
Stash of RWBY fics

I have noticed there is distinct lack of good RWBY fics on Webnovel. Here's my attempt at fixing it . Fics posted :- 1 . Into the Night by eppelMax ( RWBY × FATE ) 2 . Remnants of Fate by Zelenal ( RWBY × FATE ) 3 . Amber's Gift by SandsOfAGlassGarden (RWBY SI) 4 .Semblance Sapience by WalletzFailz (RWBY × as a semblance SI second thought ) 5 .A Sword Amongst the Roses by ahdokobo ( RWBY × FATE ) 6. Building Better Worlds by TheTHICCWeeb (RWBY) 7 8. The Multiple Lives of Jaune Arc by The FatallyObsessed (RWBY arc Multiverse) 9. RWBY: Love Is In The Air by Shadow Labrys ( RWBY) 10. Linked in Life and Love by l OmegaInfinity l (RWBY ruby×blake×yang×wiess) 11 .Princess by RavensDagger ( RWBY × worm)

Nemo_2837 · Anime & Comics
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441 Chs



Chapter 6

The Magus Killer's Legacy


"He's good," remarked Ozpin.

"Perhaps a little… too good."

Glynda Goodwitch muttered suspiciously at the footage. She wholeheartedly agreed with Ozpin that Shirou Emiya was good, however she felt something was amiss. Glynda held a belief that talent could be found in anyone and anywhere. Skills could be honed with countless hours of practice, but she was skeptical if talent and raw skill alone could produce something to this degree. It was with a sense of déjà vu as Shirou's situation reminded her of something similar that occurred in the past.

"Well…" he began, "I suppose I can't disagree with you. His performance in comparison to Pyrrha Nikos is beyond stellar." He shook his head in mirth. "And here we assumed that girl would be the one to keep our eyes on. Life truly does work in mysterious ways. Wouldn't you say so?"

"Maybe it works a bit too mysteriously," responded Glynda.

Ozpin glanced to his side. "Still skeptical?"

"Of course," she countered.

"This again?" sighed Ozpin as he leaned back in his chair.

The blonde woman pushed up her glasses. She didn't bother to disguise her heavy set frown. As the second highest ranked person next to the Headmaster, Glynda wasn't afraid to voice her concerns or criticisms.

"It took me a bit to recall. But do you remember the last time we enrolled students with little background that blew past our practical exams out of the water?" It was rhetorical. They both knew who she was referring to. Ozpin responded by sipping his morning drink. "Miss Nikos is good- no," Glynda shook her head, "that's insulting to the girl to say she is simply good. That girl is head and shoulders above everyone else. And yet here, we've just witnessed that same girl getting soundly beaten by some boy we picked up out of nowhere."

The white haired man hid his mouth behind his mug. He had a sneaking suspicion that Glynda hedged her bets on Pyrrha Nikos during their review. He had decades of experience in working with her to pick up on her more discrete habits. To many students and teachers alike, Glynda was the epitome of a perfect instructor.

A model human who was harsh, but fair.

Kind, but stern. Yet despite her preceded reputation, she was still human, and would from time to time, pick and choose her own favorites.

They were few and far in-between. But he knew her long enough to spot it when she did.

"Nonetheless that does not mean Miss Nikos is infallible. No one is."

"No, she's not, you're right. She, like everyone else that enrolls here, has much to learn and experience before they graduate. I can still see room for her to improve. But that boy, Shirou Emiya? I see none of that."

He cocked an eyebrow up.

"That's…" he tried to find the right words, "that's a first from you," he admitted plainly. "What makes you say that?"

In all his years of teaching, he had never once heard her utter those words about anyone. Not even regarding the two that they had accepted years ago. They had welcomed promising students at the academy before. They had greeted prodigious ones who would go on to influence history. In the end, they all began with humble beginnings with their first steps into Beacon Academy.

However for Glynda to admit something like that?

The bespectacled woman at his side silently contemplated before speaking.

"There's a certain distinction that sets him apart from the others," she began. "Not like that of Miss Nikos or Miss Rose, who are both clearly naturally talented. Rather…" she breathed in deeply, as if trading unknown waters, "for him, I want to say that he's talented like those two, but it doesn't feel right. The way he handled himself against his teammates speaks of someone with overwhelming amount of combat experience. Not only did he maneuver flawlessly, he was able to manipulate each battle accordingly depending on his opponent. While it's not unheard of for someone to have previous experience before they've arrived her. It's just… unnatural for someone to be that good."

"I see…"

"How old do you think he is Oz?" she asked sharply, eyes narrowed at the video that was paused on Shirou Emiya standing victorious over Pyrrha Nikos. "Seventeen? Maybe eighteen?" She shook her head in dismay. "So young yet someone like him couldn't have possibly attained this level of combat in such a short amount of time… especially against people. Something like this takes decades, if not-"

"-a lifetimes worth to achieve," softly finished Ozpin.

He looked the other way to the windows of office. His eyes settling on the horizon with weariness.

Not just a lifetime, but a multitude of it.

"Yes… I understand what you mean," he murmured.

His hand reached up and rubbed his forehead.

He understood it all too well.


Pyrrha Nikos yawned as she strode down the hallway to the shooting range.

She had risen earlier than usual. The sun hadn't even begun to show. Most of the school's population was still fast asleep.

Glancing down at the case in her hands, Pyrrha reminisced on the training session with her leader. It had been an eye opener for her. She was confident in her skills, never being arrogant nor complacent, yet the revelation that there was someone even better than her was thrilling. Shirou was like a gust of wind revealing just how far away she was from the summit. And on that peak, Shirou stood alone.

After only knowing victory, the taste of defeat was foreign. However, it only served to strengthen her resolve. The fact that Shirou was able to identify and exploit the few weaknesses she had was astounding. It reignited her competitive spirit that had begun to wane.

Attaining a new goal.

A new mountain to climb and stand upon.

"Although I wonder…" she mused to herself.

Where was Shirou this morning?

He could be found either asleep or working at his desk. It almost felt like he would proactively avoid sleeping in the comfort of his own bed, working tirelessly through the nights on whatever caught his interest.

The redhead shook her head in exasperation.

"Honestly… he shouldn't push himself so hard for the rest of us," she said softly. "But I have to say it's admirable. Yeah – from here on out," she resolved, "I'll do my best to help him in any way I can."

For her, it was the very least she could do.

Letting out a sigh, she continued on her way to the range.

