
You better steal her

Soon after my talk with Ichihara-san wherein I somehow ended up taking the job offer of instructing her daughter once a week, I went to Ayu’s office to get my salary and obviously to spend some time with her while Sena was still in the changing room.

I got praised for the completion of my program as Ayu proudly exclaimed how right she was for hiring me. But at the same time, she pointed out some of her criticisms on how I conducted it.

Yep. The first half of my stay in her office wasn’t us being lovey-dovey or intimate with each other. It’s Ayu getting it on as my boss and recruiter.

I listened to everything she had to say before defending some of my decisions. Some because I know that the other points of criticism she listed were reasonable and should be subject to change once the program resets in two weeks.

In the end, this still wasn’t my field of expertise so I would continue to rely on Ayu’s views and at the same time, appreciate all the help she poured in for me.