
Chapter 106 : Intervention...

Just as Rudolf took the kick in his face and got sent backwards 4-5 steps...

He swang his axe from the handle as he was holding it with one arm, horizontally hitting Kojou in his ribs trying to split him in half...

Kojou spat another mouth full of blood as he felt the axe slowly splitting him...

At that moment a hand appeared and caught the axe stopping it in the ribs of Kojou...

??? : And I was wondering why the fuck you were walking in circles...

??? : Honestly I thought that now that you have a girlfriend you lost it...

With a wave if his hand he pushed out the axe that was stuck in his ribs making Kojou groan in pain and bleed even more...

Rudolf withdrew the axe as he stared at the new guy who made an appearance, while Kojou felt on the ground panting with blood all over...

Rudolf as a veteran who had fought for countless years knew when to advance and when to retreat...

However now his body reacted even before his mind could check whether to advance or not...

His back was drenched in sweat... Just as he was about to call Astarte, he was shocked to see her on the ground...

She was struggling to get up while a female figure was sitting on top of her...

Seeing the second person he frowns, she seemed familiar appearance wise and even though he thought could somewhat come with her, he didn't move at all...

Kojou : Noa... Avrora.....

Noa : Why the fuck are you in this mess??

Noa : Where are your familiars...??

Kojou : In this wide.... area there would.... have bound... for innocent to die...

Noa : Sigh...

Kojou : Why... are you here??

Noa : Are you kidding me... You were running around in circles and bumped on us more than three times...

Noa : Sigh...

Noa : And... Rudolf Eustach can i assume you are here for the Relic?? Or possibly the prison??

Rudolf : Relic... Prison has to wait for another chance...

Noa : I see...

Noa : Sorry to say this but you will fail miserably...

Rudolf : So it seems...

Noa : Is what i would have said but there is a way for you to complete the mission...

Rudolf : How...

Noa : Make the origins of Itogami Island's keystone known to the world.

Noa : Then the Japanese government will receive controversy and a flood of condemnation from not only the Western European Church but a wide variety of kingdoms and organizations.

Noa : If they can come up with an alternative to support the island then there the problem solved...

Noa : However you will; be used as a stone and condemn for your crimes.

Noa : I believe you have enough information to do that...

Noa : Although it would be delayed, it will be guaranteed...

Rudolf pondered over the pros and cons of what Noa had said as he had planned to do this in case he truly failed, his mission would have been faster but costs too many lives in the long run...

While his proposal would be 100% success but take too long to complete...

As he was pondering he saw Astarte still struggling to get up as she had her orders and wondered what will happen to her...

In the aftermath of all this, he will be probably got charged with all crimes and will be declared persona non grata while getting expelled.

Noa : If you are worried about her as she was having merely been obeying her master's commands, she would be treated as under probation.

Rudolf : Earlier you asked Relic or Prison do you know who are aftering it??

Noa : I have my guesses, after all, no one can enter and leave the Itogami Island without my senses picking him up...

Rudolf : As i guess from your tone you knew about us and also our purposes here...

Rudolf : I still have a bit of life in me, therefore, i will surrender...

Weekly... ToDaG - Dan Machi - One Piece...

STB (4/8)

July : DxD (0/20) - Naruto (0/8)

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