Since staying at Beacon Academy, she had learned that the shooting range was comprised of two buildings. The more frequently used, and popular one was the firearms. It was the larger of the two that had both an indoor and outdoor section. The firearm range, like the rest of the campus, was built with a modern aesthetic and functionality in mind. White concrete, dark steel, and glass dominated the infrastructure making the atmosphere feel naturally cold.

In contrast, the other building was built for a more traditional purpose. The archery range was rarely used, but still well maintained by the staff. Due to less volume, the building was significantly smaller than its modern counterpart. The building was built with stone and wood making it stand out from the rest of the campus.

When her path split that led to either buildings, her ears picked up the distinct sound of a bow's string snap followed by a loud satisfying thunk.

"Someone's already here?" muttered a surprised Pyrrha. Curiosity budded within her as she wondered who could be up so early.

With her interest piqued she decided to take a look.

"A quick peek wouldn't hurt right?" There was still plenty of time for her to get her own practice in before she had to return to the dorms.

Her curiosity overwhelmed her sense of modesty to mind her business as she stepped through the entrance. To the right of the doorway hung a sign that politely reminded visitors to take off their shoes and wear socks to protect the delicately waxed wooden floor.

Quietly sliding the door open. She tiptoed into the foyer and spotted a pair of shoes neatly tucked into a cubby. Her feet slipped out of her shoes and placed them next to the cubby that was occupied She wiggled her toes enjoying the freedom before she stepped out onto the floor.

"W-Wow!" she whispered in awe.

The floor was so immaculately waxed that she could see her own reflection. An impressed smile graced her features as she quietly made her way through the building.

When she parted the flaps that led into the shooting range. A familiar redhead greeted her sight.


He sat on the ground, on top of his feet, eyes closed.

In his left hand, he gripped a thin, tall, wooden bow out in front of him with two arrows. One was already nocked, ready to be pulled and shot, while the other one was held laxly in his grip. After a brief moment, his eyes opened, and ever so slowly, he stood up. Each movement measured and performed with grace, Shirou stood at his full height, and raised the bow above his head.

Once it reached its apex, he pulled back the arrow, leveled the bow with his eyes, and turned his head to the target in perfect synchronization.

Pyrrha held her breath as she waited patiently in the background.

He adjusted his aim slightly.

He barely moved his head to the left and up.

"Ha…" he exhaled audibly before he released the string.


The arrow flew with grace as it struck the center of the bullseye. He kept his form in post-shot posture with his arms spread wide before folding them to his waist and returning to his original seated position.

And then…

He repeated the whole process once more. With the same speed and motions as before. The following shots and steps being performed diligently and meticulously like before. Every action made without fault. Every motion made with purpose. From hand to arrow and arrow to target was flawless.

He dedicated his entire self to this art that unfolded before her.

He never once missed a shot.

Shirou Emiya made it seem effortless.

How could it not be?

She herself should know that more than anyone else. To attain the level of effortless grace required countless hours of practice. Pyrrha believed in the saying that practice made perfect, and Shirou had obviously honed his skill to perfection as every shot he made landed eerily in the center of the target without fail.

This was just-

"You know… it's considered rude to stare Pyrrha." Shirou spoke as he shot another arrow nonchalantly.

Pyrrha blinked as his voice tore her from her thoughts.


I turned around.

The silence felt unnerving between us. So what better way to break it then to comment on it?

She placed a hand on her hip; an eyebrow quirked up. "Maybe I'm enjoying the view?" She smirked.

"I didn't peg you to be a voyeur," I countered.

She laughed. "Very funny Shirou.

The corner of my lips curled into a soft grin.

"Good morning Pyrrha," I greeted.

"Good morning to you too Shirou. So what brings you here so early?"

I presented the bow to her. "Well, I haven't practiced in a while. So I figured why not?" I shrugged. It had been weeks if not months since I last practiced. With how things developed and deteriorated that led me to being here; practicing Kyudo was the furthest thing I had on my mind at the time. "Plus it's nice to have the whole place to yourself. Not many people come here often. A lot of the equipment is unused."

"I didn't know you were rusty," presumed Pyrrha.

"Ah, sorry," I waved my hand, "I should have been clearer. I do this more for meditation than anything else. It's a nice way to keep my hands and mind busy. If I'm being honest with you. Most of the time it's all a blur following through the steps and sending an arrow down range."

"That's impressive," complimented Pyrrha. "It's certainly beautiful to watch. I've never seen something so… tranquil before." She held her hands along with her case behind her back. "Your level of concentration is quite the sight. I don't think I've ever seen anyone shoot so accurately like that before."

My mouth suddenly felt dry. Someone had said something similar like this. "…Is that so?" I replied softly.

"Yes!" she smiled jubilantly. "I could watch you all day, it's that addicting. Shirou, you were like the bow itself! What-"


A purple haired girl clapped her hands.

She held them up to her face that covered an ethereal smile. The person who received her affections almost felt their heart skip a beat.

"I love watching you shoot Senpai," she confessed. "Synchronized with no wasted movements… it's like Senpai is the bow itself!"

She brushed her hair behind her ear.

The red ribbon holding up her hair fluttered in the wind.




Red filled my view.


My stomach lurched. A cold shiver shot down my spine. A searing hot spear lanced through my heart. The moment I blinked, the vision I had was gone like the wind. Everything had returned to normal.

No purple haired girl.

No Homurahara archery range.

What was before me was a redheaded girl with a worried expression.

"Shirou? Are you okay? You look a little pale," fretted the girl.

I waved her concerns away. "I'm fine, really; sorry for spacing out on you like that."

She reached out with a hand and laid it on my forehead. I blinked a couple of times at the sudden intimate gesture. "Hmm – your temperature seems fine. But maybe you should consider taking it easy. I've noticed that you don't sleep well or often so perhaps it's starting to take its toll on you."

It felt good to have her hand there. To my surprise they weren't as calloused nor rough as I presumed them to be.


I sighed tiredly and gently peeled her hand off. "Thanks, you're probably right... but I'm okay now, I promise."

She briefly frowned, but covered it up with a smile. "That's good to hear." It didn't sound like she fully believed me, but accepted it nonetheless. She brushed her hair behind her ear. "If you'd like, I can help organize some things for the team. I know you like to work a lot, but as your partner I figured you would appreciate a helping hand."

Was I that engrossed with my studies that I was being pegged a workaholic? Technically she wasn't wrong, but the implication sort of stung. I wasn't that bad… right? Then I remembered the untold amount of nights falling asleep on the cold concrete floor in my tool shed and grimaced.

