
A Night to Remember

A rising popular young singer. Someone who set many people’s hearts’ aflutter from her oh-so-sweet voice and let them experience a trip to the past, brought about by the melody and lyrics of her songs.

That’s Mabushisa Asahi.

If any of her avid fans found out that she’s currently inside a bedroom with the man that inspired her to create that viral song, they’d be furious and envious. They might even turn into her hater.

Well, that’s just a hypothetical situation. And something that wouldn’t happen.

However, the part where she’s inside the bedroom was true. After straightening up our relationship and everything related to it, we stood up and relocated to the only bedroom of this condo unit.

It’s something that we both expected. Last week, we got interrupted when her mother called. Tonight, without any interruptions, we naturally slipped into the right mood. Add to that, the longing we had for each other as well as her impending return to Tokyo.