
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Fight a knight

Once the bell rung I looked to its source. There stood a tall man in an armour that looked like an Iron maiden. In his hand was staff with a large circle on top. In the middle of the circle was the source of the ringing.

As I stared at the new Knight Diane moved.

"Where did Nash go Holy Knight!?" Diane yelled at me. As I turned around I jumped back to avoid a punch from her.

Looking at her eyes they seemed clouded and unfocused. As I wonderedwhat was happening I had to keep dogding her fists.

Lucky for me my strength had gotten alot better then in the beginning. To bad Giants were known for their strength. So there is no way that I can beat her like this.

So using Brain worm I cast Hypnos putting her to sleep.

"My magic doesn't seem to affect you." The man said changing the grip on his staff. He started to slowly closed the distance between us.

Pulling out echo from its sheath I readied myself. I slowly approached staring into his eye hole making the connection.

As I went to start my attack I felt a tingle on my back. I quickly turned norrowly avoiding a large knife like blade. It left a shallow cut on my side though.

The new person who attacked me had a helmet tgat had large horns and a creepy smile pattern on it. As I looked at the horned guy the man with the staff ran at me.

He than swang the staff at me making me block it and lose sight of the horned man. As the staff met my blade it was pushed away leaving me open.

I cast my magic to make him think I was closer to buy time to recover. He attacked the illusion giving me time to recover. As I was steadying myself the horned man attacked.

He grazed me again now on the left arm. I went to cast my magic on him but got interrupted by a staff aimed at my head. Pulling back I avoided it.

I turned back to the horned man but found nothing there. Seeing this I looked around to find him. I couldn't seem to find him so I focused on the staff man.

I still kept my gaurd up as I was slashed at his staff coming at me trying to go on the attack. As our weapons met my katana sliced his staff in half. It continued to his armour leaving a gash but missing the flesh.

Pulling echo back I went to strike again to cause a wound. I then heard heavy foot steps running towards my side. Changing my attack I slashed where the sound came from.

I felt my katana connect with something. With the connection came spray of blood. The source of the blood was the horned man who now was down one horn and eye.

As he reeled I made eye contact with him letting my skill take effect. With that out of the way I went back to the staff user. I went on the attack. I went for a piercing strike to his now exposed chest.

Seeing this he turned left to avoid it but was met with a rapidly approaching throat slash. He had no time to react before my katana made contact. Soon it cleaved through his neck beheading him.

With him done I turned to my second opponent. Except he had disappeared and with my brain worm I could feel him running away.


Killed Ruin

+20 Magic'

'Well at least I got something good.'

Now looking towards the dead Ruin I decided to use Memory of the Dead so I wouldn't get lost.

As I Went through his mind I noticed something. His memory of his magic hallucination. It was able to make people think things or people were other things.


User has found new way to apply magic.

Mental Magic lvl5 to lvl6

Magic Control rank C'

'So I can level up by that to.'

Looking towards the prison I figure that I need to go in. Looking back I know Diane won't be waking up anytime soon. So I'll have to go by myself.

I then reapproached the defeated spider lady. I cast my magic making her follow me. Now I have started to make my army.

With that accomplished I headed to the looming building.