I smiled with my eyes closed and nodded. "I'd appreciate that a lot, thank you…"

"Well – I suppose I better get going." Pyrrha presented her silver case. "Need to do my own bit of practice you see. Can't catch up to you if I don't practice. I haven't been this eager in quite some time!"

"That's good to hear," I replied.

"Then I'll see you back at the dorms Shirou," she waved as she left.

"Yeah," I waved back. "See you later Pyrrha…"

When my partner was gone. The archery range fell silent. I was left alone to my thoughts as well as the mounting feels of remorse. When I closed my eyes, I could still see the image of a purple haired girl with her back faced towards me. The bow in my hand grew heavy with each passing moment.

To save one life meant not saving another.

I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling.

If we ever met again…

What would you say to me?



Blake Belladonna glanced over her book.

A parcel of food soared into the air and landed into an open and waiting mouth.

"Ooh-! Yummy!"

"Haha, sweet! Three-points!"

For one reason or another, Yang and Nora were playing with their food. They tossed bits and pieces of whatever they could grab at each other's mouths. It initially began with Yang failing to catch a lobbed grape into her mouth and Nora proudly declaring that she could catch every thrown food without fail. So far, Nora was living up to her boast and had caught every piece thrown by Yang. And Yang not being one to back down from a challenge, kept upping the ante every time.

At some point her leader, Ruby, joined in to cheer on her sister in beating Nora. She whooped and jumped in joy with every toss that jostled a box of cookies nestled in her arms.

Her golden amber eyes scanned further down at the table to see a redheaded teenager sipping from a cup of tea. He had long finished his meal and was content to bask in the background while Nora and Yang had their fun. Her gaze lingered on him.

For Blake, there was something about Shirou Emiya that caught her interest. It felt personal; as if she could relate to him in one way or another.

Out of everyone currently seated at the table, he was possibly the most mysterious. The circumstances of his arrival were dodgy at best. His background even more unexplainable. It made her want to determine who Shirou was.

The irony was not lost upon her.

She felt a strong sense of justice from the way he stood up to Cardin Winchester when no one else would. He was unwilling to become a bystander and watch as injustice unfolded. In a way, it reminded her of another person, although, even with the cursory comparison, Shirou was far more level headed.

Flipping to another page in her book. A doodle of that person's face was scribbled on the top right corner. He had a white mask accompanied with a seemingly permanent scowl. With a heavy sigh, she closed her book and shook her head.

Maybe that was the reason why she sought Shirou out that night. She felt that they were kindred spirits, as they both had an almost stubborn sense of justice. Was Shirou Emiya like him or was he something else entirely? From her observation, Shirou was far more reticent than she expected, always willing to stay more in the background unless required to step in.

At some point or time, she would have to try and strike up a conversation with him. However, from remembering Cardin's episode, Blake realized that it would be best to approach him subtly. This mystery required careful coaxing and prodding rather than brute force to gauge a reaction from Shirou.



Blake's jaw dropped in disbelief.

A grapefruit, of all things, slammed into the side of Shirou's face just as he went to take another sip of his tea. Her eyes shifted between Yang and Nora who also had their mouths opened in shock. The table fell silent as remnants of his tea dripped down his soaked hair. His eyes were closed and his face set in a stony expression.


Yang and Nora both threw each other under the bus at the same time.

The black haired Faunus palmed her face.


I liked to believe that I had normal table manners and etiquette.

After all, it was common sense.

Don't play with your food. Don't make yourself out to be a fool. And most importantly, respect those around you that were also trying to eat. Nothing too outlandish or strict. They were sensible, courtesy rules that everyone knew and should follow.

So when Yang and Nora started up their little game; I sighed to myself, but refrained from saying anything. Ruby was bounding around in pure joy at their antics. Nora had a smug grin at every thrown attempt. And Yang had an infuriating glare that promised she would beat my teammate to prove a point.

I mean who was I to stop Ruby from being happy?

However, the moment a grapefruit, slammed into my face as I was about to sip on my tea was where I drew the line!

"It was her!" accused Yang. "She started it!"

"H-Hey! You're pretty guilty too ya know! You're the one that kept throwing bigger and bigger stuff!" Nora fought back, showing that she wouldn't go down sinking with the ship alone.

"Here, Shirou!" Pyrrha hastily got up with some napkins to help me clean up.

The tea splashed everywhere. The majority of it onto my face and hair which then cascaded down to my jacket, shirt, and pants. Suffice to say, I was pretty soaked and irritated.

"Are you alright?" My fellow redhead fussed over me.

"Don't worry, I'm fine Pyrrha." I appreciated the gesture and laughed it off to placate her. "Just a little wet and got a bone to pick with two certain numbskulls." I glared over to the two who began whistling innocently.

Out of the corner of my eye. I caught Ruby attempting to slink away stealthily. Too bad that bright red hood of hers could be spotted a mile away.

"Ruby, get back over here."

Ruby Rose froze mid-step and whimpered as she hung her head in defeat. She complied and walked over to my side of the table.

"You two," I called out to Nora and Yang with crossed arms. "Food is meant to be eaten, not played with," I shook my head; I felt like I was a parent chastising their children. "The people who prepared the food worked hard to feed us." I imagined that feeding an entire campus full of staff and students was no easy task. "So show some respect to them by eating properly. And have some common courtesy for those around you that are trying to eat as well."

"Like you?" peeped Nora.

"Yes, like me," I glowered.

Nora cowered, on the verge of tears. "I'm so sorry leader!" She clapped her hands together above her head in remorse. "I didn't mean to hurt you or anybody. I won't do it again, I promise! Please, be merciful dear leader!"

"Hmph – serves you right to be scolded by Shirou," muttered Weiss. "Acting like a bunch of hooligans…"

Yang, true to her personality, was defiant. "Geez, you sound like an old geezer when you say that." She leaned forward with her bust pushed out. "What are you gonna do, give me a good old spanking?" The blonde winked. I almost forgot that she was a shameless and bold flirt. "Are you gonna… punish me?"

With each word she leant forward closer and winked.

Almost everyone blushed at the table; except for Ruby who made a disgusted face.

I merely blinked a couple times and bluntly said, "I get it, you're a masochist aren't you?" I put my hand up. "Sorry, but I'm not into that type of play."

"W-What?!" sputtered Yang as she backed up. "E-Excuse me? I am not a masochist!"

