
Stellar Warfare

SenpaiArtisthan · Anime & Comics
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Prologue :The beginning

In the first days of 2078, we were filled with hope. A new century was on the horizon, space flight was getting more and more advanced, and medicine was capable of healing many diseases that a century ago would have been terminal.

Then one day, the major nations of the world, including the United Americas, United Kingdom, Russia and China all detected a massive assortment of objects quickly speeding to Earth, far too quickly to be asteroids. Not long after the clock ticked over to 2079 ,when our space stations and satellites were destroyed, we knew...we were under attack.

The First Contact War began.

The arachnoid aliens we came to call the Spidrid bombed our world from orbit, leveling entire cities. Tactical nuclear strikes against their ships proved useful, but only served to offer temporary rest. When the Spidrid landed their ground forces, they began slaughtering every man, woman and child they found. This wasn't a war for our resources or land.

It was a war of purification

South America, the Koreas, Japan and eastern China were hit the hardest, almost completely destroyed within the first weeks of the ground war. The United Americas and Russia, while taking heavy damage, managed to fight back the most effectively. Some areas like Boston and Los Angeles were spared large scale destruction and became filled to capacity with refugees within months.

At first, the best we could do was hold out as individual countries, each military combating this new threat as if it was a foe from any other war, but this quickly proved to be foolish. Each nation gripping its own forces and resources, keeping it to itself was sure to only further sow the seeds of chaos among us. Once individual governments collapsed, the numerous militaries and civilian militia established a coalition for the purpose of sharing information, material and personnel. This step already aided in the war effort without pesky diplomatic bureaucracy barring it with red tape.

When the militaries of the world had to take control once the governments themselves either became too weak or completely destroyed, harsh new policies were established to ensure every scrap of food, every drop of fuel, every bullet, every able body was put to use. Requirements for enlistment in armed forces across the globe were relaxed to an extreme degree. Children as young as 11 years old, many orphans, were Pushed into service. Individuals with disabilities were drafted and put in support roles. Former criminals were collected into "Bomb squads" and sent into high risk combat situations. For Humanity, this was the do or die moment.

Most major cities were in total ruins, blasted rubble now the only remains of great cities like New York, Washington D.C, London, Moscow or Paris. The stench of death ever present in these places, as if the spirits of the millions slain there not knowing of their own fate, refusing to abandon their homes. More Humans died in the first few months of the First Contact War than in all other wars in the past 200 years combined. This conflict was horrific, like a living visage of Hell spreading over the world, burning the once fertile ground a pitch black and rending the sky red as our forests and cities burned.

It was Ten years of complete horror. Ten years of fearing if this was it: the death knell of Humanity, wondering if this was the ultimate fate of our people, to be wiped out some race of genocidal space spiders. Mothers held their children at night, telling them it would all be ok as the ground shook, the underground shelters they lived in almost always under fire from the xeno menace. The alien filth may have thought they would emerge victorious, adding another wiped out race to their likely extensive list. But they failed to take one important detail into account.

Humans have not spent the millennia since our evolved intelligence exploring understanding or casting off our instinct. For the thousands of years we have existed, we have perfected the deepest, most ingrained part of our nature. The most honest thing about us.

We. Are. War.

Thousands of years of conflict, of spilling eachothers blood on the rocks and soil and sand of our home world has tempered us like a blacksmith would temper a fine sword. Our ability to bring our very nature into physicality is unmatched. Our nature...is destruction.

These xeno bastards clearly didn't perform adequate recon.

After the first year, we adapted to our enemies tactics. We learned to engage a technologically advanced foe, taking guerilla warfare to a level never before seen. Above all else, we realized that victory requires sacrifice. Over Ten years, we slowly began to take our cities back, to liberate the camps the aliens had established. We took no prisoners. We captured the weapons and vehicles of the enemy, turning their own toys against them. The hive consciousness that controlled the Spidrid every movement must have been in shock. To it, it was being pushed back by primitive apes. But to us, this was no longer a war. It was pest control.

