
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

lordanl · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 27

"I understand," Erik nodded gravely at his master's words, and she posed another question to him.

"What do you think is the most important thing to achieve magic?"


"Hahahaha, you're not entirely wrong, but in reality, the most important thing is 'orders'."

"Orders?" Erik looked at his teacher with confusion, and she lovingly stroked his hair before continuing.

"Yes, orders. Do you remember the concept of an algorithm you learned with Eli?"

"Yes, a set sequence of steps to achieve a goal."

"Exactly, and a spell in essence is the same thing, only each step is giving a specific order to your mana so that it acts in a certain way to produce a specific outcome."

"But master, if they are just orders, why do we need runes and magic circles?"

"That's a great question. It's not that they are strictly necessary to cast a spell. For instance, practitioners of the Zazen discipline only use their minds and bodies to cast spells. But that comes with a price, and that is precisely the disadvantage of this magic system.

To cast a powerful spell that is also adaptable, has a compact and organized structure, maximizing its power and minimizing its flaws, making it error-tolerant, one needs to issue a large number of very precise orders. Runes and magic circles are, in a way, a set of pre-recorded orders. So, through them, you can cast spells without paying much attention to each order, and thanks to this, your repertoire of spells will be as extensive as the number of runes or magic circles you know.

On the other hand, in the Zazen discipline, even though it undoubtedly offers the greatest versatility and control over a spell, the amount of time it takes to master them is exponentially longer than with other systems."

"So, master, does that mean that so far, I've used spells like the Zazen discipline?"

"Hehehe, technically yes, but in reality, your flying slashes or solidified myst arrows can't be considered a spell. After all, you use very few orders, which makes their structure very weak and scattered. This is precisely why your arrows are so fragile and also why you have to first get used to the concentration of myst in the area to be able to launch your slashes."

"I see..."

(So basically, runes and magic circles are software that runs on the hardware, which is my mana. How interesting...)

Erik seemed to reflect on several things as Sigrún watched him calmly, allowing him to process all the information he was receiving.

"Now, I'll explain a bit about the specialties of mana users."


"Yes, although basically in combat there are only two, long-range and short-range, and each magic system names them differently. In the Aegis system, the long-range ones are known as Seidr or sorcerers, and the short-range ones as Hersir. In sacred geometry, there are mages and knights, and in the Zazen discipline, the long-range are called spiritual cultivators and the short-range are body cultivators, but they are all essentially the same."

"Why do you have to be divided like that, master? Can't a long-range mage attack up close?"

"Well, it's not that they can't, it's just that the way we develop is different, especially from the revealed level. We, the long-range ones, develop a magic core, which gives us the ability to increase the amount of mana we possess and greatly improves our control of it. This allows us to execute much more complex spells at a greater distance. However, the short-range ones use their body cells to store mana. This gives them a body that's several times stronger, but in exchange, they lose a lot of control. Thus, they can only execute simpler and short-range spells."

"So, you're either one or the other."

"Exactly. Though many have tried to walk both paths simultaneously, it's proven to be unviable. Mainly because it's very expensive. The resources needed to do so could easily finance several mana users, both short and long-range, to achieve the same level. Additionally, if you do more than one thing at a time, you can only pay half the attention to each thing, and they fall behind over time."

"I see, though it would be great to have super strength and super spells at the same time."

"Hahaha, many think the same. But let's continue. How about I explain the basic techniques of mana control and harmony with Myst?"

"Of course, master."

Sigrún stood up from her chair, and a board appeared in front of Erik where she began to write some things.

"Well, you actually managed to master several of them purely by instinct on the island. But we should still review them. First of all, the techniques of mana control and harmony with Myst are divided into 4 categories: novice, intermediate, advanced, and master. For now, we will look at the novice level."

Erik nodded and began to write in his notebook, which made Sigrún smile. She continued with her explanation.

"In the novice category, the most basic techniques are grouped, and anyone wishing to begin in magic must learn them. First, we have Mana Control. After feeling mana for the first time, the first thing a novice must learn is to control and manipulate their own mana throughout their body.

Secondly, there is Mystical Breathing, which means that novices must learn a specific breathing technique to synchronize with the Myst and in that way improve their mana recovery."

Erik raised his hand intending to ask a question, and Sigrún quickly allowed him.

"Ask away, Erik."

"Master, why can I do that without needing a special way of breathing?"

"Hehehe, you actually do have a specific way of breathing, you just don't notice it. The exercises you practice every day are known as bio-mystical exercises, which are a combination of physical movements, breathing techniques, and movements of mana in the body. This helps to better synchronize with the Myst and strengthens both the mana and the body simultaneously."

"Wow, I didn't know... so everyone has their own special exercises," Erik commented in surprise, but was quickly interrupted by Sigrún, who corrected him.

"You're mistaken, Erik. Bio-mystical exercises are very special. So, one could say that you are a genius among geniuses for being able to create your own set of bio-mystical exercises. Others inherit sets of exercises that have been handed down from generation to generation, refined and perfected over time."

"A genius? Me?" Erik pointed to himself while looking at his teacher, very puzzled.

"Yes, you're an unparalleled genius, Erik," Sigrún replied with a smile, which only intensified Erik's confusion.

"But master, Desmond is about my age, and he's so much stronger. He must be the real genius."

"Hahahaha," Sigrún laughed heartily at Erik's genuinely puzzled and innocent expression, believing Desmond to be about his age. "Erik, how old do you think Desmond and Liliana are?"

"I'd say between 18 and 20," Erik answered, not understanding his teacher's laughter.

"Hahahaha," Unable to contain herself any longer, Sigrún hugged Erik tightly while laughing out loud. After a moment, she calmed down, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and placed him back in his seat. "I'm sorry, Erik. You're just too adorable. To correct you, Liliana is about 35, and Desmond is over 500."

"WHAT?!!" Erik jumped from his chair like a startled rabbit, staring at Sigrún who was giggling like a little girl.

"Hahahaha, let me explain how age works for us, mana users. First, you should know that the first time life is extended is at the novice level, up to 150 years. From that point on, all mana users stop aging and remain in our prime. So, how you look is pretty much how you feel. However, this changes in the last third of our lives, where we start to age slowly until the last 50 years of our life. Then we start aging at an accelerated pace and depart from this world."