"Ho-?" I scrutinized her. "You wanted me to spank you did you not? Or were you trying to compensate for something with that chest of yours?"

"Pfft-! Listen here buddy," a cocky grin lit her face. "With these babies? I ain't gotta have to compensate for nothing! I got the biggest bust around here and damn proud of it! I mean look at Blake and Weiss."

Incredible – this girl had no shame at all.

Blake peered up from her book. "Hey, don't drag me into this." Her eyes said something else though as if she was affronted that Yang implied her bust was smaller in comparison.

Pyrrha, who sat back down by now, took a more diplomatic approach. "I don't think we need to compare anything Yang." She crossed her arms underneath her chest pushing up her bust inadvertently. Her actions betraying her words.

I wanted to palm my face in exasperation.

The redhead and blonde turned towards me, both waiting for my response.

I smiled with my eyes. "Sorry, but for your information Yang, you're not my type."

"Then what is your type huh?" Yang asked as she and everyone else at the table suddenly became interested.

"Hmm… well… that would be telling now wouldn't it?" I grinned. "I'm not that easy."

Yang groaned in disappointment. "Ugh, you're impossible! What does a girl gotta do to get you flustered let alone blush!"

I chuckled and turned away.

"Phew…" Ruby wiped the sweat off her brow. She inched away from my side and thought I had forgotten about her.

She thought wrong.

"Ruby, stay."

"Aww shoot," she returned to her spot and leaned forward with one of the cutest puppy eyes I had ever seen. "Yes Shirou?" She even quivered her bottom lip. My resolve wavered momentarily in the face of such cuteness before I crushed it. The pout was cute, I'll give her that, but she had nothing on Miyu.

"Don't think you'll be getting away clean Ruby. I saw what you had in your arms." I zeroed in on what she was futilely hiding. "Show me."

"Uh… I had nothing! There was nothing in my arms Shirou! Just me, my two arms, and myself! Yep, absolutely nothing interesting her!"

"Show me," I repeated.

"T-There was nothing! I swear!" she squirmed.

"Show me."

"Gah-!" Slowly and begrudgingly, she brought forth a box of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. These were meant for a group of people to eat yet she had eaten over half of the box! There was maybe only a handful left. And from what it looked like, they were the chunky, double chocolate chip variety. The kind that sat heavy in your stomach with just one bite. I grimaced at the amount she had already consumed.

It wasn't even past eight o'clock yet.

"Geez, a growing girl like you shouldn't be eating so much sweets in the morning," I sighed in dismay. "I know you like eating cookies, but you should learn some restraint. Don't you want to grow up big and strong like-" For a split moment, I was about to say Yang. Although if I was being honest, she wasn't quite the role model I wanted Ruby to look up to at the moment. Not to mention when I glanced over, the blonde was already expecting me to say her name, as if it were the only and obvious choice. So taking in consideration to what she just did, I chose someone else out of spite. "-like Pyrrha!"

"Whaaat?!" cried out Yang as her ego deflated instantly. "Hey! Red! I take offense to that you know!"

Her indignation fell on deaf ears.

Pyrrha waved uncomfortably at being put on the spotlight.

"Am I not a good role model?" Yang questioned out loud to everyone at the table. As one, we all turned the other way with a funny expression and coughed.

The table fell silent as the lone blonde wailed into her palms.

"Ignore her," I callously dismissed Yang with a wave. "What I'm trying to tell you is to eat in moderation. Otherwise, treats wouldn't be known as treats now would they? So go ahead and finish what's left in there." Ruby smiled jubilantly. "But, no more for today. You hear me?" The smile was quickly wiped away.

"Aww… okay. But I can still have some tomorrow right?" She asked with hope in her eyes.

I mulled over it briefly. "Yes, but remember, eat in moderation okay? Too much of anything can be bad for you. Now if you don't mind… can I try one?"

"Here you go Shirou!" Ruby happily willing to share the baked delights to avoid any future scolding.

I took a small bite. "Hmm… just as I thought," I murmured.

The cookie was baked nicely enough. However with just one bite I already felt something heavy settle in my stomach. As I chewed, the sweet sugary dough combined with the chocolate kicked in. It quickly became overpowering. No wonder Ruby ploughed through them with reckless abandon; it was sugar on sugar. It would've been more palatable if they threw in some salt or even cinnamon.

A part of me was curious as to what Ruby would think if I baked a batch myself. Even though it had been some time since I last cooked, let alone baked, anything in the kitchen. I was confident enough in my culinary skills to produce something that would impress her.

"Hey Weiss. Are you okay? You've been glued to the television," poked Ruby.

"Shhh!" shushed Weiss. "Can't you see there's something important on the news right now?!"

Weiss directed everyone's attention to the monitor her eyes had been attached to.


"From the news desk at Vale News Network. Good morning, I am Lisa Lavender."

A lavender haired woman in a simple black business suit faced the camera. She held a serious expression that reminded me of Professor Goodwitch. Her tone was neutral and composed like the ones back in Fuyuki City.

"This morning, we have developing news about the ongoing investigations into several armed robberies that been occurring in the market district in Vale. As you know, local, small, family-operated Dust shops have had their inventory stolen by a band of thieves at gunpoint. So far, the losses have been estimated to be anywhere to the tens of, if not hundreds of thousands, of lien."

Yang whistled loudly, "That's a whole lotta Dust and money. Who needs that much anyways?"

"Owners have raised concerns about the lack of progress with the investigations. Even though local law enforcement promised swift action through increased patrols and security. Many decried it as being ineffective due to the nature of how these criminals operate."

"Excuse me," Weiss stood up abruptly. "I need to make a quick call." She left the table urgently while pulling her scroll out of her pocket.

"The major retailer and suppler to the city, the Schnee Dust Company, have quietly ramped up their own personal security in response. They have also reportedly contacted Vale's crime department to assist in protecting their shipments. Many of the local owners have voiced out their frustration at the proof that the company is receiving an unfair advantage in the security of their shipments."

"You think Weiss knows about this?" asked Nora.

"Maybe… who knows?" Although Blake tried her best to hide it; the bitterness of her tone was evident. I glanced at her briefly before breaking away.

"To the older generation. This does not come to a surprise to anyone as the SDC has historically been known to exploit such incidents into their favor by driving out the smaller markets. Some lawmakers have begun to question the stringent monopoly the legendary family has over Dust. In fact, this year, a seated councilman proposed an antitrust bill with the intent of promoting fair competition in the stagnant business. We reached out to the SDC for a quote, but have yet to receive any response."

