
Stellar Step to a 1001 Mile Journey

There is a fine line between right and wrong... and Stellar Cross is tethering on the edge of falling on the sinful side. ... Stellar Cross, a self-confessed wallflower and always blending in the background. An unpolished gem waiting to blind people with her sparkle so bright and beautiful. Beau Spencer, an heir and a ruthless businesseman, imprisoned in his responsibilities. Holden Knight, a darkness who found his light. At the end of her journey, would Stellar finally found what she's been searching for? [Some parts of this book blurs the line between right and wrong. However, those that keep an open mind and stick with it might not be disappointed.] ... Stellar felt vindictive. She wanted to break Beau's heart the same way he broke hers. Suddenly, a wild thought entered Stellar's mind. The only way to vex the heck out of Beau was to date a person nobody could have—just like him. As if a light bulb switched on inside Stellar's head illuminating her path, she glanced up at Brother Holden and determination painted her face. Stellar was set on one thing: she would seduce her brother's friend and may the Almighty forgive her for stealing his disciple. Edited by Swaning *artwork not mine 1000-1600 words per chapter

filledelisle · Urban
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69 Chs


Darkness enveloped the sky and stars scattered like glitter dust sparkling against its heavenly pitch black canvass.

In such an ungodly hour, Stellar tiptoed her way inside the mansion she now called home.

Just as she closed the door, the lamp in the corner of the living room lit up, illuminating the figure standing beside it.

Stellar's husband—the man who owned her heart, body, and soul—stood with his head bowed yet his mighty glory oozed from his skin as if it was his second skin.

She knew she was in trouble, and on instinct her hand flew to her stomach, protecting the unborn life inside it.

"I can explain. Let me explain to you, please," Stellar pleaded off the bat. Her guilt gnawed her insides for keeping her husband in the dark.

She just wanted to help Cassy, her sister, who was shunned away by the society they grew up in.

But how can her husband understand her when possessiveness and jealousy rolled off of his skin every time Stellar as much as shake hands with another guy?

And now… after what she had done… how… How could Stellar make him see that there was no one else in her heart but him?

That she didn't run away from him?

That she didn't cheat on him?

That the photos that made the headlines were a ploy, a character assassination, made to break them apart?

It took them a journey of a thousand and one miles to find their way back to each other's hearts which they now call their home.

There was no way Stellar would throw it away for a mere misunderstanding.

Stellar watched him in bated breath as he pushed his weight off the wall. He was holding papers in his hand.

In the poorly lit room, Stellar couldn't see what he was grasping properly. Were those the newspapers this morning?

Suddenly, she snapped her eyes away from the papers and back to his eyes who mirrored nothing but his viciousness.

Despite of it all, despite how spine-chilling he appeared to be, in Stellar's heart she knew that the man standing a few feet away from her… was and always would be her husband.

That one person who lost his heart when he gave it to her.

Stellar audibly swallowed. She stood ramrod straight as her husband approached her. His steps were calculating like a predator waiting to pounce on his prey.

She, however, kept her chin jutted up, but her nervousness was apparent with how white her knuckle had turned from the force she was holding in her fist.

Standing before each other, Stellar craned her neck a little more, his towering height made her do so.

Pressing the documents on her chest, the love of her life spoke, his harsh and cold tone scraped at her skin, "I need these divorce papers signed and sent to my office first thing in the morning."