
STB: Runes and Vampires [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: I write fanfic on my phone so don't expect I have quality content, though I edit the chapters myself since I don't have an editor so there will be some spelling mistakes and grammar as English is not my primary language. Synopsis: A teenage boy who's very obsessed with runes and born in the wrong era and world, one day when he woke up in his parallel self in a completely different place and world to make it worse the previous him managed to kill the 4th progenitor with a stick! Now he has to bear the weight of becoming the new 4th progenitor. ××××× For benefits like getting new chapters earlier and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my pa treon: pa treon.com/Mozuto Or just join my Discord server discord.com/invite/yjAR4GqxTq

Mozuto · Anime & Comics
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STB: Chapter 40

After the girls finished the remaining automata, Alex looked at the horizon.

"Alex? Is there more?" Sayaka looked at Alex who narrowed his eyes.

"Looks like something is interesting in that boat, let's meet them" Alex smiled as he looked at the girls who were looking at him waiting for orders.

As they arrived at the shore they saw a boat heading towards the island's coast, Sayaka summoned Vlad intending to sink the ship when Alex stopped her causing Sayaka to look at him in confusion.

"Alex?" Alex smiled at Sayaka as he looked at the boat and raised a white flag indicating they wanted a truce.

La Folia saw the white flag causing her to narrow her eyes.

Soon, the boat arrived at the shore. The crew quickly lowered the gate, transforming it into a makeshift ramp. Passengers began to get off, using the ramp as a staircase. As the three people on board step into the sand.

La Folia saw one of the passengers causing her to narrow her eyes before turning into her usual expression as a princess.

"It's good to see you Kanase Kensei" La Folia stepped forward to greet the guy with Kiriha behind her as a bodyguard.

The old man with eyeglasses also stepped forward.

"Seven years, was it?" Kensei said with an indifferent look on his face.

"You've grown quite beautiful, your highness"

"... How dare you speak to me like that as if you didn't do anything!" La Folia grits her teeth while Alex watches the whole drama unfold.

"Where's Kanase Kanon, Kensei?!" La Folia glared at Kensei who had a smile on his face.

"We've obtained seven bodies for the angel faux project"

"Kanon defeated three of them and including the others that she killed, has obtained six spiritual centers" Kensei explained his project like a villain would, causing Alex to smile as he shook his head.

"That, what you called the angel faux ritual is just a practice of poisoning people..." La Folia clenched her fist.

"By taking their spiritual centers from their enemies and putting them inside her body..." La Folia frowned as she imagined what her aunt Kanon had experienced causing her even to grit her teeth while Alex was just appreciating the blond vampire wearing a bodysuit that highlighted her curves.

"She will be a good CEO for my company, I just need to tame her" Alex muttered as he looked at the bombshell of a body that this blond vampire had.

"Spiritual evolution will be possible without surpassing the human body capacity"

"That means... We can create a being much closer to a God" Kensei smiled.

"You don't mean!" La Folia's eyes wide as she covered her mouth in shock.

"That's right... An angel" Kensei grinned like a madman.

Hearing this Alex can't help but think about the ego he got from Sayaka's and Yukina's weapons.

'Angels huh, though I can't prove if the ego I have is a pure angel or just artificial, I need more data' Alex thought as he looked at the man behind the artificial angel.

"So what's the magus craft have to do with this? ... Wait" La Folia muttered.

"I see, Magus Craft is on the verge of bankruptcy, in an attempt to salvage the company, you guys developed an automata for battle, but if I remember the results aren't that good" La Folia looked at those who are part of the magus craft.

"And we have a winner!"

"That's right, it's the reason why we wager the company's fortune on artificial angels that Kensei has been developing as a weapon" a man with messy hair explained, causing Alex to shake his head.

"This is the reason why they are villains, always explaining their plans" Alex muttered as he remembered the novels he read in his original world.

"Anyway! Now you know the story of our little group"

"I'll tell you what we want" The blond vampire woman crossed her arm below her boobs amplifying her already large breasts.

"First, princess of Aldegyr, stop resisting and surrender yourself to us" La Folia frowned when she heard it.

"Do that and we'll let you even live"

"Of course, we'll make you feel so good, you'll wish you were dead" The blond girl smiled as La Folia narrowed her eyes and looked at the blond girl with disgust.

"You're planning to make me your breeding mare?!" La Folia grits her teeth and was about to shoot this blond bitch but Sayaka stopped her.

"As for you three, I'll give you guys a special chance" The blond woman smiled as the man with messy hair opened a high-tech coffin causing La Folia to let out a gasp.

The coffin reveals a younger girl with the same features as La Folia, Kensei grabbed a remote on his lab coat and pressed it causing the girl in the coffin to stand up.

"Kanon..." La Folia muttered as she saw her aunt.

"Interesting, that looked like magic circuits from the Fate series" Alex muttered as he saw silver lines around La Folia's aunt.

"But damn! She's young to be an aunt" Alex said, causing Sayaka to look at him with judging eyes but Alex just ignored her.

"4th progenitor, dear boy-" Alex looked at the blond woman.

"What's your name?" Alex cut the blond woman.

"Beatrice Basler, why~ did I charm you?~" Alex shook his head with a smile, Alex mouthed something that Beatrice managed to read his lips causing her to glare at Alex but a tint blush rose on her cheeks.

Beatrice grits her teeth as she looks at the coffin.

"Girl! Do it! Crush that 4th progenitor! It will be our sales pitch!" Beatrice looked at Kensei who just nodded.

"Do it XDA-7" Kanon soon then spread her wings causing it to shine brightly.

"Rough her up a little Sayaka, don't hurt her" Alex looked at Sayaka who nodded at the order.

Sayaka then unsummoned Vlad as she held her hands up.

"Desiring supreme ardor! Bring down the hammer against my progenitor's enemies!" Then a magic circle appeared in her one hand where a sword manifested out of nowhere.


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