In the last days of the war, we finally identified the control and command ship that was being utilized as the main operations center for the invasion, a massive city sized ship hiding behind the moon. We discovered that the local, well, "command staff" of the Spidrid were aboard. In actuality, these creatures were semi-autonomous drones that themselves served as conduits for the hive mind to control the masses of Spidrid in the fleet. To destroy this ship would mean to cut the aliens off from their unifying intelligence.

It was decided to form a special unit of special forces troops from several nations to undertake a one way trip. To take a captured Spidrid ship, fight into the ship, and deliver a nuclear weapon inside. This special task force was made up of SEALs, Spetsnaz, SAS, Delta Force, and the best of a few other nations.

the plan worked. They slipped past the Spidrid defense net and got inside, fought their way to the reactor core, and detonated a 25 megaton portable nuclear device right in the middle. None of the heroes of what would later be called "Task Force Black Lion" would survive to see the fruits of their sacrifice. The moment the ship was destroyed, the Spidrid invasion force were cut off from the hive mind on their far away home planet. They began tearing into eachother like wild animals, some spasmed on the ground in violent seizures, some merely dropped dead on the spot.

It was over...the war for our very survival was won, but at tremendous cost. Much of our population lie dead, our cities in ruin, and our ecology nearly destroyed. But like the stubborn things we are, we endured. The military coalition established during the war formed a new government, headed by the military. To ensure order and stability could be maintained in such troubled times, new measures had to be taken. A two child policy was enforced to preserve already limited resources, petty crime could be immediately punishable by getting vacuumed into space , and all persons over the age of 13 were required to aid the rebuilding efforts or have their ration tickets confiscated. The rebuilding process was long and arduous. A new "citizenship tier" system was established, an incentive to serve the greater whole. The lowest tiers were afforded only the absolute bare minimum, with the absolute lowest tier being reserved for criminals who would spend their lives in forced labor for the good of the people, with individuals rising in tier for service in the armed coalition, extra effort to assist the rebuilding, or showing loyalty to the new establishment. The tiers controlled all aspects of a citizens life. The right to vote for representatives in the coalition government, the right to own private firearms, the right to freely travel between districts, have a child, even how long one could shower, as clean water was a commodity.

Decades passed, but these harsh measures finally bore fruit. The world finally gained stability, capable of sustaining a large population once more. With this, it was decided the provisional coalition government would have to establish a permanent order. A vote was held across the world, deciding if the provisional government would stay in power or if the pre-war nations would be re-established and the status quo brought back. Thanks to the measures the provisional government had taken, the world had survived the decades after the war, and the people, having grown used to this new way of life, almost unanimously voted to preserve the single provisional government. After a few more years of policy making and organization, the provisional government established a permanent name for itself. The two child policy was repealed, but all other policies from the rebuilding period were lessened. A council of military leaders called Lord Generals lead by the Grand Vizier was established. In the 2150s...the Greater Earth nation was born.

After the Greater Earth Nation solidified things at home, a mission was launched to retrieve the ruined Spidrid battleships still in orbit of our world, now referred to as Unveria . The designs, weapons, systems, and FTL engines were studied extensively. Decades were spent picking them apart, but finally, we unlocked their secrets. And in the year 2200, the turn of a new century, the exploration ship, the UUS Phoenix, made the first FTL trip by a Human ship to another star system, Nemo Sirius.

The vastness of space had finally become open to us. Over 100 years after the dangers of the galaxy became known to us, we've finally unlocked the means to travel the stars themselves. But we did not take to space with wonder or a desire for peace and friendship. No, we have finally accepted that peace with the alien cannot be attained. To ensure the safety of our species, the galaxy must be brought to heel. All races of this galaxy must either be brought under our dominion or...dealt with. The galaxy will fall under the banner of the Greater Earth Nation . If we cannot rule Heaven, we shall raise Hell!