
Statera..(A story between light and dark..)

A boy of light simply trying to get by unknowing of his own destiny.. Meets one of darkness aware of his.. (LGBTQ characters you don't like it leave) what would transpire..in these situations....

Arichu_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 Reality is a illusion

It felt like all the wind had been knocked out of Brash; he let out a confused exhale and his eyes widened comically. He looked between him and Mary and Lin, he had that same concerning smile on his face.

Finally the figure had seemed to be brought to Mary and Lins attention turning to follow Brashs eyeline and spotting him, for a moment no one moved as soon as the four of them locked eyes time seemed to slow down..

Eyes swirling red

His purple

His Gold

Hers Blue

Then as if someone had unpaused a video LIn began coughing violently a gnat flying too close for comfort to his mouth Brash had not taken his eyes off of him his breathing unsteady how was whoever this was here?

How was he real? 

 Mary swiftly realising that with Lins coughing and Brashs unusual silence and reluctance to talk to this stranger she would have to being the only pollute one there apparently so side stepping Brash and crossing the river pulling her ripped dress up high holding it near her knees.

She finally reached the figure she held her hand out with a bright smile on her face "Hello there apologies if you own this land we were simply playing around didn't notice if it was private property or not!"

Staring at her hand I felt nothing. It was comical with how easy this was going to be..

Seeing his shark tooth grin it was like someone had finally turned Brashs senses back on he to crossed the river albeit a little more clumsily than Mary, Lin finally done coughing and having noticed the two already crossing grumbled and warily crossed shaking knees all the way praying he did not fall into the water.

Brash stepped in front of Mary and stretched his one hand out taking the figures and saying "Hiya there im Brash and you sure do have a strange smile and a familiar face huh?"

The figure simply grinned wider it unsettled Brash this was one of the few times he felt fear it was unlike him…

"Oh thank you, I work on my smile quite often.."

The figure finally spoke. Brash cursed his voice like molasses on his ears, coating him and drenching every worry he could have possibly had away…

Almost unnaturally.

Brashs eyes became hazy and half lidded as if he was in a trance but the minute he drew his hand back it seemed to break he blinked and gave him a terrified look backing away Lin gave him a confused and almost panicked look Mary went back to quietly ask if he was okay.

The figure did not seem surprised by this but rather overjoyed not even trying to hide a smile so wide that it crinkled his eyes..He laughed a low soft tinkling laugh which caused Mary to flush not unnoticed by Lin.

"Oh well i am so sorry i do have quite a strong grip many people do tell me…"

"And you are?" Lin asked somewhat snipply not liking the way a beautiful shade of rose spread across Mary's face when this man spoke or frankly did anything.


They all waited with baited breath for a last name but it never came.

Lin narrowed his eyes and despite Brashs concern and frankly confusion and rising panic he could feel a little sorry for whoever this thing was as he too did not have a last name and the reasons were not pleasant.

His family only existed in his dreams..

The people he counted as family anyway.

Seeing Lins judgy look Mary gave him a disapproving look and then quickly cleared her throat to say "Do not worry about last names our friend Brash here too doesn't have one."

For once Zander seemed capable of making any other facial expression than a smirk he snorted and tilted his head eyebrow raised he asked "Brash..? What an interesting name.."

Brash sensed he was being made fun off and the previous voice stuffing his fears away as if they were cotton didn't help he quickly gasped in mock offence and said "Mary he is mocking my nickname!!'

Mary's eyes just darkened and Lin looked all to used to this she just sighed rubbing her temples "I don't need children i tell my dad you two act like big enough children for me.."

Zander however looked disinterested now staring at some faraway point over Lin head as soon as the group saw the staring they froze unable to tell what he was looking at ..

Zander seemed to have a ghost of a smile on his lips he seemed to be counting but no sound left his lips.

Mary gave a quizzical look to the two other boys Lin just rolled his eyes and grabbed both Mary and now a very dazed Brash's hands backwards and said "He is just a weirdo don't worry about it."

Zander seemed to hear it and let out a chuckle he tilted his head downwards away from wherever he seemed to be staring apparently done counting he softly said 

"What are you three if not the same as me?.."

As soon as the last syllable left his mouth a deafening wail seemed to echo form all around them Brash instinctively went to cover his ears grimacing Mary however eyes widened in alarm shetreid to say something but die to the sound being to loud no one heard anything she grimaced pulling the two boys down closer to her and yelling out.

"That is the town's Tornado watch alarm!!!"

Despite how loud she yelled it the alarm drowned her out mostly yet the boys finally understood what she said and their own eyes indeed comically in alarm.

Zander looked unbothered, grinning and just laughing. It looked like every action was from a silent movie whilst someone screamed over it.

Finally as the alarm seemed to show no signs of stopping Mary grabbed both LIn and Brash and thre =w them into a hollow tree stump then after hesitating a bit she grabbed the strange figure they had only just met and pulled him in there too.

The minute Lin saw Zander he simply groaned, Brash looked away but Mary just mumbled "doesn't matter how unsettling and rude he is, that's a tornado watch cant leave him out there."

"It's not a tornado.."

Zander sang he looked pleased with himself every action he took whilst before seemed comforting now just seemed unsettling and frightening.

Brash stood up angrily and clenched his fists. He walked up to Zander and yelled "of course it is why else would they play the alarm!? This is no time to be joking! People could be hurt and we could be in serious danger!"

Lins eyes widened in realisation they were outside protected by a tree stumps outer layer…

Mary too seemed to realise this and wrung her hands uncomfortably it felt like they were on fire her fingers tingle.

Zander simply walked closer to Brash towering over him, he grinned like a cat and said, "Oh we're not in danger…I already told you we were special.."

Brash looked like he was about to swing now; everything this man did seemed oily and uncomfortable.

But just as he was about to swing, Zander pushed forward and said "Careful with your rage there, remember what you did to your teacher.."

Just like that it was as if their environment turned to ice…Brash's face looked confused and enraged, LIn simply looked lost, not even really listening to the fighting to be busy contemplating how they were going to survive if the warning wasn't a fluke.

Meanwhile Mary's hands tingle even harder; it felt like they were burning tears in her eyes. How was this right? Both of her best friends and her killed her alone? 

That wasn't right she just wanted to protect them

Tell the Tornado to go away

Or perhaps take them away

Her fingers burned almost uncomfortably now she began to sweat.

Everyone seemed to be in their own world Zander grabbing the font of Brashs shirt and pulling him up to him draping him across his body easily bringing his mouth to his ear he easily whispered.

"Did it feel good..? When you believed you gave that teacher everything she deserved..?"

"I saw the way your face twisted with anger. It was perfect to watch…"

"The regret is not so pleasant.."

"Don't worry i know its only human i'm here to take that away."

Finally Brashs muscles kicked in and he cursed ludly tears brimming in his eyes pushing him away the loud cursing bringing everyone out of their stupor LIn stood up taking in the situation he rapidly approached beginning to curse Zander out yet Mary grabbed both of them wanting to prevent a fight…

Then with a pop there was only one person left standing in the tree stump alarm for the "tornado" still ringing.

Mary's wish had been fulfilled, hands no longer burning yet skin peeling off in a horrific way after all humans were never supposed to move that fast or escape their own demise like that her body was resisting.


Now the one left in the tree stump should be brought to his demise…


He was human.

Another pop and three bodies slammed into a floor made of solid gold.

All the while he wasn't surprised he simply laughed 

Now you remember what he looks like?