
Her Worried Little Sister

When Haruko left the room, it took at least an hour before Himeko woke up from her sleep, refreshed. During it, I also used the time to take a nap with her.

Her first time having sex surely tired her but maybe she's also accumulating stress from what they're doing to change her father's mind about her.

In any case, this hour where we just rest in each other's arms helped us both.

"Did you rest well?"

"Un. Using your chest as a pillow is comfortable. Can I take you home with me?"

"This girl… We'll have time in the future where I will stay the night with you. In your room."

"That's enough. I will be looking forward to that, Ruki."

Himeko climbed on top of me and took my lips into hers once more. Because of that, we once again entered the same atmosphere as earlier.