
Chapter 31 Horse Palm Ivan


The battle at the ford had ended, and two Dusacks dragged a man with an oval scar on his face, not yet dead, to the side of the lieutenant.

"I will only ask once," Winters, who was sitting on a large rock and wiping his saber, said without lifting his head, "where is your hideout?"

The four captured bandits knelt before the lieutenant shivering, while the bow-and-crossbow-wielding people of Wolf Town stood angrily around the prisoners.

With a superior number, the people of Wolf Town could easily deal with the bandit gang of thirty or forty men once they were effectively organized.

With a single charge led by Winters and his cavalry, the bandits, who had just been acting fiercely, scattered like birds and beasts.

When Gerard arrived with the rear guard, the battle completely turned into a rout of the fleeing enemy.

The four surviving bandits were lucky because they were personally captured by the lieutenant who wanted to keep a few alive for interrogation.