
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

lordanl · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 61

The capital city of the planet, Aranta, seemed to have sprung directly from the heart of nature. Majestic palaces of marble and gold rose towards the sky, adorned with gigantic pillars boasting intricate carvings. They intertwined with beautiful trees, vines, and vegetation of all kinds, creating a striking yet harmonious and elegant scene.

Beyond the magnificent marble palaces lay the homes of Aranta's inhabitants. Constructed from a material similar to concrete, these dwellings were anything but ordinary. Each facade served as a canvas for unique artistic expressions, with varied designs that harmoniously merged with the lush vegetation surrounding them.

The streets of Aranta were a spectacle in themselves. Paved with perfectly cut and leveled stones, they formed pathways that gently intertwined with the surrounding greenery. The integration was so natural it seemed as if the streets had been laid out by nature itself.

As the sun set, a magical spectacle came to life in Aranta. Floating luminaries, emitting soft and warm light tones, began to glow, gracefully floating above the paths. These lights, beyond their practical function of illuminating the streets, symbolized the magic that permeated the city, turning the nights in Aranta into a dreamlike stage.

In addition to their beauty, the streets of Aranta were the center of social and cultural life. Open-air markets offered local crafts and foods, while musicians and street performers filled the air with melodies and visual spectacles.

At the heart of Aranta, winding among its mystical streets, was the Bazaar of a Thousand Aromas, a place where the city's life manifested in its fullest expression. Upon entering, visitors were greeted by a symphony of scents: exotic spices, fresh flowers, and the tempting aroma of traditional dishes being cooked in small stalls. Vendors, proud of their products, invited passersby to sample their delicacies, ranging from artisanal sweets to fruits unknown to foreign palates, followed by all kinds of local crafts and uniquely appearing jewelry.

In the midst of the bustling and joyful street stood Erik, dressed casually in a navy blue short-sleeved shirt, beige pants, simple leather shoes that matched his shirt, and sunglasses, a style that starkly contrasted with the predominant attire in the area.

The inhabitants of Aranta seemed to prefer light, flowing fabrics like fine silks and linens in bright colors, adorned with all sorts of geometric patterns, which gracefully moved with each step.

Accompanying Erik were Eleonora and Sigrún, each taking one of his arms in an intimate embrace. The ethereally beautiful women wore gorgeous outfits that also contrasted with the surroundings.

"How are you finding the planet Aranta?" Sigrún asked with a smile, offering Erik a skewer of various roasted and lightly seasoned vegetables directly to his mouth.

Sigrún wore a beautiful summer dress with wildflower prints and sheer sleeves, accompanied by a rope belt that cinched at her waist, beautifully highlighting her curvaceous figure. On her head, she elegantly wore a wide-brimmed hat that matched her leather bag and strappy sandals.

After taking a bite of the skewer, which tasted quite decent, Erik commented, "It's an interesting place, quite different from the university."

"Fufufu, you're right. Although the Auroria system isn't particularly advanced, it really stands out for the unique artistic style applied to almost everything."

In contrast, Eleonora wore a beautiful, wide white blouse adorned with delicate embroidery at the neckline and denim shorts in a faded blue, short and cool, with a subtly adorned hem. Along with her strappy sandals, these highlighted her long, delicate legs with the elegance of a dancer. From her shoulder hung a beautifully designed canvas bag, and she wore sunglasses, completing her outfit.

Behind Erik walked Seraphina, who had a serious and professional expression, wearing a beautiful dress that seemed like a very liberal interpretation of a Victorian maid's dress, with a casual and light style, ideal for vacationing.

The dress, in soft tones, featured a high collar that smoothly merged into a light, airy fabric, perfect for leisurely, sunny days. The wide, flowing skirt fell from the waist, and along with lace and ruffle details, it gave the beautiful maid a subtle yet impressive air, complemented by strappy sandals adorning her delicate feet.

"Yes, they have a quite interesting style," Erik commented as he observed Aranta's intriguing architecture. But at that moment, a beautiful, melodious voice asked in a friendly yet confident tone.

"Dear tourists, would you like a small tour of the city?"

Erik turned towards the source of the voice with curiosity and found a beautiful young lady who appeared to be about sixteen years old, with blue eyes radiating confidence. Her face seemed delicately and carefully sculpted, providing her with fine and gentle features that denoted innocence and youth, greatly contrasting with her self-assured and experienced eyes.

The young lady's hair was a cascade of brown threads, which, despite being tied at the back of her head, flowed freely and gracefully with the wind, softly framing her face. She wore a beautiful dress similar to those commonly seen around the city, with skirts of silks and vibrant colors that complemented the various geometric patterns embroidered on it.


Sigrún was about to speak to decline the beautiful young lady's offer, but just before she could do so, Erik's voice was heard, asking in a somewhat cheerful tone.

"Really? A young girl like you can be a tourist guide?"

"Of course, dear tourist. I'm even recognized as one of the best. I know the best places to eat, the most suitable spots for a romantic date, and even the places that don't take advantage of tourists," the beautiful young lady replied with a confident smile on her face, to which Erik responded.

"Hehehe, then let me test your skills." After saying that, Erik took out a small linen bag from his storage ring and handed it to the girl, who quickly examined its contents, her eyes nearly popping out of their sockets at what she found.

Meanwhile, Eleonora, Sigrún, and Seraphina watched Erik, who, although sounding cheerful, couldn't hide a nostalgic expression on his face, not even with his sunglasses, as he looked at the girl.

The three women suddenly felt as if a meteorite had struck their heads, immediately understanding the source of Erik's nostalgia. Before Erik met Sigrún, he had to survive on the streets in various ways, one of which was helping people in a local bazaar find better prices, so the girl seemed to have reminded him of those times from his childhood.

Sigrún and Eleonora felt a bit sad and hugged Erik's arms tighter, almost as if trying to remind him that he would never have to go through that again, while Seraphina momentarily lost her perfect maid persona and ended up gently grabbing a corner of Erik's shirt, wanting him to know that he could always count on her.

"Isn't that a fair payment?" Erik commented with a smile, seeing the girl who seemed to be on cloud nine at the sight of the small amount of medium purity mana crystals in the bag.

Erik's voice seemed to awaken the young lady from her astonishment, and she quickly hid the small bag among her clothes, then bowed politely and spoke with an even more respectful voice.

"The payment is more than enough; it's an honor to serve as a guide for the young master. Please, tell me, what would you like to visit first? A place to eat, or perhaps a spot with a good view?"

"For now, take us to see interesting things in the city."

"Of course, young master, as you wish."