
Stellar:Edge of the Dark Blade

Magical beast upon appearing started creating portals called ''abyss of darkness''. Beast with rankings from Bronze to Grandmaster ranks just as humans. With beast causing havoc everywhere something had to be done, that was when the first person was able to awaken a weapon that was fatal enough to cause damages to beast unlike any other ordinary weapon. The ones who were able to awaken weapons were called Nimrods. A teenager of age fifteen had joined the ranks of the Nimrods to take on beast. Being the youngest to have taken up the job, people started making fun of him saying he was too proud of himself. ____ Once during a mission that had gone wrong, he found a rusted sword accidentally in an attempt to escape from a powerful beast that was attack him near an exit of abyss upon picking it up he passed out. What happened after he passed out? What power did the sword possess? Was he going to get stronger? What happens next? Find out as we dive into the mysterious era of weapons and magic, where humans rise against beast to claim what they once had called peace and happiness. Find more in "Stellar:Edge of the Dark Blade".

GenScorp · Fantasy
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15 Chs

1 Chapter 1

In an era where humans lived together peacefully with normal animals, hens,cocks and turkey roamed about as if they had no owners. The scariest animals humans ever knew were lions,tigers,snakes, cheetahs, tigers and many more.

In any case where a wild animals were met, the men took up the challenge and together they slayed the animal which they later used the hide of the wild animal for clothing for the head of the clan.The only work humans did were blacksmithing, farming,selling,hunting. People never thought there would be a day when they'd be deemed death because of a tragedy of monsters and beasts.

There came the day when everything was still as peaceful as it had always been but unfortunately the tragedy no one ever dreamt about had come to life. Beasts had appeared some with long fangs some running as fast as wind towards the little village, some had large wings that could cover more than five huts in the village, some that looked like birds but were much bigger than them, some breath out fire that destroyed half of the villge in a split of seconds. Snake-like beast with the heads of dragons. Wolves which were more aggressive with longer fangs than the natural wolves they knew.

These beasts had come to take their long peace and change it into fear and terror. No one ever wanted to realize this wasn't a nightmare. But this was the utter truth, the beast killed some of the humans and fed on them. The wails and cries of people shouting for help but who was there help.

People ran for their lives, men tried to slay the beast just like the other wild animals they had ever met, but it never worked. That was when it dawned on them "which kind of wild animals are these?" a man had asked. But the fear of being killed alone had rendered the other men speech. No one had any ideas in mind to kill these beast, it wasnt as if they hadn't killed wild animals before but the mere sight of these new beast had gone way beyond their comprehension.

The man who had asked earlier about the type of wild animals they were fighting tried convincing the other men not to give up but no one had the courage to be the scape goat of death. The men who had earlier bravely surrounded the beast now started running but it was to late. Anyone who had moved an inch from where they stood had their heads chopped of in split of seconds, making the others lose their hope of survival.

With his happening one by one the men who were the hope of the village were wiped out by the beast. No one had faith they'll ever be able to continue their life peacefully.

It was now left with six men facing the beasts that had brought havoc to the village. Seeing this Akira Slade the one who had been the only one asking questions since the beginning of this fight intended to charge in once more. Running towards one of the wolf beast, he jumped forward with his double axe before he could strike the the beast down, as if like an instinct someone said "jump back".

Akira didn't know the one said it but he still needed advice. Upon landing on the ground from his jump earlier, he quickly jumped back but before he could complete his action one swipe from the claw of the beast came slashing to his chest. The other men were all speechless at his performance right now as it was way more than a human.

Akira was baffled at what just happened, no one seemed to be the person who told Akira to jump up. Akira moved towards the beast again but this time it seemed his speed had improved a bit more than the average human speed. This he fought as if had been fighting these beast for many years. He was impressed at how his own performance was going but in a short time, one of the wolf beast pounced on him from the back unnoticed. The beast bit into his back causing him to yell out in a way that scared the other men. Once again their last hope was going to perish. But after a short amount of time, Akira started screaming in a painful manner.

