
Steel Horizon

In the aftermath of a devastating robot uprising in 2752 Tokyo, Hiroto Tanaka, a resourceful 16-year-old highschool student, discovers Akatsuki Academy—a haven where survivors harness "Circuit Arts" to combat rogue machines. With friends like Yuki, Takeshi, Ren, Mei and Akari, Hiroto navigates a perilous world where alliances blur and the true intentions of the robotic leader, Omega, challenge everything he believes. As Hiroto trains and fights, he must unravel the mysteries of the uprising to protect what's left to save humanity.

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35 Chs

The Forgotten Outpost

The morning sun shone through the windows of the academy as we gathered in the briefing room. Captain Fujimoto, with his short stature, grey hair, bald spot, and the signature mole on his lip, stood at the front, cigar in hand. The atmosphere was tense; we knew something significant was about to happen.

"Good morning, team," he began, his voice steady. "We have a new mission. One that's unlike anything you've done before."

We all leaned forward, curiosity piqued. "This is an off-the-books operation," Fujimoto continued. "It's about a forgotten outpost. An old research facility deep in the mountains, abandoned for years. We've recently picked up some unusual signals from that area."

He clicked a button on his remote, and a holographic map of the mountain range appeared before us. "This facility was once used for advanced AI research, similar to Project Umbra. It's crucial we investigate it."

Yuki raised an eyebrow. "Why wasn't this on our radar before?"

"The facility was decommissioned and erased from records due to an... incident," Fujimoto explained, a shadow crossing his face. "But it seems someone—or something—has reactivated it."

Takeshi nodded thoughtfully. "So, what's our objective?"

Fujimoto took a drag from his cigar. "Infiltrate the facility, gather any data you can find, and shut down whatever's causing those signals. We don't know what to expect, so be prepared for anything."

As we suited up, there was a mix of excitement and anxiety. This mission was different—an unknown challenge. I could see the determination in my friends' eyes.

"Ready for this, Hiroto?" Akari asked, adjusting her gear.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline.

The journey to the mountains was long and treacherous. We flew over rugged terrain, the academy shrinking into the distance. The landscape below was a mix of dense forests and rocky cliffs.

As we soared over the rugged terrain, an alarm suddenly blared in our transport vehicle.

"Incoming!" Ren shouted from the cockpit, his eyes wide with alarm.

Out of nowhere, a swarm of flying robots emerged, their sleek forms cutting through the sky. They were faster and more agile than anything we had encountered before.

"Everyone, brace yourselves!" Captain Fujimoto yelled, gripping the side of the vehicle as it swerved to avoid the oncoming assault.

Laser fire erupted around us, the air crackling with energy. Our transport vehicle dipped and dived, trying to evade the relentless attack.

"Get on the turrets!" Takeshi commanded, his voice steady despite the chaos.

Akari and I scrambled to the side-mounted turrets, gripping the controls tightly. As the flying robots closed in, we opened fire, our shots lighting up the sky.

"Focus on their engines!" Yuki shouted, her voice barely audible over the noise.

I aimed carefully, targeting the closest robot. My shots found their mark, and the robot exploded in a shower of sparks. Akari was right beside me, her turret blazing as she took down another attacker.

"They're not letting up!" Mei called from the back, her eyes scanning the swarm. "We need to shake them off!"

Ren piloted the vehicle with expert precision, maneuvering through the rocky landscape. He looped around a towering cliff, the sharp turn causing several robots to crash into the rocks.

"We can't keep this up forever!" Takeshi warned, his voice strained.

"Hold them off for just a bit longer!" Ren replied, his focus unwavering. "I have an idea."

The robots continued their relentless pursuit, their attacks growing more coordinated. Just as it seemed like we were overwhelmed, Ren dove the vehicle into a narrow canyon, the walls closing in around us.

"What's the plan, Ren?" I asked, my hands still gripping the turret controls.

"We use the terrain to our advantage," Ren said, his voice calm and calculated. "These things might be fast, but they're not as agile as us."

He navigated the canyon with incredible skill, the walls a blur as we sped through. The robots struggled to keep up, their formation breaking as they tried to navigate the tight turns.

"Now, let's finish this!" Ren shouted, pulling the vehicle into a sharp climb.

As we ascended, Akari and I fired at the disoriented robots below. One by one, they exploded, their wreckage falling into the canyon.

