
Steeling Mr. Ceo's Job

Xia Sarmiento believes that 'Life is a tragic story'. In an early age, she became disordered. People seem to downgrade her ability but as long as they downgrade her, the more she want to prove them wrong. After being fully recovered with her illness, another problem crashed into their lives. In order to keep their business, she had to marry the CEO of Madrigal Corporation, Alessandro Madrigal. Even if she refused to sacrifice her own freedom for the nonsense business of theirs, her father got her blackmailed so there is no way to run. As a woman, she want a fair life. She want everyone to suffer as she did. She want everyone to feel the same thing as hers. Life is naturally full of unfair things, crashing enemies to be successful, dragging others down to reach the top, are a perfect definition of 'unfair'. A sudden evil plan occured in her mind. She thinks that a man as rich as him haven't tasted being poor and he won't probably handle it. So in order to make life fair, she is going to steel everything he owns and make him suffer. Little did she know, the same plan suddenly occured in his mind. He's going to steel her heart, her soul, and her body and trick with her, then he's going to drop her and cut all connections between them. Alessandro thinks that this woman only needs his money, a gold-digger. (Beware for those ppl who hate sad endings. I wasn't decided with the ending yet, but I always prefer sad endings so BEWARE. Don't tell me I haven't warned you) -XiaoFeng / Faith

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4 Chs

Newly wed, famous couple

"Mr. Madrigal, it's my pleasure to finally meet you." A man in a grey suit greeted.

"Pleasure? You don't look pleased at all." He teased before he walk towards the hotel doors after leaving the man behind.

His assistant instantly felt sorry for the man who got humiliated by her own boss.

"Sorry sir, my master seemed to be in a not so good mood." She bowed before walking behind Alessandro Madrigal.

"Mr. Madrigal, I heard rumors that you are getting married. Is it true?" Another man in a black suit greeted him and asked.

"Rumors? Well, that rumors seems to be convincing." He answered keeping his poker face so hard to remove. He immediately walk towards his table leaving the man in a black suit behind, once again.

His assistant awkwardly smiled and bowed at the man before following Alessandro Madrigal's way.

"Sir, do you have any problems? Why do you keep on maltreating people who tend to greet you?" Seya Lim, his assistant, asked.

"Maltreating? I don't think so." He shrugged before sitting on his chair.

"Sir? You sure you're okay?" Seya Lim, who was frightened by his actions, once again asked.

"Yeah. I want you to handle the business about my marriage. Assure the media about my marriage rumors. And stop asking any further." Alessandro Madrigal ordered. Seya Lim who was surprised with his actions, immediately nodded her head. 'He want to tell everyone that he's getting married? Weird.'

'What's wrong with this man? He's acting strangely today. Is he sure he's not sick?' She thought thinking of an appropriate reason behind his weird acts.

"Yes, sir. I understand." She thought for a while before asking something, "Sir, do you want me to expose the woman behind this marriage? People will surely ask for it."

"Don't. Let her do it by herself." So, she stopped bothering him and just watched as the famous couple arrived in the venue.

Cameras are blinking anywhere, pointing their lenses at the famous couple who just arrived. In a red gown, Lara Ignacio was stunningly beautiful. She instantly catched everyone's attention paired with a man in a black suit who can make every woman melt by his stares.

Jinno Ignacio together with his wife, Lara Ignacio smiled at the cameras flashing at them. 'This couple is a definition of perfect'. However, they are Alessandro Madrigal's colleague so they sat at the table same as his.

"Mr. Madrigal, I'm disappointed to see your assistant here as your partner. I thought this time, you'll finally bring your woman." He humored before greeting Seya Lim.

"Don't worry Mr. Ignacio, the next time around, you won't ever see my face in this kind of events. Instead, it will be my future madam." She joked. Seya Lim laughed together with the couple as Alessandro Madrigal kept a poker face.

'Do they really have to talk about that in front of me?'

Poor Alessandro... Thanks for reading.

Love from your author,

Xiao Feng / Faith

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