I peeked over in the direction where Weiss rushed out. No wonder she excused herself to make a hasty call. She must be worried sick about what all this meant for her and her company's image.

"Victims and eyewitnesses to the crime scene report that the one behind these robberies is a relatively tall man who wears a white suit, black bowler hat, and carries a black cane. His most distinctive feature being that he has orange hair. As for his accomplices, they wear a black suit and red tie that are suspected to have failed from a local mafia group in the area. They are to be considered heavily armed and dangerous. We advise you to take caution and report to the authorities if you have any information pertinent to the investigation."

"White suit, black bowler hat, and cane?" muttered Ruby. "Hmm…"

Did Ruby know something about this person?

"That's all the time we have for now. We'll be back later with the evening broadcast. Thank you for tuning in, this is Lisa Lavender, signing off."


"Ruby," I called out. "Recognize him?"

"Oh uh," she scratched the back of her head nervously. "Well, it happened a couple weeks ago but… when I was in the city. I stopped by local Dust shop to resupply since I was running low. I had my headphones on at the time listening to one of my favorite songs and it was pretty good you know? So I turned up the volume and everything. Plus the shop had some albums in the back too! And-"

"Ruby, focus," I reminded her. "You said you were in a Dust shop?"

"Haha-! Uh, sorry," she meekly apologized. "Anyways, this guy taps on my shoulder and was like, 'Put your hands in the air!' and I was like, 'Are you robbing me?' So he was like, 'Yeah I'm robbing you!' So I kicked the guy out of the window into the street like in those action movies! And then all these goons came rushing out so I unfurled Crescent Rose to kick their asses! Then, after I kicked their butts, the last guy pointed his cane and shot at me! It blew like a chunk of the street! But it was a distraction because I saw him climbing up a building to escape so I asked the shop owner if he was ok cause it was a huge explosion and all so-"

"Ruby, getting off track again," I chided her softly.

"Guh-! Sorry, sorry!" she poked her index fingers together. "Ok so, I chased the guy up to the roof. When I got there, a bullhead was waiting to pick him up. He tried blowing me up with a red dust crystal, but that was when Professor Goodwitch came in out of nowhere and saved me! So we tried shooting down his ride, but there was some other person with him that blocked all of our attacks somehow and got away. But yeah, that's where I recognize him."

"I see…" Ruby had a run in with the guy not too long ago. She looked proud that she had stopped his robbery and deservedly so. "Good job," I crossed my arms and nodded in approval. "You're a lot stronger than you look aren't you?"

"Yeah!" she beamed. "I gotta be strong like Pyrrha right?"

"Hey!? What about your big sis?" Yang cried. "No love for me?"

"But Shirou said to look up to Pyrrha!"

"Ooh-!" The blonde fumed in an angrily sister way. "You're so getting a noogie! Come here you!" Her hands snatched out to Ruby's hood and pulled her in. "Say uncle!"

"Guhck-! Someone! Help me! Shirou please!" she reached out to me pleadingly.

"Oi, oi-! What did I just talk about table manners?" I scowled at Yang. "And let your sister go. You look like your suffocating her."

"Bite me red!" she grinned cheekily and pulled Ruby into a hug.

"Yeah, no. Didn't I tell you I'm not into that kind of stuff?" I blandly replied.

"Hey, you guys chill. Weiss is coming back," pointed out Blake.


Weiss Schnee marched back to the table.

Gone was the regal air that she typically exuded. The perfect image of the Schnee Heiress fractured. Eyes narrowed. A frown expressive of the frustration built up that was ready to explode at a moment's notice.

When she sat back down. The table fell silent. All eyes were on her.

"So…" started Yang to break that silence. "What's up? How'd it go?"

The heiress stiffly exhaled. "Not bad, but not good either."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"You would expect that seeing as how I would one day inherit the company. I would be given a certain measure of respect," began Weiss. "But the gall of that lady on the phone." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I called the central offices of the SDC with a direct inquiry about the on-going situation with our Vale department. And you know what response I was given?"

"What'd they say?" asked Yang.

"They said and I quote, 'Even if you are the heiress, you currently do not hold any official capacity or position within the company. Therefore, such information is privy to select members of the board on this current matter,'" she paused to let it sink in. "Me. The one who will one day be running the company was told to effectively butt out. Who do they think they are? How could they rebuke me like this? Just because I had a disagreement with-"

Her mouth clamped shut.

"Uh… Weiss? You alright?" Yang waved.

The aforementioned girl averted her gaze. "Never mind. I'd rather not talk about this anymore."


The abrupt end of her explanation was jarring. Another uncomfortable silence layered itself onto the table. No one attempting any conversation at the awkward development. Most took to minding to themselves or looking worriedly at each other.

My gaze lingered on Weiss for a moment before breaking off.

It seemed even someone like her had trouble on the home front.

"I bet it's their fault."

Weiss spat out venomously, an ugly scowl accompanying her accusation. One that drew curious and confused gazes to her once more.

"Whose fault?" innocently wondered Ruby.

"The White Fang," answered Weiss.

And like that, a veritable bomb exploded on the table.

"Excuse me?" It came from Blake who had long shut her book. Her amber colored eyes glowed dangerously. "The White Fang wasn't even mentioned in the news report. Why do you have to drag their name into this without any proof? Just because your family has a history with them doesn't mean it's automatically them!"

My lips compressed into a thin line as I watched it all unfold before me.

"How could you even defend them? Are you sympathizing with them? They're a terrorist organization that has long since terrorized the Schnee Dust Company for years, if not decades! They've stolen from my company before! So I wouldn't be surprised if they're doing it again just in a roundabout fashion!" retaliated Weiss.

"W-What?" Blake physically recoiled back in offense. "They're not a terrorist organization! How could you say something like that? Yes, some may be misguided," she conceded one point, "but in the end all they want is peace and equality! How does that equate to terrorism? Maybe if your family didn't treat Faunus like slaves then you wouldn't have a problem with them in the first place!"

Turnabout was fair play and so it was Weiss's turn to be offended.

"U-Uh guys? Blake? Weiss?" Ruby called out tentatively. "How about we calm down?"

"Stay out of this Ruby." Weiss snapped at her leader causing Ruby to shrink in her seat. The white haired girl rounded back to her black haired teammate. "And you? Slaves? How dare you! How could you say something like that? I know we're teammates and all, but I can't let such slander slide by like that! We do not and have never treated anyone like slaves!"

