, sharing the same space and air, making her feel uncomfortable all over.

Gong Cheng said, "Brother-in-law..."

Shen Tang suppressed the throbbing veins and the urge for violence in her heart, forcing a strained smile, "Since the ritual of the three bows remains incomplete, and she has met her untimely end, let's dispense with that appellation."

Gong Cheng's face turned pale, "But..."

"I am Shen Tang, known as Yuoli. You may address me as you wish." Shen Tang's expression was wooden. Any address would suffice, as long as she wasn't called "brother-in-law" again. It was too disheartening to be mistaken for a boy every day, despite having the face of a lovely girl.

Gong Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, "Alright, Yuoli."

Shen Tang perfunctorily bowed, "Farewell."

"Wait!" Gong Cheng struggled to rise, looking sincerely at Shen Tang, "If you ever need my assistance in the future, I will not hesitate."

He had wanted to say that Shen Tang could seek him out if she ran into trouble—this former brother-in-law had a handsome appearance and was still young, facing who knew how many hardships alone. Putting aside other concerns, food, clothing, and expenses alone would be quite a headache. But then he realized that he was even more destitute than the other. His former brother-in-law, at least, had the intact Dan Mansion and could barely get by even if his literary and martial skills were not high. But what about himself?

One wounded man, relying on old friends for care and assistance.

If he ran into trouble, who would help whom was still uncertain.

So, he could only offer a promise for the future.

Shen Tang paused in her steps, her expression complicated.

"Very well, I will remember your words." She left, and as soon as she did, the young man turned to Gong Yunchi.

"Yunchi, how much do you know about the Shen family? How many members does the head of the family have?" Gong Cheng lay back on the bed with the help of the two men.

"Why is Mister Gu asking these questions?" 

"Your brother-in-law mentioned it. These several paintings..." The young man handed the bewildered Gong Cheng the several paintings that had stirred the imagination of both men and women, "They were all painted by your brother-in-law's 'elder brother.' So, how many offspring does the Shen family have?"

Gong Cheng took them, and without any mental preparation, opened them up.

The impact was overwhelming.

In the next moment, his fingers seemed to be licked by flames, and he was so frightened that he quickly threw the paintings away, his expression one of shock, as if he had seen a ghost.