
Steamy Scotland

we we're sexting for months, spent sleeples nights speaking on video calls, knew everything there was to know about each other, but not once did we see each other in person. That was about to change, because ladies and gentleman Vicky finally found her courage and got on a plane to Scotland. Now i can only hope he will be glad to see me. But what do you do when you're warned not to fall in love because someone is not able to love you back, but things go so great you can't help but fall...fast! but than as it turns out...falling for my Scotisch man isn't my only problem. there comes one ex, and the other ex, and someone's brother. for God's sake can everyone please get a life and leave me alone or what?!

vesnxx · Teen
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eanie meanie mainy moe

Chapter 50 (Vicky's POV)

I won't lie.

I was scared shitless.

But at the same time, I was so sick and tired of Nik's bullshit.

All his delusions and everything.

So I was thinking really hard to find a way to escape this situation and preferably without my brain getting scattered all around the room.

Now if I could just come with a plan that was least dangerous for me.

If I just moved away he would pull the trigger as soon as I started moving.

If I grabbed his balls the same would happen.

So the only solution was to go for his hand, the one he held the gun in.

I would have to be careful though and move slowly.

Also I would have to be careful to not press on the trigger by accident.

Ok. Fine. 

It was still very risky.

But I had to try.

I am no damsel in distress and I need to prove that firstly to myself and also to the world and people around me.

So I began forming a plan.

And it better be good.

If I grab his hand, I need to grab it around the wrist in a way they taught me at self defense classes.

I need to immobilize his hand in a way he won't be able to pull the trigger.

I registered that Andrew and Nik were having a discussion but who knows what it was about.

The only thing I knew was my time was running out because Nik was starting to get more and more agitated. 

I could feel it in his hold around my neck and his push of the gun to my head.

So it was about time I started with my plan.

I began moving my hand but I began slowly.

I should not in any way alarm Nik or Andrew of my plan.

I was halfway there when suddenly the window behind my back shattered with a loud bang.

The momentary distraction was enough for Nik to loosen his hold on my neck and on the gun and I used it to my advantage.

I pulled the gun from his hand as fast as I could and kicked it away.

Then I turned around and the first thing I did was throw a hard punch to his nose.

Next thing on my agenda was his ribw that also received a punch and I continued.

His stomach, a kick to each of his legs, stomp on his foot and he was on the floor.

Last thing I did was put my foot on his family jewels.

I bent down and told him in a voice I barely recognized as my own.

"You are going to get in that stupid head of your a few things that I will make clear this moment. You should move really, really far away from me. Don't look for me, don't talk to me, don't stalk me, don't call me, nothing! Leave me alone. Live your life somewhere far away or I will make your life really really miserable. Are we clear?"

His face was bloody and full of tears and snot.

He really was a weak example of a man.

"Yes, yes Vicky please just don't hurt me anymore. All I wanted was for us to be happy together. I wanted us to get married and have a family. Please one last time. Think about it. Give us a chance."


I could feel myself getting more and more red each second I spoke. 

But these were words I held inside for far too long.

When he nodded his head I stepped with all my force on his balls if only to hear him scream.

And scream he did.

Like a little girl.

I saw Knox standing close to me frozen in place but I was confident I could leave Nik laying there and someone would take care of that  scumbag.

When I turned around there stood Andrew.

But he looked pale and shocked.


He gulped loudly and in the silent room it was that more loud.

"I have no idea love should I be scared or proud of you right now. Those were some crazy moves. "

I smiled a brilliant smile and even though it hurt me to smile I did it anyway.

I walked towards Andrew and once I was close I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him as close to me as I could.

"I told you I'm no damsel in distress."

He returned my smile and my embrace but the next second his eyes widened in horror and as I turned my head I realized why.

Nik got somehow away from Knox and was aiming the gun my way.

I was determined to not let him get to Andrew, but what I wasn't taking into account was Jessy.

I didn't even think she was here with them.

The picture played in front of my eyes like it was in slow motion.

Nik pulled the trigger, Knox knocked him to the ground (Knox knocked him…get it? ) and Jessy threw herself in front of me.

Nothing hit me, but the next second, Jessy was on the ground.