My eyes scanned around the table. They were stunned into silence by how quickly things devolved. Ruby attempted to reign her teammates and defuse the situation. Weiss however was not one to lose an argument when it pertained to her family and company. Even the normally rambunctious Yang sat at the side unsure as to how to approach the touchy subject.

"You spoiled brat!" insulted Blake. "How about you-"

I closed my eyes and heaved out a tired breath.

"Blake, Weiss, quiet," I ordered just before Blake could fire back another scathing remark. "If the two of you refuse to be civil then I suggest we drop the subject before one of you makes a mistake in choosing your next words." I stomped my foot down once again with no room for argument. "Weiss," I glared, "don't go around making accusations without proof. Just because there is correlation does not imply causation."

Weiss sneered, but held her tongue.

"Blake," I directed my focus to her. She was in just as much fault as Weiss. "You should know better than to devolve into personal insults. I thought you were better than that." The black haired girl winced in shame. "The two of you are teammates and friends. You can amiably come to understanding without having to come to blows."

I stepped in and doused the fire as best as I could. Twice in one day I had to lecture them like I was their parent. I'm beginning to feel as if I was nothing but a glorified peacekeeper.

The two members of Team RWBY bit their lips. They refused to swallow their pride and apologize. Both strongly entrenched on opposite sides of the argument.

However – when they glanced back to me; their stances faltered.

Weiss prided her vanity more than anything else. Image was first, therefore she apologized first. "I'm sorry… for my lack of decorum Shirou." She wasn't apologizing for what she said to Blake, but for how she acted. The girl refused to accept defeat on this topic. She would have her victory won way or another.

And the same went with Blake. Although, hers sounded genuinely sincere.

"Sorry Shirou," she apologized to me. "I won't bring it up again."

"You should be apologizing to Ruby, not me."


My team and I strode out of the dining hall.

"That was… quite the development," said Ren. He had abstained from most of the conversations during breakfast.

"That's lightly putting it Ren! I thought they were going to fight or something! I didn't know people, let alone teammates, can get like that so fast!" fretted Nora.

"Sometimes… people can be quite passionate about things and in-turn can become very defensive," reasoned out Pyrrha. "And that can often devolve very quickly if left unchecked."

"Yeah…" my voice trailed off.

If they thought the situation with Blake and Weiss deteriorated fast then they should have witnessed the spat between me and Julian. Thinking back on it, we didn't even exchange much words between each other after the revelation. He went straight to a battle to the death.

I brushed a hand through my hair. "We'll just have to hope they can work things out themselves. In the meantime, we should worry about ourselves before we start worrying about another team."

"Do you have something planned today for us Shirou?" questioned Pyrrha.

"Ooh! What are we doing Shirou?" bounded around Nora. "Are we gonna have ourselves a merry training montage?! Maybe learn some kick ass, super cool combo moves for us to use?" She then kicked and punched while doing a horrible impression of Ren. "Or are we gonna beat each other up like last time? Magnhild and I want some payback you know!"

I chuckled and waved for them to follow. "Come along Nora and you'll find out soon enough."

"Ooh-! It's a surprise! I love surprises Shirou!" jumped Nora. "What are we waiting for? Come on, let's go!" She shoved all three of us forward enthusiastically.


"I… hate surprises," lamented Nora.

The hammer wielding girl's shoulders slumped in disappointment as she dragged her feet along. She casted a downtrodden gaze all around the library as I led them to a private study room. Admittedly, I took in some small measure of delight in her slow realization of where we were heading.

I felt like that fake priested rubbed off on me in more ways than one.

"This is payback isn't it?" sobbed the girl. "I said I was sorry Shirou!"

I answered back with a grin and brushed her aside. "Today," I announced, "we'll be furthering our preparations as a team."

I opened the door to a spacious room secluded near the back of the library. Far away from any prying eyes or attentive listeners. I thought that by having a change in scenery would be nice instead of staying cooped up in our dorm.

"Hah?" Nora dragged her feet in and plopped down on a seat at the table.

As soon as the last person came through, I locked the door and closed the blinds. The room was able to accommodate up to eight people at time if need be. There was rectangular table situated in the middle with eight chairs. On the wall opposite from the door was a whiteboard that spanned the entire length with an assortment of dry erase markers.

"That's right Nora." I pulled out my notebook from my bag and strode over to the whiteboard. "Today as a team, we'll be going over strategy and tactics. I hope with the next several days," I turned around to address them, "this will put everyone the same page. I know you," I jabbed my marker at Nora, "prefer a more hands-on approach. However, this is something that's vital for us to do before we can function effectively as a team. I'd rather not have us bumble around like clueless idiots tripping and bumping into each other when we fight."

"So uh…" Nora began sheepishly. "Does this mean I still get to smash stuff with Magnhild…right?"

I blinked disbelievingly; Nora was such as simple girl. "Yes."

In a flash, she pulled out a pencil and notebook. "I'm ready captain!"

My right cheek twitched. "That you are…"

Ren made an agreeing noise. "Providing clear instructions and structure will undoubtedly increase our efficacy in combat. Planning one step ahead and being prepared is a sound idea." And then he followed suit of Nora by bringing out his own study materials. "I am ready to learn Shirou."

Now my eye began to copy my cheek. "Y-Yeah…"

What was up with them today? I peered over to Pyrrha.

"You know what they say Shirou. When in Mistral, do as the Mistralians do," she shrugged her shoulders and did the same.

"R-Right…" Was that supposed to be the Roman proverb equivalent in this world?

"Nora raised her hand. "Teacher?"

"You know this isn't a class right?" I pointed out to her. "And I'm not a teacher. We're just having a team meeting…"

"Mister Emiya."

"You know what? Never mind," I muttered and went with it. "Yes… Miss Valkyrie?"

"So does this mean we'll actually make cool combo moves? You know like an awesome signature move? Something that'll tie our name with? For example, Ren and I, ours can be labeled uh… Flower Power! Yeah!" She smashed her fist into her palm liking the sound of that title. "Since Ren is like a ninja and has these super-duper kung-fu moves, he can be the flower! And I got Magnhild to bring on the power! And we can like combo them together to do an ultra-cool move! How does that sound?"

My jaw was left slightly hanging by the end of it. I was struck with disbelief at how absurd it sounded. I was positive that if my old man was here, his cigarette would have fallen out of his mouth.

"No," I declined outright.

