
Chapter 105

That luscious voice went on, calligraphy itself, “You like all those things. You arranged this for us.”

“Kinda meant to propose to you here, y’know.” He was amused that Colby’d needed to mention the arrangements; Colby did know, because Jason had admitted as much.

He’d had a plan. Come back to this glorious old English countryside piece of cheesemaking and sheep-farming history, where they’d spent the first night after the first informal semi-proposal, when Jason’s mouth’d blurted out the idea. Bring the ring along. Give Colby the best and most romantic weekend ever, full of history and food and tender possessive sex, surrounded by the crackle of the fire and the low silvery rustle of rain. Take Colby out onto the tiny balcony, at some point—the way Will and Stephen’d first met in that Steadfastscene—and get down on one knee.