
STB System In Strike The Blood

Noa Elkeon is a pretty much normal guy at least on the outside world... When he reaches home from work or different types of activities he changes personalities and become a Vampire progenitor... Or at least he would wish to become one but unfortunately, this is real life and not his favourite Anime... But what happened when an earthquake happens and demolished countless apartments??? The answer is simple he died.....

Seion · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Chapter 29 : Talking...

Nagisa went inside in order to wake up the sleeping Kojou and came back after 10 minutes with teary eyes...

Nagisa : He's is not waking up..... Did he die???

Avrora : Oh, he made Nagisa-chan cry????

Asagi had a dead look on her face similar to Avrora and both of them went inside, leaving Nagisa with Noa there alone...

Noa realised something and went to hug Nagisa and covered her ears for a bit before screams were heard from the room inside...

Noa at the same time he was taking liberties with her making her jolted a bit as he was groping her little cute ass which if he had to guess she wore bear panties...

Nagisa : Ugh..... Mooooo... Can't you stop doing this when there are others at home...

Noa : Pfftfttt.... so it's fine for me to treat you as my girl when we are alone???

Nagisa blushed from his playful smile when he said that making her cheeks turn a bit rosy which gave her cuteness overload...

At that moment, the other 2 came back with a beatdown Kojou dressed and ready to leave only to see Noa hugging Nagisa and her hugging him back.

Avrora was pissed when she saw this but Kojou passed by as thanking the one who helped her, Asagi had mixed feelings about him, he had a beautiful girlfriend yet he is after more even in front of her...

Avrora's face had deformed with killing intent towards him but what she said at Noa stunned Asagi and even Nagisa blushed a bit and tried to retort with her cute puff up cheeks...

Avrora : You.... Didn't i tell you that you can have as many as you want except Nagisa...

Asagi was stunned, wait she lets him have any girl except Nagisa?? Don't tell me she is an overprotective sister figure to her???

Nagisa : Mooo, i'm a big girl now, Avrora-neechan...

Avrora's face got twisted by the cuteness Nagisa exclaimed with her puff up pooting cheeks and got defeat it by her cute eyes.

Noa : And either way can we talk about this on a later date?? Won't you 3 be late??

Asagi : Ah, that's right... It's almost 8...

Noa : Well then have a nice, day at your school!!

Noa : Especially you two have fun until i came for a few snacks...

Asagi blushed as she realised his meaning while Nagisa was smiling sweetly at them and Avrora frowned but contrary to their expectations of Kojou spoke up which left them speechless...

Kojou : Since you'll be staying here with Avrora, there are snacks on the top part right self in the kitchen...

Asagi was speechless by his brain failing to realise what he had said and she couldn't believe that she admires and likes him... Her impression just gone down the drain...

Avrora was thinking how the hell did this guy end up in the future with two wives and 2 kids??

And finally, Noa was thanking the heavens that this guy was a total shitting brainless fool...

All of them left from there in order to catch the time limit of their school curfew leaving behind Avrora and Noa in the room...

Avrora : If you hurt Nagisa-chan i'll break your legs...

Noa : Yep you can do that, but kill me??? Not even in a million years...

Avrora : Sigh... I wanted to ask you for some time now when you revived me did i regain my immortality or only my vampire abilities??

Noa : I think only your basic vampire abilities, well you can say a stronger version of them since my blood refined your body...

Avrora : But you are not sure up to what extend i powered up....

Noa : Correct, however about your immortality you had given it to Kojou...

Avrora : Can you bind me like Nagisa??

Noa : Huh??

Noa was staring at Avrora and at the same time he was clearing his ears in case he didn't her something wrong, after staring at her he realised she was dead serious...

Daily Chapters...

Bleach, Naruto, Dan Machi, Fairy Tail, One Piece, DxD, STB, ToDaG - 1 Per Day

Good News i start my job at Monday and i'll try to release as many as i can till then...

Bad news i'll be entering a few days hiatus until i get accustomed to my new timeframe in work...

Reaching 300 on Bleach so expect a few bonuses....

Also tomorrow i might not be able to release so i'll try to release them today...


Discord: Seion#0464

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