"Whaaa-aaat?!" she sprawled out over the table. "Why not?" she whined.

A harsh response danced on the tip of my tongue. Ready to lash out at the ridiculousness of it. But that wasn't conducive in my effort to keep us on track. Besides, was Nora some sort of chuunibyou?

"Because it puts us in danger. A liability, if you will. Let me put it this way. Your trump card is your Flower Power move right?" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "And your opponent also has a trump card as well. Neither of you know what the other person's trump card is, but the name is a telltale sign of what is to come. While it doesn't give it away completely. It's just enough for the other person to react accordingly. That's a situation we want to avoid as much as possible."

Special moves were akin to that of a Noble Phantasm. Revealing the name often revealed the legend behind the Heroic Spirit. If the other person knew of their legend then it was easy to discern the weakness that caused their inevitable downfall. That was why most Servants were reluctant to use their Noble Phantasm, let alone their real names, unless it was absolutely necessary or they believed they could get away with it.

"Information is crucial on the battlefield," I stated. "Often times, knowledge is the deciding factor whether you win or lose."

"I must agree with Shirou on this Nora," said Pyrrha. "It… may have some merit, but the trade-offs are too steep. But I'm sure it doesn't mean we won't have combo attacks or anything like that right Shirou? It's just that… well, we'll be far more discrete." Pyrrha laid a supportive hand on Nora's shoulder.

"Of course," I followed up, "instead of using flashy names. We'll rely on each other's actions to communicate. Nothing too complex, but something simple enough that it'll obscure what we're trying to accomplish."

"Puhhh." Nora pouted as she crossed her arms. "Fine, so whatcha got in store for us?"

As I began to copy my notes onto the whiteboard, I turned to her. "Hmm… then let me see what you think."


I waited patiently.

The room was quiet.

By now, all three of my teammates had stopped writing.

Nora looked back and forth between Ren and Pyrrha.

Ren rubbed his chin in thought; scrutinizing the board with an unerring gaze.

Pyrrha was the last to finish copying the board onto her notebook. She took the most time out of everyone to jot down the information presented to her. Those piercing green eyes studied my presentation thoroughly. When she felt that she was ready, she breathed in.

"You're proposing anti-huntsmen tactics… am I correct?" the redhead stated softly.


I refrained from explaining what I had presented. I wanted to gauge their initial reactions before I reasoned with them. But Pyrrha's perception was second to none.

"You can be quite ruthless when you want to be Shirou," declared Pyrrha.

"This… plan of yours," she began, "revolves around the idea of exploiting what most individuals perceive as the strength of any Huntsmen group. But you? You intend to use that as a weapon. An antithesis of what we've been taught here. That with teamwork, camaraderie, and cooperation are what makes a team strong. And here you are, proposing that we use it against them. How pragmatic of you…"

I closed my eyes.

"If you boil it down, we're simply isolating and eliminating," simplified Ren. "We work together to separate and single out their leader. Once we've ascertained that information. We switch our attention to that person to prevent them from executing their own strategy. Then they are faced with the dilemma of either continuing their plan or sacrificing one of their own to accomplish it."

Pyrrha piggybacked off Ren's extrapolation.

"And to achieve that. You're exploiting Nora's raw strength by having her wreak havoc within the first opening moments of the fight. A coordinated and controlled chaos if you will. Which is followed up by me rushing in to support her while Ren slinks into the background to wait for a critical or even decisive blow. In the midst of all that we have you," she pointed at me, "providing long-range support with your bow allowing you to control and dictate the fight from afar."

"It's very utilitarian and pragmatic. Nothing flashy, nothing fancy. A straightforward solution to dealing with other Huntsmen," commented Ren.

"Is this why we fought a couple days ago?" wondered Nora.

"Yes," I opened my eyes and answered. "All of holds a different approach on how battles should be fought. Like piecing together a puzzle to form a picture. I simply fitted the parts into roles that complimented each other the best to play to our strengths and cover our weaknesses."

"What… inspired you to come up with something like this?" inquired Pyrrha.

My eyes dulled at the question.

I reluctantly answered her, "I suppose you could say I… took some inspiration from my old man."

All of it was tame in comparison to how he actually operated. This was but a small glimpse into the mind of the man whose name became synonymous with efficiency. What he lacked in strength and abilities as a magus, he made up for it in extreme amounts of preparation and planning.

That was how his anti-magus tactics came to be. His answer to thaumaturgical threats were modern weaponry and an unconventional approach to combat. He went to great lengths in preparing a confrontation against a magus. If he were given a choice between dueling and simply sniping his opponent from afar; he would always choose to snipe. He preyed on their strength and arrogance to cause their own downfall.

And that was the approach I applied.

Unorthodox methods made him a notorious figure in the circle of magi. There were no tactics or strategies he considered to be underhanded. Everything was fair game in the battlefield. If one chose to hide in a building then his answer would be to simply collapse it with a person inside. And if it concerned magical contracts that prevented him from harming the person; he would simply have someone else kill them. Such logic begets infamy; even the Holy Church recognized him as an individual that required constant surveillance. And in time, he was eventually branded with a title by the Mage's Association.

Emiya Kiritsugu, the Magus Killer.

"Was he some sort of huntsmen or something?" she prodded for more information.

I diverted my eyes away from her. "Something like that."

"Oh… uh…" she didn't know how to respond to that. "I see…"

As if sensing that I was uncomfortable with the topic; Ren brought up another point of discussion. "What about against the creatures of Grimm? How should we approach them?"

I turned my attention to Ren. There was an underlying edge to that seemingly benign question. "It depends on what type of species. We can be straightforward in our approach to exterminating them. In fact, we can actually recycle our approach to other Huntsmen and repurpose it towards Grimm."

"What about the ones that have a certain degree of intelligence?" he persisted.

That was… oddly specific.

From what I could remember both reading and learning from Professor Port's class. Grimm with intelligence were few and far in-between. If I remembered correctly, he said the truly intelligent could be counted with just one hand. It would take decades, if not centuries, for Grimm to accumulate experience against battles with Man. And that was if they survived the encounter.

Still – I was their leader and the onus to provide a solid countermeasure was on me.

"With this." I traced a weapon and laid it on the table.

"This is the same sword you used to beat me," observed Pyrrha.

"If we do ever encounter a Grimm with a certain degree of intelligence. We will shift our priority to the most immediate threat and eliminate it with extreme prejudice. While our normal weapons will suffice. This," I placed my hand on the Black Key's hilt, "will simply make it easier."

