

(21+) Fang Muxiu wanted to hand over her fiancé Choi Jiho to her assistant, Han Yexi. Is it true that the reason is only because of Choi Jiho's bad side who is too possessive and annoying? Choi Jiho was also younger than Fang Muxiu. This made the man often seem childis to Mu Xiu because Ji Ho was just not as mature as he was. Unfortunately, she couldn't just break off their engagement. The fate of the company is at stake. So Muxiu asked Yexi to snatch Choi Jiho from her. Choi Jiho loved Fang Muxiu so much that it was hard for him to fall in love with Han Yexj. With Ye Xi's charming face, Ji Ho was also struggling to fight the passion in him. His heart is still for Mu Xiu, but his body wants Ye Xi. What if Ji Ho found out about Mu Xiu's request to Ye Xi? Will Ji Ho let Mu Xiu go and take Ye Xi as his replacement?

Rynn_ · Urban
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45 Chs

Where is Fang Muxiu?

"Choi Ji Ho, please state what you want right now and I will grant it for you."

Choi Ji Ho was silent and looked at young master Liu with a question mark, "why is it so suddenly?"

What did young master Liu just eat? He was not a generous man who would voluntarily grant someone's wish.

"Instead, can I get Miss Han's phone number? Does she have a We Chat account? Is her number connected to her We Chat? Do you have her number or her We Chat id? If so, please, please give me the number or her id to me."

Too many questions. Choi Ji Ho even stopped listening before the first question was finished. Liu Ran asked too greedily.

Was he interested in Han Ye Xi?

"I don't have it," Choi Ji Ho replied curtly.

"You don't? Are you sure!" Liu Ran frowned, looking a little disappointed. "Ask Fang Mu Xiu then!"

"NO!" yet another short answer from Choi Ji ho.

"Come on, should I ask Fang Mu Xiu myself, aren't you happy if I call Fang Mu Xiu behind your back?"

"Don't ever try to contact Fang Mu Xiu!" Choi Ji ho glared at Liu Ran.

His possessiveness overload.

"Then give me Miss Han's number!" Young master Liu continued to plead.

"Just go and ask Miss Han by yourself."

"Tch! Okay, you're not my friend anymore."

When Liu Ran didn't get what he wanted, he was ready to lift his butt off the chair next to Choi Ji Ho. But Choi Ji Ho's suspicious ringing made Liu Ran stick his butt back to the chair and peek.

There was a row of names on Choi Ji Ho's phone screen:

Assistant Han

Shit! Since when did Choi Ji Ho have an assistant with the last name Han?

Han Yexi called Choi Ji Ho at a really good time.

"You! You lied to me, didn't you say you don't have Miss Han's number? Now see who just called you using WeChat?" Liu Ran immediately protested loudly.

He had been begging but Choi Ji Ho continued to insist on being stingy. Why bother holding her back, was Han Yexi is her lover? What Liu Ran asked was Fang Mu Xiu's assistant's phone number, not Fang's number, right?

Choi Ji ho's phone finally stopped ringing, Han Yexi's call went to the missed call box.

"Come on, Ji Ho, share the number with me!" Liu Ran's eyes are glued to Choi Ji ho's cellphone, preparing to seize the opportunity when the cellphone lock opens. He would snatch it and take Miss Han's number himself.

But then a We Chat message came in, it was from Han Ye Xi.

'Can you pick up Miss Fang at the Sky Restaurant?'

Han Ye Xi just asked Choi JI Ho to pick up Fang Mu Xiu. Strange, usually the woman would call him herself. So Choi Ji Ho immediately called Fang Mu Xiu, but the phone did not go through. Fang Mu Xiu's number was currently off.

Ignoring Liu Ran's whining, Choi Ji Ho ended up calling Han Ye Xi.

"Where is Fang Muxiu?" Choi Jiho's stern words sounded very cold. It was as if he was angry that he couldn't call Fang Mu Xiu.

"I'm sorry, Miss Fang is in the restroom. Her cellphone is off, so she asked me to call you."

Han Ye Xi took the call with half the tension.

"Can you come to pick up Miss Fang? Our driver is having trouble with the car engine. If we wait for another car from the company, it will take a while. It's getting dark here, isn't Mr. Choi forbidding Miss Fang to takes a taxi at night day?"

"I'll get her," took no time to think. When it came to Fang Mu Xiu, usually Choi Ji Ho would act spontaneously. Whatever it is.

"Then, thank you, Mr. Choi."

Choi Ji Ho immediately got up after hanging up the phone.

"Where are you going? What about Miss Han's phone number?" Liu Ran also got up and confronted Choi Ji Ho with courage.

"Get away!"

"The number first!" Liu Ran seemed fearless.

"I'll give it after I pick Fang Muxiu." Choi Ji Ho is in a hurry, so he chooses to agree. After all, there was no reason for him to hide Han Ye Xi's number.

"Okay, I'll wait for it. Make sure it's not later than eleven tonight. Be careful when driving Mr. Choi!"

Choi Ji Ho immediately left the bar and drove the car. Luckily he hasn't started drinking tonight. About 15 minutes later Choi Ji Ho arrived at the Sky Restaurant and saw Han Ye Xi standing alone in the restaurant lobby.

"Where is Fang Mu Xiu?"

January 23rd, 2021