
Steamy Scotland

we we're sexting for months, spent sleeples nights speaking on video calls, knew everything there was to know about each other, but not once did we see each other in person. That was about to change, because ladies and gentleman Vicky finally found her courage and got on a plane to Scotland. Now i can only hope he will be glad to see me. But what do you do when you're warned not to fall in love because someone is not able to love you back, but things go so great you can't help but fall...fast! but than as it turns out...falling for my Scotisch man isn't my only problem. there comes one ex, and the other ex, and someone's brother. for God's sake can everyone please get a life and leave me alone or what?!

vesnxx · Teen
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61 Chs

Bedroom games

Chapter 17 (Vicky's POV)

I ran as fast as I could and just managed to step inside his room when he was standing at the door.

His hand was firmly planted on the door and I knew there was trouble to come.

But I really didn't care because it was a good kind of trouble.

And if I was lucky enough, it would last all night long.

I started to move backwards and he was making slow but huge steps towards me. Just when I was about to turn around and try to run to the other side of the bedroom, my legs hit the edge of the bed and I fell backwards on the mattress.

Andrew was on top of me in seconds, so there was no escape for me.

But I wasn't scared. Instead, I looked up into his face with a broad grin plastered on my face and it matched his.

"So you thought you could escape inside my room, huh? Did you maybe think I have a spare key in my living room? And what's the point of running anyway? You know I'll always catch you love."

With those words, his lips were on mine and in seconds his hands were all over my body, and mine were trying to get rid of his shirt.

"Oh you were running just a minute ago but now you want to get me naked?"

"Just shut up and get rid of this stupis shirt, then kiss me some more!"

He chuckled but started to unbotton his shirt anyway. He was done in a second and got rid of it.

"So bossy. I don't know which side of you I love more."

I couldn't help but gasp lowly at his words. Sure, he called me love from time to time, but he never said he loved anything about me. Up until now. And I couldn't lie if I wanted to. I loved it as well.

He didn't show any hint that he had registered his slip up at all.

He went back to kissing me with passion.

One hand was holding his weight above me while the other was playing with my dress.

He moved it down to get better access to my t**s and groaned when he realized there was no bra underneath it.

"I thought I saw your n*****s a few times but I thought it was only my imagination. Next thing I know, I'll find out you have no panties on as well."

I froze at his words and blushed immediately. Because I really had no panties on.

Come on girls. Panty lines?

He realized I was still as a stone and when he looked in my eyes I could see a new kind of desire flaming there.

"You woman or going to be the death of me."

With those words, he slipped his hand underneath my dress and went straight for my p***y that was already embarrassingly wet.

His mouth latched onto my n*****s while his hand drew lazy circles on my swolen nub.

I was a moaning mess in seconds, but I wanted more.

"Andrew please. I want to c*m. Please! I need more!"

I didn't care that I was begging. I just knew I wanted to c*m and he was the only person that knew how to get me there.

He started to move faster with his fingers and just when I was about to beg again, he slipped a finger inside my wet core and my world exploded.

I screamed out his name while the strongest orgasm of my life took over my body.

I was still coming down from my orgasm when I felt a silky thing was being tied around my wrists.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Andrew tying me up to bed with his tie.

Even though I just had an orgasm, my body was already ready for round two.

When he was done with my restraints, he moved down my body, trailing kisses where he passed.

"I have no idea what kind of idiots let you go before me, but sure as h**l you are the kind of woman to be worshipped, and I'll make sure to show you how a real man does it."

I was about to answer him when he started to eat me out and every thought I had left my mind in a second.

He was making me crazy with lust for him.

He was playing games again. Every time I almost reached my peak, he slowed down and I was getting frustrated, but I guess he knew my body better than I did because when I felt like I couldn't take anymore of his teasing, he sped up, his tempo and this time he didn't stop until orgasm number 2 took over my body. He drew it out with lazy licks at my slit.

When I came down once more, he didn't give me even a second longer.

He flipped me over on all fours and now my arms were criss-crossed in front of me.

I could hear a foil being ripped open and in a moment he was inside me to the bottom.

A moan escaped me.

There's no way I could ever get used to him or his girth.

He leaned over me and whispered in my ear :"you OK love?"

I managed to nod but quickly remembered he wanted to hear my approval, so I whispered a yes and as soon as the word was out of my mouth he started moving.

The first few strokes were slow, I'm assuming to give me time to adjust.

But after that, he started with hard and fast strokes that felt like they reached all the way to my womb.

It was pleasure and pain mixed all together and I couldn't hold back anymore.

I cried out his name once more and an orgasm exploded.

But Andrew was far from over. He kept drilling like his life depended on it.

And believe it or not, my body was as ready as it was before my first orgasm.

I couldn't get enough of this man. He was like my personal drug.

"Come on love. Give me one more."

I knew what he wanted but I wasn't sure my body could give one last orgasm.

"I can't! It's too much."

At my words, one of his hands left my hip and went between my legs.

"You can and you will. Together love. C*m for me."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, my body detonated and I could feel his orgasm pullsating inside the condom as well.

After that, everything went black.

Now I hope this chapter lived up to the book titel. :)

I hope you enjoy reading so far.

Let me know what you think in comments. :)

Lots of love xoxoxoxo

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