
Chapter 1.

"It's okay, come on." Rey said, ushering the last of the Resistance survivors onto the Falcon. Rey was stressed out to say the least. She needed to speak with Finn, and touch base with the General. So much had happened in so little time, she thought. 

Luke, her master and teacher, was gone from this planet and from her life. She had only known him for a short time, but their own bond within the force gave Rey such comfort that she had never known, and that comfort was now replaced with the peace and purpose he had left behind.

 With a frown, the word 'Bond' reminded her of Luke's nephew. 'Ben' her mind whispered to her, soft in such a way that seemed to nearly eased all of her worries. Rey quickly shook the feeling away, unsure of the man himself. As much as she had tried to fight the truth, the man she was bonded with, was still at the end of the day, her sworn enemy.

What was the next step here? Would Ben find them? And them? Where are they to go now th-

Her though was interrupted by the familiar buzzing, followed by complete silence; An indicator that the pair was linked now through their force bond. 

Immediately, Rey tensed, glancing around and realizing that the final Resistance survivor had already loaded onto the ship, having left Rey to her thoughts.

 Satisfied that they were alone, Rey looked towards her right, and gazed down at Ben- Stubbornly, Rey corrected herself. No, this was Kylo Ren... He had chosen that, above all else she offered... This, was his choice.

Focusing on him, Rey observed him. Kylo was crouched down the ground, his fist clutching something in his gloved palm, and she watched him for a moment until she saw his shoulders tense, realizing the bond had settled into place without his knowledge.

Kylo's head whipped towards her, almost surprised to see her there, and she noticed the flicker in his eyes switch to anger...Anger...and something else. Hurt? Betrayal? Rey tried to make sense of it. Should she be the one who felt betrayed? She wondered.

They simply stared at one another for a moment, both filled with so much to say, yet they remained silent in this space between time that their bond created for them. In this bond, they were one, though in their current state of mind, they would never realize it.

Observing her, Kylo felt the shift in Rey as she was building up courage to speak, every emotion and thought so vivid in her eyes and way she so stubbornly stood. He wanted badly to scoff at that, to laugh at the idea of this girl, the scavenger, being courageous.

But deep down, he knew. He knew all too well that she is courageous in everything she does. 'A survivor', his mind spoke. It was admirable he felt, but the dark side of his mind quickly ushered that notion out, and reminded him that she refused him, denied him of his offer and care.

Just as quickly as the admiration came, it withdrew from him, replaced with apprehension and annoyance with her.

Kylo watched as she timidly crept towards him, only a foot away now as she towered over him as she was still bent to the ground.  Instinctively, his finger twitched towards his lightsaber that hung at his hip, becoming increasingly aware of the weapon. Would he be able to strike her? He thought. Without reason, his jaw tensed. 

"Ben," she whispered, almost the same way she had back in the throne room after they defeated Snoke and his guards. It felt unreal, to be here again so soon, with her.

 "Come with me." she demanded. He noted the tears that threatened to leak, her cheeks reddening from her plea as her breath hitched. Kylo stared seemingly blankly at Rey, barely blinking as her studied her, anticipating her next move, crouched there on the edge of his basic and boyish flight or fight instinct.

With shaking hands, Rey knelt down and reached to cup his face in her palm, desperate to keep him there, to listen to her words and take this step with her. However, Kylo didn't give her the chance to make her case as he quickly reared his head back, yanking away from her touch before she succeeded. 

Rey gulped, knowing this would not be going in the direction she hoped, yet again.

"No. You are the one that denied me, you are the one that left." Kylo bit out through clenched teeth. He watched as Rey winced at his tone, though the fight he had seen so often, filled her eyes.

"You asked me to join you, to stand at your side, to choose your path and turn around to assist you kill my friends?" She returned his tone, growing instantly frustrated, while disappointment settle deep within her gut. She scoffed and turned her back to him in hopes that he would not see the tear that spilled.

Behind her, she heard him shuffle to his feet.

"I offered you the galaxy. I offered you all the power, I offered to bow at your rule!" Kylo bellowed, he was shaking now, fighting the urge to pull his lightsaber on her, knowing that in the end it would do nothing - Their clashes would never end in death.

At his words, she whirled to him again, now having to peer up at him as he was now the one to tower over her. "That is nothing I want! Those people on this ship? Those are my friends, people I consider my family now! Your apart of that!" She yelled, and the last part of it sat with Kylo as he glared at her, the expression on his face spat daggers to every part of the hope that lingered within her.

She inhaled deeply, calling to the force for patience to help calm her. It was difficult still, but little by little, it worked while they both stood in silence.

Regaining control of her emotions and breathing, Rey's gaze fell to Kylo's boot, unable to look him in the eye, afraid that she would see the same seething look he had shot her only a moment ago.

Instead of looking him in the eye, Rey cleared her throat and wiped at her cheeks to erase any fallen tears, helping cool her heated cheeks.

 With a beaten sigh Rey said, "Ben, I can feel this... Whatever this is between us, I can feel it. Admit to me why you wanted me to join you." She begged. Timidly, her eyes traveled up his black cape, and settled on his own gaze. 

The fiery anger seemed to have settled, thought she could tell he was still guarded, aware that her questioning was not quite finished, but his features softened into a curious look, as if he were intrigued... as if he were in awe.

Rey added, with her eyes focused on his own unflinching study, "Power can't be the only reason... Can it?"

 The bond seemed to have lightened into a weightless warmth that protected them, shielding them from their own anger, careful enough to not disturb the growth between the pair. At the realization of this, Kylo knew what she was asking of him as the bond attempted to soothe the powerful waves that constantly surrounded his mind.

 Rey wanted honesty, even from the most guarded parts of him that he hadn't fully settled on. She wanted him to admit his feelings.   he thought.

"Say it." Rey quietly beckoned, repeating the words he had said to her numerous times now, easily flipping the tables yet again. How could a girl cause so much chaos in the entire galaxy? How could this woman, this stranger, derail his entire existence so abruptly? His mind reached, but could not find any answer.

Kylo nearly gulped, his mouth too dry as he felt the darkness in him rile up. Whatever evidence that may been Ben, cringed away and hid. She had bested him before. He had offered her everything. And she...she refused him! She would do it again. . He had to make sure it would never happen again.