Driven by an unquenchable thirst for scientific exploration, Rintarou Okabe is a nonconformist researcher who joins forces with scatterbrained Mayuri Shiina and roommate Itaru Hashida to create the Future Gadget Laboratory. This team of ambitious scientists hopes to develop amazing technological advancements beyond human comprehension. Sadly, their most notable gadget is a microwave that turns bananas into green goo. Rintarou sets his sights on time travel when he attends a lecture given by neuroscientist Kurisu Makise. Strange things begin to happen, making Rintarou believe that the "Phone Microwave" is more powerful than he first realized. As Rintarou experiments with the "time machine" and the ability to send text messages to the past, his actions attract the attention of the mysterious organization, SERN. Rintarou and his team are constantly in danger as a result of their groundbreaking discovery. While Rintarou tries to prevent the destruction of the timeline, he faces multiple threats that could harm those he loves and jeopardize his sanity.