The designs of a tiger with a snake tail that was on his double axe had started spreading around his head and covered his head fully like a tattoo. A blue flame surrounded his body as all his wounds healed. He was overflow with a blue aura that could be as a result of his tiger. His hair glowed in an orange color. The beast that were clinging to his body also started burning up. He turned towards the other five men and said "ophitigiris". A gigantic blue flamed tiger beast with the snake tail just like the one on his double axe had appeared behind him,this scared the other men.

Some few seconds later the designs of other imaginary beasts on the spears and swords of the five other men started spreading around different parts of their bodies. As if they were heeding the command of their master. Two men holding spears, Kenzo and Renzo who were actually twin siblings had the spears tattooing their left and right hands respectively of a beast which seemed to be a giant cobra with hard scales that could be called impenetrable scales and a very poisonous long fangs.

Sora and Rylan the other two men also holding swords had the tattoo on their left and right legs respectively of giant ice black panthers. Kaito a man who also held a iron staff had the tattoo on his chest of a giant red gorilla.

It was as if they were destined to meet during this battle. The tattoo had formed something similar to a full armor. This time all the six men charged in as if they were different people altogether. They smashed,pierced and slashed. A few moments after they had taken care of about a quarter of the beast and were still going on with their rampage.

Kenzo and Renzo were moving through the smaller beast with the flexibility as compared to that of a snake. All the beast they pierced with their spears got immobilized before they dealt the fatal blow to the head. Sora and Rylan with the swords moved as ten times faster than the natural black panther in the forest.

Every beast they were able to land a perfect fatal blow got frozen fully leaving the ice statues of all the beast they had slain. Kaito moved with higher agility than all of his mate, his jump was also far superior than all of them. With one of his high jumps to slay a flying beast, his landing was going to be a fatal one because several beast were awaiting his landing to attack but he put his iron staff in place and stood on it saying "Kyokai,First phase: landing of Ignis" this skill created a fatal slashing wind circulating around the end of the staff and it slayed the beast around in a 5m radius.

Akira walked through the beast with incredible might that every beast that came his way was taken care of with one slash from each of his double axe. Until the beasts also went on rampage due to how Akira easily killed them off. Alot of beasts swarm on him they were all werewolves but it seemed they had underestimated their opponent. Before the beast could finish Akira off he said "Kyokai,Twelfth phase: Unknown flames". His body was set ablaze as all the beasts around him had been reduced to ashes and the rest of the beasts started backing off. But chased them and took them down.

It had been five hours since this fight started and now it was left with the main problem. The beast that had its wings covering five huts it had destroyed,the dragon. The men had never seen it before but by instinct they knew it was undoubtedly the most powerful beast around. Kaito dashed towards the dragon to strike a it head but upon he first strike which wasn't even successful, the shock from it scales alone made his hands shiver. His was when the other men understood how critical the situation was.

Sora and Rylan also rushed in to also strike it but it seemed as if they were actually cleaning the dust of it hard scales with wool since their sword didn't even scratch the scales. Akira dashed to also strike it but the results were still the same. All this while the dragon didn't treat the men as a threat to it until.

"Kyokai,Twelfth phase: Unknown flame" the dragon roared in pain and looked in the direction of Akira. The dragon stood up and with one breath of fire in the direction of Akira. Akira sensed the danger ahead and moved back before the breath of fire came cleansing everything in the surrounding. Not even the bones of the already dead beasts could withstand the attack from the dragon everything was reduced to ashes.

When the dragon looked in the direction of the six men, it couldn't believe what it saw. "Impossible,this is impossible. How can mere humans possess the spirit of the divine ones." it said. " But anyways I think you still haven't awakened the full spirit so don't get ahead of yourselves". The dragon breathed a huge storm of fire upon them.

