
Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chained in slavery and yet craving freedom, such is the fate of Alpheo , a modern historian forced to live under the grip of slavery in a land where chaos would soon erupt. As the empire of Rolmia plunges into civil war following the death of the emperor , his three ambitious sons vie for the throne. In the midst of this turmoil, Alpheo finds the chance to break his chain and escape, leading his companions into the ashes of war, trying to thrive in it, selling their swords to the highest bidder . But beyond the borders of Rolmia, hungry eyes watch as the empire's grip loosens. The Sultanate of Azania, ever the opportunist, sees a chance to expand its domain and influence , while to the south, neighboring principalities breathe a sigh of relief as the once-dominant giant stumbles and falters. In the sea, the confederation of the Free Isle finds their chance to restore their old maritime power , denied to them by an empire that is now crumbling beneath, itself lacking the strenght to stop them. In this crucible of conflict, where dynasties crumble and empires fall, Alpheo find his call and the chance to forge his own destiny amidst the ashes of empires. ----------------

Allevatore_dicapre · War
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152 Chs

Entering the city(3)

As the group dismounted from their horses, they gathered at the entrance to the hall, greeted by servants who approached to take the reins of the beasts and assure their guests of proper care. Alpheo stood, gazing at the stone structure before him, feeling a presence at his side. Turning, he found Asag watching intently, the same expression mirrored on his face.

"How is it?" Alpheo inquired, his voice breaking the silence.

Asag replied in a faint voice, "I expected something more... grand? Lavish? This is nothing more than a few rocks put together."

"Well, let's hope the inside exceeds our expectations, as this will be our home for a few months," Alpheo whispered, moving towards the head of the group.

"So, when are we going to meet his grace? I would like to pay my respects and seal our agreement," Alpheo asked Robert, as he eyed the palace .

Robert's hair whipped as he turned to face Alpheo. "When the servants give us the signal to go, we will go, not a second before or later."

"Anything I should be aware of?" Alpheo inquired further.

"No, his grace is a generous man. Just make sure not to mistake his generosity for weakness. Also, remind your men to behave inside. We don't want to hear about any incidents with the maids," Robert cautioned as he gave the boy a long stare .

"You shall not. The small congregation you see here is made up of the finest and noblest men in the whole empire. You shall not hear a peep from us, sir. My word of honor," Alpheo declared, crossing his heart.

"Is there anything of less value than the honor of a mercenary, that can be bought with simple coins?"

'Yes receiving a dagger to your back, you senile bastard' Alpheo thought though he dared not say it , ''Well then let's hope my price will not be matched by your grace's enemy''

Before Robert could respond, the door swung open, cutting off any further conversation. The guests were led forward, and Alpheo caught one last gaze from Robert. He couldn't discern if it was a look of hate or a threat. Either way, he didn't care. The day he feared a stare from an old fart was the day he would become a slave once again.

The 500 men accompanying Alpheo stood behind, while he instead moved forward , following Robert's trail from behind, they entered the halls of the palace.The first thing that came to the eye were the red carpet. Each step felt like sinking into a sea of velvet, the soft fibers enveloping their boots with each stride.

Along the walls,the banners of Yarzat's house hung proudly. The emblem of a sword on a brown field stood out wherever the eye moved .Some torches had the job of illuminating the hall, and they did their task good enough.

As they followed Robert through the hall, Clio, Jarza, and Asag maintained their positions closely behind Alpheo. Egil lingered a bit farther back, his gaze wandering over the opulent decorations adorning the walls. Alpheo couldn't help but notice his friend's proximity to a gilded candle-holder, its yellow hue catching the flickering torchlight.

' The fool thinks of it as gold, for certain,' Alpheo mused to himself with a wry smile as he subtly closed the distance between them, signaling for Egil to hurry up.

"You called for me?" Egil asked as he caught up, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"The prince is short of coin and will certainly notice a missing spoon, much less a candleholder. We are guests; behave yourself," Alpheo cautioned, his tone firm but laced with a touch of amusement.

"I was just observing," Egil protested, his defensive tone betraying a hint of guilt.

"Thieves observe too, before stealing," Alpheo replied, his words carrying a weight of warning.

"You think of me as a thief?" Egil retorted, his expression a mix of indignation and jest.

"I do not think, I know," Alpheo responded, a faint smile playing on his lips as he turned his head forward once more. ''You deny?''

He smiled ''You know me far too well'' 

The rest of the walk passed in silence, the only sound the soft thud of their footsteps on the plush carpet beneath them. Each step seemed to sink into the rich fabric, they trudged forward, no voice coming out of them , and not even a single whisper.

Suddendly Robert stopped .Ahead of him two guards stood, their lances held upright, as their breastplate shined through the light of the rising sun.

''Sir Robert has come bringing guests and men to his grace, inform him of our presence''he spoke at the two men on duty.Some protocols they had to follow, he already hated it. 

One of the guards then entered, and just as quick came back. ''His grace is thankful of your service , you and your guest may enter''

As he said so he opened the door allowing Alpheo and his group to step forward inside the hall. Unlike the outside of the structure the hall was decorated enough.Some chandelier hung from the top, casting some light inside the hall.Though the lighting within the hall was adequate, it paled in comparison to the natural sunlight streaming in through the narrow windows, creating a stark contrast between the illuminated and shadowed areas. 'Let's hope that when night comes, they have enough coins to lighten some candle' The thought was queer enough to make him chuckle, though he quickly suppressed it.The last thing he wanted was for the prince to think he was laughing at him, when instead he was laughing at how poor he was. 

As they entered the hall, the first thing that caught their attention was the figure seated upon a modest throne crafted from rich red velvet.

In his forty years, the prince stood there , his appearance weathered by the passage of years or maybe by the war. His once-lustrous hair had long since receded, leaving his scalp barren like that of an egg. In its place, a polished dome gleamed under the dim light of the hall.

His nose, long and pointed like the beak of a bird , resembled that of a prey, its prominent shape dominating his face. He was missing a ear, probably cut off in battle. In its place, a golden ear gleamed in the dim light. 'Probably just gilded in yellow' Alpheo thought as his eyes moved to that ear.

At his side, on a smaller throne was a woman.She was like the prince in her forties, her hair was black as the night.Her face was a bit wrinkled , and the air of superiority she had certainly was enhanced by her age. She was probably the prince's consort.Alpheo gave her a watch and then nothing more

Standing all around the hall, many courtiers dressed in velvet stood. Their eyes moved to Alpheo's figure, as many furrowed their brow , wondering why a small boy was standing behind Robert, while older men stood behind

It was to be said that Alpheo looked everything except like a leader of a mercenary band . 

''This servant honor his grace'' Rober spoke aloud as he knelt to the floor.Alpheo mimicked him saying nothing but kneeling .Yet as his eyes rose they moved to the right of Alpheo were two girls stood near their father and mother .

'Seems like my talks with Jarva , may come to reality ' He mused as he gave a little smile at the eldest of the girls.And she seemingly did not mind it as she gave one of her own.