
Stealing from the Sins

how did I go from highschool gradute to trying not to die in what is obviously britian.

Tacoma12 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


As Jericho went to rush forward I grabbed her shirt stopping her. She jerked her head back to glare at what stopped her.

Seeing me holding her she calmed down enough to not charge. Seeing her calm down I let go of her clothes. While she did stop she still had a glare focused on him.

I walked infront of her to keep a barrier between the two. We then started to walk towards Diane and Ban.

"... Thats when you found me." I heard Diane finish.

"Is that so." Ban said uninterested.

"There you are Nash!" Diane yelled seeing me approach them.

Hearing this the hobo, Ban, turned towards me eith a smile.

"Sooo your Nash huuuh?" Ban the hobo drawled out with a savage grin.

Before I could answer he started to attack me before I realized it. As he reached me he threw a jab. I had no time to react.

Before it connected a sword appeared behind me cutting hi arm in half. He jumped back staring at his now destroyed arm. Steam slowly formed along the cut stitching it back together.

"Ban!" Diane yelled in shock.

"I'm a little disappointed." He said ignoring Diane. "I guess the cap was worried for nothing."

As I listened I noticed Jericho now standing in front of me with her sword drawn.

"Eeeh whatever." Ban suddenly said turning away. A few steps away he stopped and looked at Jericho. "Have we meet before?"

Hearing this increased Jericho's rage. I had to step in before it went any further.

"Ban!" Diane yelled again. "Why did you attack him?"

She now stood to her full height glaring down at him.

"I was curios. You said the captain attacked him. I wanted to see why the captain felt threated. It defenitly was because of his strength." he answered.

With his piece said he began his trek towards the now present Mama hawk. She is very quiet for a giant pig.

"Sorry Nash." Diane apoligized to me. "He and the captain are... were best friends."

'So I have to keep an eye out for him.'

"Good job Jericho." I say patting her head. Hearing this seemed to get rid of some of her rage.

"So whos the new girl?" Diane spoke accusingly.

"I am his apprentice!" Jericho answered for me.

"So your not a new girlfriend?" Diane proded more.

"Oo of course not." She responded flustered.

"Good." Diane said grabbing me to look at me closer. "Your hurt!"

She saw the grazes on the my arm and side bleeding a little. She seemed to begin panicing when she realized I was hurt.

"I'm fine." I tell her kissing her nose to stop her worrying.

"I failed." Diane said after a moment. "I'm supposed to protect you and I failed." She looked like she was starting to spiral down. She continued. "I also just watched as Ban attacked you."

"Then do better!" Jericho's voice sounded from the ground. " Stop being a weakling and get stronger."

With those words said Diane seemed to change a little. She carried me back to Mama Hawk in silence. We past the Holy knight she had beaten up who now had a hole in her chest.

'So much for starting an army.'

Close by was the Holy knight I killed. Looking at his corpse I saw the bell hanging from the broken staff. Looking at it I got an idea.

"Diane can you let me down?" I ask her.

With a nod she set me down again. As I left het hand she started to survey the area as I did what I wanted.

Approaching the staff I grabbed it hoping the system would tell me something. It said nothing. Not wanting to give up I touched the bell.


Hypno Bell: Individuals who hear this bell ring have a chance to fall into the Users Illusion Rank C]

Bingo. With this confirming what I thpught I looted it and Began my walk back to the boar flanked by Diane and Jericho.

Going in I went to the third floor to sleep in the bed. What greeted me was the hobo having taken over the room. He was sprawled on the bed.

With the only bed taken I needed to find somewhere else to sleep. As I walked down to the bar I saw Elizabeth cooking behind the bar.

Smelling this I sat at a table and soon she came over with a plate of food. As we ate she didn't ask about my cuts. She did look worried though.

As I ate I

'System can I fuse my two weapons together?'

[The System does not provide such services]

'Well I guess I could make a necklace or something.' I think in defeat.

[Other users maybe able to] It jumped back in.

'Other users?' I ask confused.

[Users from other worlds may possess the need skill for fusion or blacksmithing] It explained.

'Can I try?' I ask with hope.
