
Statera..(A story between light and dark..)

A boy of light simply trying to get by unknowing of his own destiny.. Meets one of darkness aware of his.. (LGBTQ characters you don't like it leave) what would transpire..in these situations....

Arichu_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

"Ouch! Dude!"

Brash yelled chasing after Lin who had just smacked him with a sugary filled pastry, Brash grabbed at the edges of Lins clothes pulling at them causing Lin to let out an exaggerated scream, Mary seemed to look almost regal, compared to the other two idiots around them.

No one in the village's marketplace seemed to care very much. They had experienced this quite often; there were so few children in this village that the few that were there were so easy to keep track of.

The greenery and cool air blew through this beautiful summer day, the sun shining and the breeze cooling everyone down, Mary did a slow turn in the cool air happily skipping down the cobbled path one hand wrapped around Lins and the other pulling Brash along like a mother would to two children.

Brash rubbed his clothing, rubbing away the sugar on his decorative chains, he stuck his tongue out, and clenched his fists, in reaction Lin clenched his own fists albeit it was less intimidating than Brashs, Brash jokingly tried to take a swing.

But then…

Her falling to the floor

Being stuck with him

His red eyes, his permanent smirk and handsome face…

His arm jerked back to his side awkwardly Lin noticed this and so did Mary they both turned to him quizzically watching Brash rubbing his arm carefully looking away form their inquisitive stares…Lin was about to express his concern but then.

"GAH!?" Mary let out a yell of surprise. Dress caught on a stray Rock in front of the forest when they got to the forest?

The Continuous walking and running and fooling around between the three, had led them to the edge of the town, the expansive forest separated them and several other Villages and cities.

Lin was staring at the beautiful trees whilst Mary was on the floor leg trapped under a rock. She was yelling about how much chivalry was pretty much dead whereas Brash was insulted by the lack of trust and said that he would have helped if it was a convenient situation! 

He tried to convince himself and her.

Lin turned it all out looking at all the beautiful colours and animals slowly as Mary was raised to her feet, dress slightly ripped, complaining loudly brushing dust off herself

Mary let out a disgruntled sigh then as her eyes fixed onto the trees the same way Lind did she suddenly said

" oh I guess we really got far away from the edge of the village didn't we…" 

"you're acting like it's our first time here!"

 Brash said in an exasperated tone it technically wasn't allowed to be out this far past the borders of the village but nobody really listened to that rule anymore it was like an old wives tales.

Brash rolled eyes of a sudden hesitation grabbing both of them by the arms and marching straight down the path they had traversed many times before when they needed a break from everything....

The Cool Breeze surrounded them even further now that the sun was blocked up by a canopy of leaves mixing between the colours of green yellow orange and some gold ,slowly as he stopped dragging them they walked slower back to their normal pace.

Mary was walking the slowest admiring all of the leaves and cursing herself as she had not brought her phone this would be a great place for candidate photos, Lin was walking the fastest it wasn't that he too did not enjoy the scenery but it was moreover the fact that his normal pace was much faster than the other two.

Brash was walking right at a normal speed, hands behind his head half stretching half not muscles clearly sore..

As they continued to walk.. The sun rising higher Lin and Mary running down the path Both of them falling out of their previous stupor giggling and laughing and racing. Brash had tried to join but Mary had claimed it would be unfair as he was known to be one of the fastest kids in the village. Brash secretly loved the compliment but pretended that he was offended for fun.

Slowly without realising it the three friends had almost spent the entire day in the forest, the sun slowly on its way to set and they had finally arrived in a different area not all obstructed by trees and the bushes.

A beautiful rushing lake almost deafening to the point you would have to scream over it to be heard, surrounded by berry bushes and flowers and the occasional poison ivy and thorns… 

Mary traversing it carefully avoiding the poison and getting closer to the rushing water mesmerised Lin followed hastily loudly saying "Poison ivy id dangerous careful where you step!"

Usually Brash would have already jumped and pushed Lin out of the way to get him to stop talking and stress him out by running dangerously close to the ivy but…

The man

The stupidly handsome man from his dream was across the lake.

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