
Return from Tokyo

For the next hour or so, Kaoru-san took us on a tour around the ward. We didn’t leave the car. She simply drove to some iconic landmarks while avoiding the traffic. Naturally, we didn’t get to see the Imperial Palace up close or walk through the streets of Akihabara.

Even if it’s a school day, the people in the capital will always be bustling thanks to the abundance of tourists from foreign countries.

Chisato-nee-san didn’t accompany us but she said she’ll be seeing us off when we go to the train station. She’s still busy, after all. The recording might have ended but they still have to do a lot of things to produce it for the market. They’ll have a lot of meetings that the singer couldn’t really be bothered to attend. Once they make a decision, they’ll contact Kaoru-san to inform the girls.