
Stay-Hold On

Mariam_ak02 · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter One

"Maddy stop fighting mom over everything." Christina scolds Madelyn.

As being the eldest and most sensible sister among us four Gibson sisters. Well we are five.. but our eldest sister Trina, is married.

"Mind you're own business Christina. You're always the good one according to mum and dad, they never seem to notice me." Madelyn huffs.

Maddy has always been the difficult one.. she is the second child, one and a half year younger than Christina and three years older than me.  She was rude and sometimes selfish.

I try to concentrate but due to the toungue wrestling which is going on among my sisters is'nt letting me study.

"Could you guys shut up. I'm trying to read." I say loudly. Hoping they may stop... but nope... they never can.

"Gracie.. I'm sorry... Maddy is a jerk." Christina sighs.

"Rosie is trying to sleep." I look over too poor Rosie. "And you both never stop arguing over stupid stuff." I tell them. Rosie is the youngest among all of us. She is seven. I teach Rosie sometimes. She is into studying... like me.

"Go to another room if we are troubling you and you're reading Gracelyn." Maddy yells at me.

"Oh for you're kindest information Maddy, we have only two rooms in this house. She can't go anywhere else as the other room is mum and dad's." Christina blurts.

Christina and I are always the best company. We protect and care and love each other alot.

"Enough of you two... you two.. look at my poor baby.." our mom enters the room and takes a glance over Rosie. "Shame on you two. You two are the eldest." Our mom huffs. She is always annoyed.. well obviously she has to be annoyed. Because Maddy and Christina are used to fighting atleast four times in a week.

Dad has been on bed rest since two days. He has not been going to work. He also took leave for a week atleast. Christina and Maddy cared about no one. Not even sick Dad.

"Sorry mom." Christina apologizes..

"Sorry mom." Maddy mimics

I notice Christina about to say something. I quickly give her a

'Don't' look and she stops.

"You two.. for sometime...stop arguing over everything." I try to get this into my big sisters's head.

"Grace this is'nt fair... mum and dad never notice what I do.. I mean I clean, I help Rosie with the work you do but still.. they never stop comparing me with Christina." Maddy sighs.

"You're selfish Maddy.. you do everything only so you good get whatever you want.. oh and all the attention you don't even deserve." Christina huffs.

I look back and forth between both of my elder sisters.

"Well atleast... I've studied... a bit... even till the eight grade atleast I have. You are dumb, ugly, fat and a failure. You failed in you're classes and mum and dad had to stop wasting there money on...."

"Maddy... enough." I shut my sister when I notice Christina's watery eyes.

"I hate you Maddy." She says and leaves the room crying. I look angrily at Maddy.

"What?" She says and I roll my eyes... in extreme annoyance. I leave my books on the table and run behind my sister. She would probably be on our roof. We always go there...whenever we need time alone.

"Christina?" I enter the roof and find my poor sister in a corner.. crying..

"Christina...." I go up to her and take her in my arms.

"I hate Maddy." She sobs in my arms.

"It's okay... you know how she is... she is mean... don't take her words on you're heart... you are wonderful... and beautiful... prettier than any of us." I tell her and I mean it. Thou I suck at consoling..

Christina was a bit thick.. not alot.. but still she was the prettiest among all of us. She had the prettiest feautures.

"I am not... she was right I am a failure." She sobs in my arms.

"No you are'nt... you are'nt trust me sister.." I kiss her forhead and she smiles at me.

"Com'on.. it's almost time for dinner." She gets up on her feet and holds my hand. We both walk downstairs back to our room and I find my little Rosie awake.

"Grace where were you?" She asks me in her broken accent.

I take her in my arms. I love her so much. "Grace went up to get Christina down.." I tell my Rosie and kiss her soft cheek.

"Girls... dinner." Our mom shouts from her room. As daddy was sick and could'nt get up from the bed we were having breakfast and dinner in mum and dad's room instead on the dinning table.. which Trina's husband Charlie gave us.

Christina and Maddy roll there eyes at each other. I sit with Rosie and dad, obviously.. Christina and Maddy with mom. Rosie is mom's favourite child... maybe because she is the youngest.. while dad loves me... he says that but I don't think anyone loves me. None of them support me in my decisions except for Christina.



Before when dad was all okay, and was'nt sick. He used to come home late night at ten. Rosie and I used to wait for dad and then we all used to have dinner till eleven.  Daddy loved all of us equally.. he never compared, when he used to get stuff for someone, he'd get for all of us and then get scolded by mum for wasting money. Mum usually compared us sibilings and used to love each differently, she loved Rosie and Trina most.


I finished my highschool by Chiristina, mum, and my money. Dad's money was enough just for the bills and other grocery stuff.

Me and Maddy used to give tuitions to kids and then we used the money for my fees. I love studying and I need to make a future, if I don't study I'd probably get married and and live a life obeying everything my husband says and depending on him for everything, like Trina and my Mum.

A girl should be well educated so in life, she never needs to depend on anyone, never need to ask, but to give. She should be strong and passionate.