
Steamy Nights With Vampires

A girl of around 17 suddenly met with a handsome decade old Vampire lord who claimed over her body and soul.

DaoistM0kcv3 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Birth of Sebastian's Revenge

"Forget everything and imagine me as your Sylvia." She told him and he accepted that.

He closed his eyes and imagined that he was mating with his beloved. She was kissing him with hunger and he thought about Sylvia. She used his seeds and he thought just about his Sylvia.

After the long and tiring six hours, when she, with extreme satisfaction, fell asleep then he sighed hard and got up. He looked at her belly and used his lazor power. He felt relaxed to see that she had conceived. But she had conceived two more babies. One of them was of his arch enemy, David's. And soon she was going into painful labor. He lowered his head and looked at her with interest. Both of their disdain and agony made them partners when they had actually nothing common in between them. He sighed hard once more and when he tried to got up, he felt a hot hand over his forehead. She was looking at him while a single drop of tear pouring down her cheek. She shivered a little.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I think I am going to give birth to your little enemy." She anwered slowly and then cried aloud.


She was crying aloud in pain. He did not know what to do. He paced all around while gritting his teeth.

She panted hard while to subside her pain she started to swing her hips. But it did not help. She then tugged his hands and told him -

"Sebastian, kindly take me somewhere else. Patrick should not know about this birth."

He stared a little at her face. How could she trust her when she did not him at all??!!

"Please. I don't have enough time left. Patrick will kill him. But we need this baby to survive for our sake. Our revenge's sake." She begged.

He lifted her in his arms and quietly took exit by using a secret passageway to a nearest worn out church where none resided this days. Even Patrick did not know it's existence.

Only Slyvia knew. She often came here to fool around before being abducted by David. Poor soul Sylvia!! But Sebastian made up his mind and concentrated on today. Maya was still trembling in great agony of child birth in his hands.

He reached to the alter and put her down on the bench. Then he closed his eyes and prayed wholeheartedly for her recovery. All of a sudden she tugged his sleeves and pulled out a ring from her pocket to shove it in his finger. "Put it in my ring finger and take me as your Partner of Crimes." She told him.

He was taken aback by seeing her fierceness and was impressed too. He nodded his head in satisfaction. If not Sylvia, then why not her? He put the sparkling ruby ring on her ring finger of the left hand. "I accept you as my partner." He promised her. She smiled a bit but soon clutched her belly and fell down on the floor.


"Aahh.. Gooddd.. Itss paiinnfuulll" She was huffing and puffing hard while swinging her heavy belly at every direction. However he sat at her head supporting her to sit down with comfort. His both hands were holding her womb protectively.

"Aaaahh... Uummm.." She clenched his broad shoulder in pain. At that moment his lips absentmindedly touched hers and an electric shock passed through both of their bodies. He turned his red face at left while she too blushed hard. Her body's reaction seemed shameful to her. He needed her merely for his ultimate revenge on David Barringtone and vice versa. They had no other realationship among them except craving for revenge. Then why did she behaved like this??!!

Another strong gust of pain was building in her. She clutched his left shoulder once more and he was forced to look at her face. She put her lips on his in an instant forgetting her pain in abdomen. She kissed him first then he also reciprocated. When they was deepening their kisses a strong kick came from her baby and she bent her upper body instantly towards him more. "Aahhhh" He was loosing himself in her. He was now forgetting about his revenge or about his first love. This time he was too much aroused for this heavily pregnant girl and he just could not keep it in his pants.

He broke free and looked at her qurstioningly. She nodded. He put her down on the bench and peeped inside her. It was too dark. This baby was also not using her vaginal chanel to take birth. Then being relieved he put his own manhood inside her and started to releasing his tension. She felt a satisfactory oomph in her body and started to shiver. This time not in pain, but in pleasure. She understood from his reaction this man was going to remain with her forever. She had win his body and soul both.


"Aaahhh...Motherr.." She moaned aloud.

"Baby, try to push more. Push more." Her man, Sebastian, was holding tightly her trembling shoulders and looked very anxious. With just an hour long makeout session, he accepted her as his friend and mate. She put her loving hands on his hair to assure him. She did not trust Patrick, but she trusted Sebastian. She knew he would never betray with her.

He blushed very hard and softly kissed on her knuckles. She smiled a little and tried to push the baby out of her. After some time she felt tired and lied down in his arms while saying slowly this - "I can't. I simply can't. I am too tired."

He looked at her and asked - "Do you trust me enough? Can you permit me to help you without questioning anything?"

She nodded her tired head a little and ran her both hands through his hair. "I trust you with my life. Don't worry. I will not question you." She told him.

He kissed her forehead softly and prepared himself. She once saved his life. This time he had to save hers.

He lowered his head low to her belly level and produced his sharpest fangs. Then with them he tore out her belly!!!

"Aahhh" She screamed on the top of her lungs but did not flinch even this time. She felt her consciousness was drifting away and she closed her eyes.

He poured his both hands inside her belly and snatched out a fully developed baby out of it. The baby's body was full of its mother's blood and gore. It was a baby girl. He put it aside and by pulling out the ruby from her ruby ring he touched it to her torn belly and murmured some mantras. Within a second her belly got the perfect shape like before her pregnancy. Just a scar like stretch mark appeared. He licked it with his tongue and that dispeared too. Now no sign of her pregnancy could be seen.

He then came to her and lifted her numb body in his arms. He kissed her lips passionately and called for her - "Woke up, my love. Please woke up." Several tears running down his cheeks that moisted his eyes and blurred his eyesight.

She fluttered open her eyes and when saw him kissing her she kissed him back. He when discovered that she was now alive and healthy, kissed her more hungrily.

She put a hand on his lips and said - "Uhhu, first send this baby to someone faithful and tell him or her that it is your baby. This baby will help us in our revenge."

He widen his eyes and asked in shock - "But this is a girl."

She kissed his forehead lovingly and let out a silent smile of a winner while telling this - "Who told you that a girl can't seek or get a revenge? Huh!!"

She then took the girl in her hands and lifted it in her arms to declare -

"This is Laila Vangough, Sebastian and Maya Vangough's beloved daughter. David and his sons should be afraid of her. Her enchanting beauty and razorsharp intellect will destroy them one by one."
