

(21+) Fang Muxiu wanted to hand over her fiancé Choi Jiho to her assistant, Han Yexi. Is it true that the reason is only because of Choi Jiho's bad side who is too possessive and annoying? Choi Jiho was also younger than Fang Muxiu. This made the man often seem childis to Mu Xiu because Ji Ho was just not as mature as he was. Unfortunately, she couldn't just break off their engagement. The fate of the company is at stake. So Muxiu asked Yexi to snatch Choi Jiho from her. Choi Jiho loved Fang Muxiu so much that it was hard for him to fall in love with Han Yexj. With Ye Xi's charming face, Ji Ho was also struggling to fight the passion in him. His heart is still for Mu Xiu, but his body wants Ye Xi. What if Ji Ho found out about Mu Xiu's request to Ye Xi? Will Ji Ho let Mu Xiu go and take Ye Xi as his replacement?

Rynn_ · Urban
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45 Chs

Drunk with Han Yexi's scent

Choi Jiho didn't go through any protests or rebuttals. He followed Han Yexi into his car and immediately blamed the engine. But when the engine goes wrong, the indicator bell rings too.

As if Choi Jiho had missed something. Then he glanced at Yexi beside him. That woman must be the reason. "Put on the seat belt!" Jiho warned Han Yexi.

"Ah, sorry." Yexi pulled the safety strap and felt the seat. Weird, where should she buckle her seat belt?

Impatient to wait, Choi Jiho took the initiative. He took off his seat belt then moved closer towards Han Yexi. Grabbing the woman's hand, leading her to clamp the seat belt into the place.

Choi Jiho's touch was almost like a stun on Han Yexi's skin. But her hands couldn't move under Choi Jiho's grasp. The man naturally didn't feel anything by touch, but Yexi had a strange feeling about this.

Choi Jiho's nose reacted more sensitive than his skin.

The fragrant scent from Yexi's body made Choi Jiho pause and glance at the woman.

Shit! Why does Han Yexi smell so good?

The fragrance filled Choi Jiho's entire nose. It felt like he would get drunk just by smelling Yexi's scent.

Choi Jiho sharpened his eyes. Resist the sudden surge of desire. Last time Han Yexi's scent only felt so fresh, this time Choi Ji Ho could smell the sweetness of the woman's body.

"Um," Han Yexi pulled her body back, clinging more to the chair. Afraid if she would hit Choi Jiho.

"Didn't I tell you that you stink?" Choi Jiho returned to his comfortable position and started grumbling. This time the topic was weird like last time.

"What do you mean by stink?" feeling uncomfortable, Han Yexi smelled to herself. Afraid if there is something wrong with her body odor.

Hemm .. there's nothing wrong with them. After a day, she still smelled good. Yes, there may be some other scent. But is Choi Jiho's can smell that good? Impossible!

"Did you use perfume or something?"

Han Yexi was nervous for no reason. Actually, she's not used to wearing perfume. It was too luxurious for her. But to smell good is sometimes necessary.

Han Yexi rarely uses perfume. He only wore it when he attended important meetings or big events. It should be an honor for Choi Jiho because Han Yexi felt the need to wear it for that man.

Secretly Han Yexi reached into her bag and smacked the perfume onto her wrist. Then awkwardly scratched her shoulder, trying to share the scent around her body.

DAMN! Choi Jiho glanced at Han Yexi fiercely. Why is the scent getting stronger? Is Han Yexi trying to poison him?

Choi Jiho pulled Yexi's bag and immediately unpacked it without asking. There weren't many things that the woman had brought. So Choi Jiho immediately found a small bottle of the suspicious liquid. This must be where all the smell came from.

"What are you doing?"

"You know, this thing stinks!" Choi Jiho held the perfume bottle in front of Han Yexi's face.

Well, she knows it's not an expensive perfume. The price is probably half that of a bottle of Channel perfume. But Han Yexi fell in love with the fragrance when she first smelled it from the sample paper the sales offered. She went straight to buy the perfume in the first place.

"Don't ever use this perfume around me again!" Then Choi Jiho threw the perfume bottle into the back seat.

"NO! Choi Jiho!" Han Yexi turned to the back seat. Where did the perfume fall?

Choi Jiho immediately started the car, not giving Yexi a chance to find her precious perfume.

Aish .. Han Yexi felt so lost. Han Yexi even bought the perfume just last week and only used it two or three times. She regrets that she hitched a ride in Choi Jiho's car tonight.

Damn that requests!

Damn that plan!

Damn you Choi Jiho!

January 24th, 2021