
STB System In Strike The Blood

Noa Elkeon is a pretty much normal guy at least on the outside world... When he reaches home from work or different types of activities he changes personalities and become a Vampire progenitor... Or at least he would wish to become one but unfortunately, this is real life and not his favourite Anime... But what happened when an earthquake happens and demolished countless apartments??? The answer is simple he died.....

Seion · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Chapter 13 : Boat!!!

Avrora was standing there as she looked at Noa and she didn't recognize him at all, for her it was 21 days but her body grew like 63 days...

But for him from 7 and a half, he became 12 and a half that was 5 years of the time gap that made him totally unrecognised as he had gotten taller more refined and many other things...

Noa : It's me Avrora, here don't you recognised my clothes??

Avrora : This... this is really you??

Noa : Quite handsome i would say, what happened you fell for me and ate your words??

Avrora : You... Why didn't you take me with you!!!!

Noa : Too much trouble on the way i almost died...

Avrora : Yeah right... I have never seen someone eat in their faces countless explosions and survive without a scratch...

Noa : Well, let's drop this... I have news for you...

Avrora : What news??

Noa : I may have found a way out...

Avrora : Really??

Noa : Yeah in fact, you know as well it's spot...

Avrora : Huh??? I know the way out??

Noa : Yeah, it's this oasis with fresh water...

Noa : During my travel just now i noticed something, that in every place that has something like a treasure or traps, time flows differently for our body...

Avrora : Aaahh... Now that you mention it you are right...

Noa : Therefore since we travelled for a year... and saw pretty much everything...

Avrora : Then where does this fresh water comes out??? Is what you want to say??

Noa : Correct... Furthermore, the lower you go be it in caves or swamps the denser the time our bodies feel...

Avrora : So you mean that if we dive and reach the bottom our bodies will experience more than 3 times?? Maybe 10 -100 and so on??

Noa : Yeah... I should tell you i fell in a swamp that had 10.000 pes 1 hour... i stayed there for 3-4 hours and became like this, before returning...

Avrora : Ugh...

Noa : Unfortunately no blood for Familiars just a few relics and i also repaired the Hellmouth so we can leave anytime we want...

Avrora started trembling on the first part and her eyes kinda become teary as he could have left her here and leave on his own, she felt a few pricks inside her as she tried not to start crying...

Avrora : Then why are we staying here??

Noa : I really wanna check the bottom of this...

Noa : Who knows perhaps we can find something worth our time being stuck in here...

Avrora : Then what are we waiting for let's jump in...

Noa : Yeah...

They both rushed and jumped inside creating 2 huge splashes on the surface of the lake, as they went deeper and deeper Noa got a message that time started to increase from 3 to 5 then 10 and so on...

After 35 minutes, they saw something on the bottom of the oasis a small boat travelling leaving the speechless...

Noa made a few hand signs and both went towards the boat to check it, as they entered inside their bodies had grown too much making both of them look like 14 Years old and a half...

Avrora : This?? how is this possible...??

Noa : Well the time went up to 50.000 per minute... This is the highest so far we have experienced...

Avrora : Yeah the feeling of time was the same for the last 25 minutes...

Noa : So our bodies grew by almost 868 days...

Avrora : Say what do you think that gate is??

Noa : Only one way to find out...

When they went close to the gate and touch it each from one side... It started shining and all symbols light up before opening...

2 minutes later they saw a mirror in it and through it, they could see the City of Itogami Island... Just as Noa was about to step inside, he was stopped by her as she held his hand...

Daily Chapters...

Bleach, Naruto, Dan Machi, Fairy Tail, One Piece, DxD, STB, ToDaG - 1 Per Day

I Owe STB - 3 / Fairy -1 / Bleach - 1 / One Piece - 1

I would like to apologise for owning as i'm kinda sick with a bit of fever so i'm not in the mood to write but I will still try my best...

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