
Chapter Twelve

"BANG CHAN AH!!!" Mrs. Bang cried. Bang Chan was punched by Mr. Bang. "You haven't learned a lesson, aren't you? Huh!?!?" Mr. Bang grabbed Bang Chan's collar and punched his face again.

"Who will pay!?! Who!?! Sana's parents are looking for the money!!!" his father said.

"It was your fault! You let them sold Sana to us! It's because of your bullshe—" but instead, Mr. Bang punched him again. "Talk back and I won't hesitate to kick you out!!!"

Chan's lips were filled with his own blood. He coughed and looked down. "Now look at me Christopher!" Chan just looked on his father's feet. "Look up at me!!!" Mr. Bang kicked Chan's face that caused Chan to fall on the ground more.

"You are so selfish! You never cared about your family!"

"I-if I never c-cared," he coughed, "I wouldn't be in this household anymore." "IT'S YOUR FAULT!" Chan cried out loud.

Mr. Bang was about to punch Chan but Lucas and Hannah tried to stop him. "Appa! Hajima!"

"L-lucas, H-hannah... S-stay out of here." Chan warned his siblings but they didn't listen.

Mrs. Bang cried at them. This wasn't the family she cherished. It was the first family she had that turned out into a problematic life.

Mr. Bang grabbed his hands and looked at his two young children. He sighed and went upstairs without caring for Chan. The three of them quickly ran to Bang Chan.

He didn't care how much he was hurt. He just watched his wicked father walk away.


Morning came and Bang Chan walked to their school. He doesn't even care if students look at him and talk about him. He is tired dealing with things that can cause more trouble to his life.

He was expecting for Felix to show up but he never did the whole period(s). Even Seungmin. Chaewon was the one who accompanied him to eat lunch and they're the hot topic of the school again.

Bang Chan was new to this feeling. He feels guilty for Sana. Sana would always come here bringing lunch for him and Felix but now, Sana wouldn't do that.

He sighed and just ate his food. "Gwaenchanha, Bang Chan oppa?" he heard Chaewon and he nodded. "Nae..."

And two tall girls approached their table carrying their trays. The first girl looked at Chaewon and smiled, "Chaewon ah. Let's meet at the rooftop again later." she said and walked away with her companion.

Bang Chan's gaze followed them. "Who are they? Are they your friends?"

"They're no one." Chaewon stated and just ate. Chan nodded and just understood what Chaewon said. But the more he analyses what they said to her and what she said to him, the more he gets suspicious at them about what's happening.

Chaewon stood up, "See you again later, Bang Chan oppa." She flashed a sweet smile before she left.

Chan waited for Chaewon to leave and he took his things and followed her secretly.


The girl threw her banana milk to Chaewon who is standing.

"Oh, mianhae. I thought it's a trash can."

Chaewon just closed her eyes. She was treated like this for weeks.

"Hmmm... You are pretty and cute Chaewon-ah..." She said while going around the poor girl.

"But I still hate you!" And she pushed Chaewon from the back causing the poor girl to fall on the ground.

She looked at her friend. "Yah, you fix this mess." And the tall girl walked out.

Chaewon sat up crying hard. "U-unnie? Gwaenchanha?" the youngest went to her and helped her stand up.

"CHAEWON-AH!" And the two of them looked at the door only to see Bang Chan.

"O-oppa..." Chan quickly ran to them. "Gwaenchanha? Yah? She did this to you right?" and Bang Chan looked at the tall younger girl.

She pretty tAll, huh? Now, Aisha and this kid are taller than me? HOlee molEy-

He stopped checking out the young girl's height and sighef. "What is her purpose?" "Bang Chan sunbaenim, I won't explain nor tell you everything but I'm on Chaewon unnie's side. It's that's just, that ***** was so powerful. So I have to accompany her." She looked at Chaewon.

Bang Chan's phone suddenly rang. It was Seungmin. His purpose is Felix so he picked the call up.


Felix is here in the hospital.


I called you hyung to buy some foods for him.

Araesso. Just wait.

And he hanged up. Bang Chan looked at Chaewon. "I'll bring you to the hospital."


"No buts Kim Chaewon." Bang Chan grabbed her hands and both of them bought foods and went to the hospital Seungmin had mentioned to him.

Chan assigned a nurse to heal Chaewon's cuts and he went to Felix's room.

"Lix!?!" and Seungmin and Hyunjin's attention went to him.

He entered the room only to see Felix lying down with puffed eyes, crouching and holding his stomach. He begun to worry about the young man. "W-what happened?"

"Food poisoning." Seungmin said and he looked at Hyunjin.

"H-how did that happened?"

"Ask Hyunjin."

"Hyunjin?" "N-nae?"

"Did you?"

"M-mianhae hyung ah. I didn't know the sausage I fried was expired." Hyunjin responded honestly with a hint of begging voice.

Chan sighed. "Did he drink his medicines?"

Seungmin nodded. "Doc. Kim told us that let's just wait for some hours and the medicine will help his hydrochloric acid in his stomach calm down."

Felix was in whole pain that his body felt numb. His stomach suffocates him.

"I have my note copies here, Lix. Don't worry okay?" Chan said and smiled sweetly at him and Felix smiled back and went back to "in-pain" look again.


Chaewon thanked Chan and Hyunjin guided her to the exit of the hospital. Seungmin said he'll be going somewhere so Bang Chan came in the C.R. for a short time and he went outside again.

He passed through the hallways of the hospital smelling different types of medicines and witnessing many patients.

From the distance, he saw Seungmin heading to another room. He thought Hyunjin and him will do their thang again but why in the hospital. It's not even Felix's room because the freckled boy's room is in the other wing near the hallway he was passing through.

He slowly peaked at the space of the open door only to see Seungmin talking to a girl. A girl that he never saw but was indeed familiar to him.

But what is he doing here?

Is this what Hyunjin and Seungmin fought about last time?