As the huge storm approached Kaito rushed forward with his iron staff and shouted "Kyokai,Seventh phase: Ignis,Wind God's wrath" a skill that unleashes a divine storm of wind in the direction in which the iron stuff was struck. Kaito was spinning the staff whiles running towards the incoming flame storm. He jumped up and struck the staff in the direction of the fire causing storm of wind to clash with the fire eliminating the threat of the fire. "Impossible" the dragon said again.

Now knowing the possibility of defeating the dragon. Akira dashed towards the dragon again but the dragon slashed it tail at him. Before the tail of the dragon could hit Akira, "Kyokai, Fifth phase:Great slam" a skill that increases weight of anything struck by Kaito's iron staff with gravity. Kaito struck the tail of he dragon down.

Akira thanked him and continued on. The dragon flew up to avoid being struck but it actually made the wrong move. "Fifth phase: Great slam" Kaito said as he slammed down the dragon again. "Kyokai,Twelfth phase: Unknown flame" said Akira as he dragged his double axe across the scales of the dragon.

The dragon roared in pain breathing fire upon Akira who also continued dodging it. Kenzo and Renzo also followed up with their combo "Kyokai,Seventh phase: Fangs of megaophis" a skill that injects poison into anything pierced by the twin's spear. The poison attacks every part of the nervous system of the victim immobilizing them.

As the dragon started rampaging from the pain of the poison, Akira hanged up on the dragon and continued till he reached the head of the dragon and jumped down. Kaito followed up with another "Kyokai,Fifth phase:Great slam" on the head of the dragon making it to fall on it belly. Sora and Rylan took the chance as Rylan dashed at high speed towards the head and Sora towards the back of the dragon.

Rylan pierced his sword in the head of the dragon as Sora also pierced his into the back of the dragon. With both saying "Kyokai,Tenth phase:Crystal cataclysm" a skill that creates a massive crystal explosion that freezes anything in it path.

Sora and Rylan started running towards each other as they met, they clashed their swords, causing an explosive and fatal damage to the dragon bringing about its death. "I really underestimated the power of six divine beasts of altogether."the dragon said before its death. Right after the last blow was dealt they all passed out for over exerting themselves the first time they had awaken their weapons.

"Akira!,Akira!,Akira! wake up. Look at all this crowd they seem to be praising us. They're saying we are the ones who saved the village, do you remember anything?" asked Kaito. " No, I can't remember anything" answered Akira looking shocked at the blood on his shirt and that of Kaito's. He asked "Kaito,if I may ask what's with the blood in our shirts?" " Well,I also don't know. I just woke up to the loud noise made by the crowd." "Then I think we have to play along" said Akira.

When he tried standing up from the ground he had passed out on, that was when it came rushing back at him the memories of the battle they had with the beasts that attacked the village.

"I think I just remembered" said Sora. "Yeah,I also just remembered" said Akira. "Then I think we actually saved the village let's rejoice"said Kenzo who was scratching the back of his head. " Yeah" they all said in unison. The six men Akira,Sora,Kaito,Rylan,Kenzo and Renzo then took up their weapons. Immediately they picked up their weapons, it disappeared like incinerated crystals but they could still feel the weapons were with them, so they ignored what just happened.

"Let's celebrate a victorious end of the war thought" the crowd but the six men still sensed other beast far away and knew the war had just started but they kept quiet to put the crowd at ease. The beginning of the very attack of the beasts was victorious. Well that was a good luck to he village. But they weren't the only village that got attacked by these new beast but they were the first village to awaken six "nimrods" that was what the village people called them so they had no choice but to accept it.

This was when the first and most powerful nimrods were created through the attack of the beasts.

***Somewhere in the forest***

" I never knew the humans were this strong" said one of the werewolves to their Alpha. "We attacked at the wrong time. Next time we must plan well" said the Apha. This were the group of werewolves that had escaped upon seeing the first man to awaken his weapon.