
Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

In a galaxy where magic is more essential than air, and humans have reached the stars backed by ancient magical systems, we find a unique young man. With hair dark as the night sky and eyes full of memories that don't seem to belong to this life, he stands between two distinct realities. As he delves into the tangled dynamics of star governments and crosses paths with unforgettable individuals, his particular sense of right and wrong, shaped by echoes from another time, guides him—though not always in the expected direction.

lordanl · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 15

The bag that Eleonora was carrying was one that Erik had made for her a while ago, which, by the way, both his masters, Ebonique and Ignis should already have a collection of, given all the ones they had made him make, although it was rare to see them using them.

The beautiful bag had a charming design that matched the dress perfectly, after all, Erik was 'heavily inspired' by a certain renowned brand from his past life, though to be realistic, he just blatantly copied the design, and the same happened with many of the things he made for his masters, because after looking everywhere, he realized that many of those designs did not exist here, or at least they had been lost in time.

"Umu, you look very good like this, let's go."

Eleonora, excited, took Erik's hand and led him out of the mansion, where she seemed to remember something and from her storage ring appeared two pairs of glasses, one with a black frame and the other with a blue frame. Handing the black-framed ones to Erik, she commented.

"Put these glasses on and don't take them off." After Eleonora said that, a magical circle appeared over Erik's head, which caused his hair to become completely black, completely hiding the typical starry pattern that accompanied him, "Now it's ready."

Erik put on the glasses without asking much and left the mansion hand in hand with his master. To Erik's surprise, people on the street seemed to ignore them and although he had become relatively known since his photo spread across the planet, that was incomparable to his master, who, although no one had the courage to approach her, always stole all the looks of the passersby whenever she went out.

But now it was almost as if they did not exist, nobody particularly noticed them and they seemed to be ignored, which quite surprised Erik, who brought his hand up to his glasses.

"Fufufufu, what do you think of my little gadget? Very useful, isn't it?" Eleonora commented with a small proud smile on her lips.

"They're incredible... Are we invisible or something?"

"Not at all, it just slightly changes our appearances and presences, making us look like ordinary, everyday people."

"How powerful are these glasses?"

"Well, actually no one below a master can see through them."


"Fufufufufu, come on, we'll be late."

After a slight smile, Eleonora led Erik through an area of the city he had never explored, though well, it's not like he did much exploring to begin with. But about 15 minutes later, the couple arrived at what seemed to be a train station, with its architectural structure of glass and metal, and digital screens displaying all sorts of schedules and destinations.

Crossing the automatic doors, the couple was greeted by a spacious and futuristic lobby. Holographic information panels floated in the air, and self-service terminals glowed with a soft blue light. The atmosphere was imbued with a fresh, almost metallic scent, and a buzz of energy filled the space, as if the structure itself was alive.

Eleonora led Erik to one of the self-service terminals, where she placed a crystal card very similar to Erik's, which appeared in her hand from her storage ring. She went through a process very similar to the one Erik used to enroll in a class and bought two tickets.

After purchasing the tickets, Eleonora guided Erik to a small line where people placed cards of different colors into what seemed to be a small scanner and continued walking.

"Erik, now you have to put your card next to mine when we pass."

"Alright, Mas..." Erik stopped mid-sentence when Eleonora squeezed his hand tighter, and she with a small smile whispered softly.




After Erik remained silently looking at her, Eleonora repeated with a meaningful smile, so the young man had no choice but to obediently surrender and commented, defeated.

"Alright, Eleonora."

"Fufufufu, let's go."

Eleonora led Erik with a big smile on her face, and after placing their cards together on the scanner, they passed into what seemed to be a Boarding Platform. Unlike any train station or airport that Erik had been to, this area was composed of a series of cylindrical capsules lined up on elevated launch platforms. Each capsule, resembling a futuristic train carriage, had walls of tinted glass and ergonomic seats inside.

The couple entered one of the capsules through sliding glass doors that emitted a soft musical tone when opened, joined by other passengers. Once inside, a synthesized voice welcomed them and instructed them to fasten their seatbelts. The atmosphere in the capsule was soothing, with gentle lights that changed colors to relax the travelers.

As the doors closed and everyone was secured, a soft hum began to resonate, increasing in intensity until it completely filled the capsule. Digital panels inside displayed a countdown: "Teleportation in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." And in the blink of an eye, with a blinding flash of lights and a momentary feeling of weightlessness, they arrived at their destination.

Erik looked around in surprise at the whole situation, since although it wasn't the first time he had teleported, it was the first time he used a facility like this; all his teleportation experiences involved being taken somewhere by his masters, and since he so rarely went out, he didn't even know something like this existed in the city, despite having lived there for over a decade.

"I think I need to get out more…" Erik commented thoughtfully as he exited the transport station with Eleonora, which looked almost exactly the same as the one they had entered just moments before.

"Fufufufu, now you start to realize what you've missed out on by wanting to seem like a hermit holed up in the mansion, but don't worry, little by little we will get to know the whole planet," Eleonora commented joyfully while hugging Erik's right arm into her ample bosom, which snapped the young man out of his thoughts.

"Thank you for the experience, Mast... Eleonora," Erik said with a smile, which only made them look like a couple in love to the bystanders.

"Fufufufu, it's still too early, we still have a lot of things to do."

The couple left the station with Eleonora still clinging to Erik's arm with no intention of letting go. The street outside was a revelation for Erik, who never went out, unlike the landscape he was accustomed to, where everything was perfectly organized and everyone wore similar white robes, here things were very different.

Despite having just finished his breakfast, Erik now saw the place enveloped in the darkness of the night, where glowing runes and holographic signs of all kinds stood out. The scene was as if someone had taken fragments of different eras and fused them into a single scene, an impressive amalgam of the ancient, the futuristic, and the magical, was on full display on the bustling street.

The streets were crowded with people wearing anything but the university uniform; although many dressed in clothes similar to what Erik and Eleonora wore, there were also many different styles. Some sported ultramodern business suits, while others donned outfits that seemed to belong to science fiction narratives or fantasy worlds.

The architecture was a spectacle in itself. Glass and steel skyscrapers stood majestically, their facades reflecting images of older, more ornate buildings that could have been pulled from centuries past. Beyond, one could see floating parks and gardens in the air, suspended by the wonders of magic.

As for traffic, there were all sorts of terrestrial and aerial vehicles, but unlike the orderly and almost choreographed movement Erik was used to seeing when he went to class, here the traffic was more like a chaotic yet perfectly coordinated dance of all kinds of machines.

"This is incredible…" Erik commented almost dreamily, looking around like the good country bumpkin he is, which caused a pleasant laugh in Eleonora.