
Forget it

What is this girl talking about?

That’s the first thing that went into my head as I tried to analyze the words she used.


It’s not even a week since Akane showed me the forum post that Fuyu herself created and replied to. Fishing out information about me while defending Akane’s reputation.

The morning after that night, we intentionally ran into her and that became a pleasant morning where I joined their conversation and laughed with them.

That eased up that suspicion…

Or so I thought.

Did I make a blunder somewhere?

“Not loyal? Yuuki-san, please explain.” Instead of acting suspiciously by deflecting it, I met her serious gaze with the same intensity.

With that, even though we’re still technically in a public place, the air around us intensified. Although she’s shorter than me and had to raise her chin to meet my gaze, she never showed any signs of backing down.