

In the aftermath of a crushing defeat, King Brothlander harbors a dangerous plan for revenge against the Bauthinians, who were instrumental in his downfall. Little does he know that a pair of Elerian envoys dispatched by King Waigni have uncovered his sinister plot. The envoys reveal King Waigni's proposition to aid King Lauihnio in defending his kingdom from the vengeful Brothlander. However, this assistance comes at a price—an alliance that would bring significant economic benefits to Eleria. Fearing the loss of his kingdom's sovereignty, King Lauihnio vehemently rejects the offer, vowing to protect his realm single-handedly, without relying on neighboring powers. Amidst the growing fear that looms over his kingdom, King Lauihnio makes a surprising decision: he releases his incarcerated uncle, Lord Mordian. Though the sorcerer possesses only a limited repertoire of spells, his legendary skill with a sword earned him the status of a war veteran. This unexpected move raises eyebrows, as Lord Mordian once plotted to usurp the throne during the early years of King Lauihnio's reign. Nevertheless, the uncle pledges his unwavering support to his nephew in these perilous times. As the story unfolds, the novel delves into a captivating tale of double male leads—King Lauihnio and Lord Mordian—both driven by their intertwined pasts and shared quest to ensure the safety of Bauthinia. Will they succeed in their audacious endeavor? The answer awaits within the pages of this gripping narrative.

Vicky boy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


King Lauihnio read the jerk of one of his captains elbow as he made to thrust his wooden sword and quickly sidestepped dropping his right shoulder and leaving the captain stabbing the air.

He blocked the effort of the other captain that swung his wooden sword vertically over his head in an attempt to strike it on his shoulder, noticing how he left his torso unguarded, he raised his right leg and gave the captain a powerful kick making the captain to grunt in pain holding his stomach. The first captain lunged towards King Lauihnio and swung his wooden sword towards King Lauihnio making him Dodge to the left. All efforts made by the captain to strike king Lauihnio was blocked.

Tired and frustrated the first captain halted his effort at King Lauihnio. The second captain lunged forward in full menace behind king Lauihnio with the aim of striking his back but king Lauihnio turned quickly and blocked the effort, he used his strength to push the captain backwards freeing himself and buying himself more time and space.

The captains circled around king Lauihnio like two feral alley cats in an attempt to charge towards him in a way that would make him confused and fumble.

King Lauihnio Put up a one sided smile as both men charged towards him from different directions with the first captain to the right and the second captain to the left, raising their swords in an attempt to strike him.

King Lauihnio blocked the second captains attempt then he quickly turned to first captain and gave him a powerful kick to the jaw making him drift backwards, King Lauihnio began to strike the second captains sword which he used to block the king's effort but King Lauihnio did not relent in his attempt to strike the captain, finally king Lauihnio was able to disarm him making the wooden sword to fall away from arms reach, laughing sinisterly he struck him on the neck then bent to strike him on his stomach, with the second captain crouching as a result of the strike on his stomach king Lauihnio jumped behind him and raised his wooden sword and landed it on the captains back sending him to his knees. the first captain charged towards king Lauihnio then stepped on the back of crouching captain who was on his knees causing him to leap forward grunting with the aim of striking king Lauihnio.

King Lauihnio quickly ducked, charged down the effort that came after then gave him a knee to his stomach, he struck him on the face causing the captain to turn away from him while holding his face in an attempt to recover.

Without hesitation king Lauihnio struck his calf causing the captain to get on his knees letting out a sharp groan. king Lauihnio chuckled then glanced over to the second captain, seeing that both captains made no further attempt to keep on fighting he felt satisfied and proud of himself at being able to flawlessly beat down his veteran captains.

"Pheew you captains stretched my back a little, anyway I appreciate your efforts." he said while helping the first captain to his feet. Lord Mordian who was watching the skirmish started clapping slowly smiling at his nephew.

"Wow that was beautiful of you, you were able to beat down your veterans, you know seeing you fight like this makes me proud, proud at the fact that I am responsible for the way you fight - I must have been a really good teacher." Lord Mordian said as he moved to the second captain and helped him up to his feet. "Yes you taught me but I spent time training myself trying to get familiar with the sword."

"You know Lauihnio do you mind guessing what my proudest moment is?" king Lauihnio looked upwards trying to guess the answer. "um well I think your proudest moment was when you killed one Lord Bali severing his head after killing twenty of his comrades who were guarding him." Lord Mordian smiled. "When did I tell you such tale?"

"When I was eleven - you told me that was your proudest moment, you said with that kill you put an end to the Elerian civil war." King Lauihnio said confidently.

"Yes - that was my proudest moment then - but not now." Lord Mordian said.

King Lauihnio looked puzzled. "what is it then uncle?"

Lord Mordian took in a deep breath. "My proudest moment was when I heard news of you fighting in the Frontline in the battle of Harenia - you know people may call that stupidity, your men may have thought of you as a mad man but that is the bravest act of a king, putting your life on the line willing to die for your comrades, for your soldiers." Lord Mordian said then moved towards king Lauihnio and tapped his left chest. "I respect that. That proved to me that this stubborn arrogant boy - has finally become a man and because of that your soldiers hold you in high regard, these men look up to you and would gladly give their lives for your cause." Lord Mordian said pointing at the captains who nodded in affirmation. King Lauihnio grinned proudly.

"You know uncle, what gave me the motivation to be a fighting king, was my passion for the sword and the effort I put in when fighting at the arena during my days as a gladiator - that's why I was the champion of Bauthinia three times, the best record in Bauthinian history." King Lauihnio grinned. Lord Mordian put up a disagreeable look.

"Yeah whatever, that was because you were the crowned prince, no one dares hurt a the crown prince in the presence of his father." at this statement King Lauihnio scowled at his uncle in resentment.

"So you are are saying I didn't deserve any of my victories at the arena." he yelled in enragement.

Lord Mordian put up a sinister smile. "A big yes I would say."