
Selected Classes

To decide who would pass, Tachibana-sensei called for two teachers sitting at the panel to join her in evaluating each class’s outline. They split into three directions.

The other two teachers went to evaluate the second and third years while Tachibana-sensei walked toward our area.

As our table was the closest to her, she approached us with an air of undeniable curiosity, her clipboard held tightly against her chest.

She stopped just short of us offering a welcoming smile as she gestured for our group to give her our outline.

"Alright, Year 1 Class 1, let me see what you’ve prepared." She began with a jubilant tone as though she was expecting something great from us.

I don’t know. She was probably watching us too closely during our discussions.

Nami confidently handed over our outline, her arms trembling slightly from excitement.

"Here it is, Tachibana-sensei. We’ve outlined the concept, logistics, and even included a safety plan."