
STB: Runes and Vampires [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: I write fanfic on my phone so don't expect I have quality content, though I edit the chapters myself since I don't have an editor so there will be some spelling mistakes and grammar as English is not my primary language. Synopsis: A teenage boy who's very obsessed with runes and born in the wrong era and world, one day when he woke up in his parallel self in a completely different place and world to make it worse the previous him managed to kill the 4th progenitor with a stick! Now he has to bear the weight of becoming the new 4th progenitor. ××××× For benefits like getting new chapters earlier and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my pa treon: pa treon.com/Mozuto Or just join my Discord server discord.com/invite/yjAR4GqxTq

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STB: Chapter 5

Before the chapter begin I just want to say thanks to [Kurupt, BlackIced819 and Rei-sama] who joined my P@treon.


Sayaka's mind blanked causing her body to freeze when she heard what he just said. She had never felt so humiliated before and just wanted to cut this vampire, progenitor or not.

'Became mine he said?! How dare he! Only Yukina can have me! You perverted vampire!' Sayaka imagined if she were to accept this absurd offer that the 4th progenitor offered causing him to blush.


When Alex decided to confront his stalker he expected a fight would break out and he would have to use his familiar since he knew nothing about close-quarter combat and would have to just nuke the alleyway just to kill the stalker.

But to his surprise, a beautiful teenager with knee-length brown hair that is tied in a long ponytail with square bangs hanging on the right side and turquoise-green eyes came out, as a person who doesn't have a girlfriend in his past life and a fucking virgin, because of his rune Bonner, he doesn't have time to interact with others since he chooses to be home-schooled to have more time researching about runes.

As a person who doesn't have enough social interaction, he is of course an awkward individual, so instead of being a beta Japanese MC who's just asking to be cucked he decided to be a straightforward person who works most of the time in his previous world.

Because the 4th progenitor doesn't have Rizz he just straight up asks the girl to be his, causing the girl to step back and blush.

'Oh?! What's this?! Maybe I do have a chance? Having a busty girlfriend might be nice and especially since I'm a vampire now I can just drink her blood instead of ordering online. I sometimes forget to order' Alex was cheering in his mind for having a busty girlfriend.

"So? What's with you stalking me?" The 4th progenitor asked as he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes causing her to gulp as I mean business, yes she's pretty but it won't mean I'm going to compromise the safety of my parents, from the looks of it she's fishing some information about me and for sure she knows where I lived, or to be precise the organization where she works already know the truth.

"Forgive me if I somehow offend you, 4th progenitor, my name is Sayaka Kirisaka an attack mage, a war dancer to be precise from the Lion King Organization, I was tasked to be your observer" The girl now named Sayaka said with an aloof expression on her face.

"Lion King Organization? Does that mean I've been labeled as a threat by your organization?" The 4th progenitor narrowed his eyes as his mana unconsciously leaked out causing Sayaka to feel cold and start to sweat.

Alex of course heard of the Lion King organization as they were a special agency established by the National Public Safety Commission. They engage in intelligence gathering and sabotage to impede large-scale magical disasters and sorcerous terrorism.

At first, it was not a problem because he was not involved, but now he has become the 4th progenitor. They sent an observer to learn more about him and if he was a threat to the peace that they so hard tried to achieve and possibly of me disrupting the power balance between the current progenitors.

… Wait… there's something not right, why would they send an agent like her? From the looks of It, she doesn't look professional because they would have complete control of their emotions, she brings a suspicious large baggage that rattles every time she takes a step, could it be she was just sent to be the bait while the real observer was already around me? But how come I haven't sensed them? This is creepy…

"Indeed, your existence disrupts the power balance of the current progenitors, it is why the organization sent someone to be an observer" Sayaka informs the 4th progenitor about her motives to avoid combat that she fully knows she'll lose.

"I see… so that means you'll always observe me 24/7 right?" The 4th progenitor frowns because it doesn't feel good to know someone always watching your every move from afar.

Seeing the 4th progenitor frown, Sayaka immediately wants to go home and just hug Yukina, but she can't because she can't afford to disrespect the current 4th progenitor who's also the strongest of all the progenitors.

"Then you come and live with me, and I won't take no for an answer," The 4th progenitor said, making Sayaka's mind black.

"Eh? W-What do you mean live in with you!" Sayaka was of course surprised at the offer and just wanted to cry because she couldn't refuse.

"You are my observer, right? And I don't like someone watching my every move from afar because it's super creepy" Alex stated as if it's obvious.

"It's not creepy, it's called professionalism!" Sayaka crossed her arms to her large boobs making it even more noticeable.

"Let's go I still need to go to the hardware store to buy materials for my experiment, but a certain someone who followed me behind like a stalker would do, disrupt my plan, just thinking about it makes me shiver, it's creepy as hell" Alex shivers just thinking about someone watching every move you do from afar.

Sayaka, who had a red face as she heard, the 4th progenitor's comment, now thinking about it, she had no idea what to call him, or should she call him 4th.

"Hmm… maybe I should punish you? But how" Alex mumbles as he thinks a suitable punishment for his new maid *ahem* Assistant.

"excuse me 4th b-" Before she could continue a finger suddenly on her lips preventing her from talking.

"Call me Alex, also you'll be my assistant from now on so it's fair you call me by my name" Alex removed his fingers from the blushing Sayaka, he didn't know if he was angry or shy, but it was fun.

"Okay, Alex… but can I just stay in the neighborhood? My organization will arrange things for me…" Sayaka felt awkward as it was the first time she called someone a man by their first name, but Alex is not a human man so it's all right for her, she always used their last names when she was on a mission so this was something new for her.

"Huh? Don't be ridiculous, as I said, I don't like it because it's creepy" 'Maybe I just want a hot girl to be living in my parent's house, damn this teenage hormone also damn I need to get a place of my own' Alex continues to walk towards the shop.


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