"We did it!" Yuki cheered, the last of the robots disappearing from the radar.

"Good work, everyone," Fujimoto said, his voice filled with pride. "Now, let's get to that outpost."

The rest of the flight was tense but uneventful. When we finally landed at the base of the mountains, the air was crisp and cold. We moved stealthily, our steps barely making a sound on the forest floor.

"Stick together," Ren whispered, leading the way. "We don't know what kind of security systems might be active."

As we approached the outpost, the structure loomed ahead—an imposing, weathered building partially hidden by overgrown vegetation. It looked like it hadn't been touched in years.

"Looks abandoned enough," Mei said, her voice tinged with skepticism.

"Let's keep it that way," Yuki replied, scanning the area for any signs of movement.

Inside, the facility was eerily silent. Dust-covered consoles and flickering lights created an atmosphere straight out of a horror movie. We moved cautiously, every creak and groan of the old building putting us on edge.

"Check this out," Takeshi said, pointing to a console that had been recently powered on. "Someone's been here."

Ren nodded, pulling out his toolkit. "Let's see what we can find."

As they worked, I kept a lookout, my eyes drifting to Akari. Despite the tension, she looked focused and determined. I couldn't help but admire her composure.

Suddenly, an alarm blared, and the facility's automated defenses activated. Laser turrets emerged from the walls, and mechanical drones whirred to life.

"Incoming!" I shouted, diving for cover as a barrage of laser fire erupted.

We scattered, each of us taking on different targets. Ren and Takeshi focused on disabling the turrets, while Yuki and Mei provided cover fire. Akari and I took on the drones, our movements synchronized as we dodged and weaved through the chaos.

"Watch your left, Hiroto!" Akari called, taking out a drone that had snuck up on me.

"Thanks!" I replied, blasting another drone out of the air.

The battle was intense, the air filled with the sounds of clashing metal and energy blasts. Despite the odds, we fought fiercely, our training kicking in as we adapted to the situation.

As I dodged a laser shot, I noticed Ren at the console, working frantically to shut down the defenses. "Almost there," he shouted, sweat dripping from his brow.

"Cover him!" I yelled to the others, moving to provide additional protection. Akari and I took up positions near Ren, fending off the drones that swarmed around us.

Just as a drone fired a shot aimed at Ren, I lunged, using my body to shield him. The laser grazed my arm, a searing pain shooting through me. "Got it!" Ren exclaimed, hitting the final command. The turrets and drones powered down instantly, the room falling into an eerie silence.

"Everyone okay?" Ren asked, looking around.

"Yeah, just a few scrapes," Yuki replied, brushing dust off her uniform.

"Same here," Takeshi added, wincing slightly as he checked a minor burn on his arm.

We regrouped, gathering around the console Ren had been working on. "I think I found something," he said, pulling up a series of encrypted files.

"What is it?" Mei asked, peering over his shoulder.

"Logs and data from the facility's last days of operation," Ren explained. "It looks like they were working on something called 'Project Phantom.'"

"Another AI project?" Akari asked.

"Possibly," Ren replied. "But it's different. From what I can decipher, it involves advanced cloaking technology and infiltration tactics."

"Great," I muttered. "Just what we need—an invisible enemy."

As we downloaded the data, a faint hum filled the air. "Uh, guys?" Yuki said, looking around. "I think we triggered something."

The walls shimmered, revealing a hidden compartment. Inside was a sleek, advanced-looking drone—different from the others we had encountered. It activated, its eyes glowing with an ominous red light.

"Time to go!" Ren shouted, grabbing the data drive.

We sprinted for the exit, the drone hot on our heels. It fired at us, its shots narrowly missing as we dodged and weaved through the corridors.

"Keep moving!" Akari yelled, blasting at the drone to slow it down.

We burst out of the facility, the fresh air a stark contrast to the claustrophobic halls. The drone followed us outside, but as it crossed the threshold, it suddenly powered down and crashed to the ground.

"What just happened?" Takeshi asked, panting.

"It must have a limited range," Ren speculated, examining the deactivated drone.

"Let's hope so," I said, catching my breath. "Come on, let's get back to the academy and see what we found."

The journey back was filled with a mix of relief and exhaustion. We had survived the unknown and uncovered crucial information about a new threat.

Back at the academy, we handed the data over to Captain Fujimoto. "Good work, team," he said, his eyes scanning the files. "Project Phantom... This could be a game-changer."