"This… sword," Pyrrha's eyes were glued to it. "It pierced my shadow and stopped me in my track. What… what kind of sword can do that?"

"It's a special weapon with special properties." I answered ambiguously and picked up the sword to eye level. "They're too thick and oddly-balanced. The weight is more towards the tip and it's awkward to use as a melee weapon when you're slashing. So despite its appearance, you're supposed to throw it more than anything else. Looks aside, the sword is exceptional at piercing things like iron or steel. So if you have a good arm you can skewer most things."

"I… see," slowly said Pyrrha. "Thank you for the explanation."

"No problem." With a simple squeeze, I dispersed the weapon into motes of light. "Is that an acceptable answer Ren?"

"Yes… that is acceptable," he nodded.

"Anything else?" I asked around.

"Hmm… what about our Semblances Shirou?" Pyrrha brought up another important topic. "How should we approach that?"

I hummed in thought. Finally, something that I didn't have to be so obscure and ambiguous about. "Preferably, I'd like for them to be used sparingly. And if we're pressed then we use it quickly and covertly as much as possible. So in general, the less that we rely on them the better."

"I like the idea," she quickly agreed. "That way it adds another layer of defense, albeit one more psychological."

"Right, so does anyone have any more questions?" I looked around and Nora's rand rose up. "Yes Nora?"

She smiled ever so sweetly. It was that sickening type of sweetness. The kind that made you queasy at the mere sight of it let alone taste. "When do we get to start?"

That evil glint in her eyes was unmistakable. What sort of evil machinations lied behind in that mind of hers? What unspeakable thoughts of horrors laid underneath? Did I just irresponsibly awaken something deep within her? Well… seeing as how I made my bed, it was only natural for me to lie in it.

I pulled out my scroll to check the time and date.

With a late afternoon class, it left us several hours of free time. We had about two weeks before first major exam came around. There was more than enough time for us to prepare and then some.

"Well… how about now?"

"Wait really?" Nora shot up from her seat; excitement written all over her face. "You're not pulling a trick right?"

I chuckled. "No, I'm not that evil."

"Yes!" She pumped her arm. "Let's get going! I wanna see how this works out!"

I began to erase all of my notes on the whiteboard.

The sound of Nora smashing her fist into her palm filled the air. I winced and felt sorry for any poor soul who had the bright idea of getting in her way.

"Let's rock and roll leader!"


Fall was quickly approaching.

The nights were getting colder.

A breeze washed over the rooftop as my legs hung off the ledge. My gaze casted upwards to the clear sky. There was not a single cloud in sight. I was able to see the shattered moon and twinkling stars in all their heavenly beauty.

Sitting at my side was a warmed can of tea and book that I checked out from the library. The warmth radiating from the aluminum can felt comforting in my hands. As I moved to pop open the tab. A voice announced itself from behind.

"Fancy seeing you here again."

I glanced over my shoulder. "Blake."

Our eyes met for a brief moment. A small smile adorned her usual stoic expression. She stood in the doorway still dressed in the school's uniform like me. This was the second time she's caught me on the rooftop. Once was chance. Twice was coincidence. If we encountered each other a third time, it would be intentional.

"Mind if I… join you?" she asked politely.

I had half a mind to turn her down on the spot. However, I was curious as to why she was up this late. IT was almost one in the morning after all. "Sure."

"Great," her smile grew. She strode her way over and settled down to my left.

Situating herself at her seat. I could feel her sneaking glances every now and then as I tugged on the can's tab. I sighed and begrudgingly asked, "Would you like it?"

"What kind of tea is it?" asked Blake.

"Green tea."

Another smile and nod, "Sure, if you don't mind that is."

My shoulders slumped in defeat. I handed it over to her to which she thanked and cupped it with both hands. As I watched her pop it open and take a swig. I couldn't help but blurt out, "You're welcome."

The way it came out flat and sarcastically made Blake quirk an eyebrow. "Hey," she brought her hands up in defense. "You're the one that offered, not me."

"And you could've turned it down," I riposted.

"We could share it if you'd like," she offered the can. "I don't think I'll be able to finish it all by myself. Plus I don't want to go running to the bathroom in the middle of the night."

"No thanks," I quickly replied.

"Suit yourself," she shrugged. "Just more for me then," teased Blake.

The way she sad it caused my right cheek to twitch uncontrollably. It must've looked weird as she began to giggle softly to herself. Why this girl…

Out of the eight people in our circle of friends. There were three that tended to keep to themselves; Ren, Blake, and myself. Out of the three of us, Blake was the one who favored the most being alone and aloof. Which was ironic coming from me as I tended to be the same as well. Although seeing as how I was a team leader that wasn't realistic.

Her giggles in the background died down as she stared at the can and became quiet.

My gaze lingered for a moment before I went back to stargazing. Seconds turned into moments and moments turned into minutes. Neither of us said anything to each other as we enjoyed each other's company.

"I'm sorry."


I turned back to her, but Blake's eyes were focused on the can. Her unexpected apology came out of nowhere.

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

She took a breath before speaking. "For what happened this morning," answered Blake. "I'm sorry that you had to see that… mess. I lost control of myself. I didn't mean to get heated so quickly, but Weiss was just… I don't know…"

Blake's hands fuddled around with the can. The normally stoic girl was flustered beyond belief. Her thumb kept drawing circles as she swung her legs lazily. She was passionate about the subject for good reason. Blake Belladonna was a Faunus in hiding. History was unkind to her race. Therefore, it was only natural for her to respond unkindly back.

We both knew it.

Neither of us needed to mention it.

"Its fine, you don't have to apologize to anyone let alone me."

Her bow flattened. She bit her lips and took a sip from the can. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did."

My response elicited a small laugh and a shake of her head. "What do you think of justice?"

I froze.

My eyes hardened at her question. I looked down at my right hand that clenched into a fist. I sighed and rubbed my eyes tiredly. I didn't know how to answer Blake. If she asked me that question a few years ago. I would've given her a resolute answer, but now? I was hesitant at best to give my opinion.

I diverted my gaze away from her and back to the skies.

"Justice is… subjective."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean by that?"

"It's complicated," I murmured.

"We- I don't really know much about you Shirou," she started off. "But a feeling in me tells me we're alike in some ways. And well… that word was the first thing that came to mind. I can't help but feel that word fits you best." She twiddled with the can again. "Most people try to stay out of the whole Faunus and Human debate. It's a… touchy subject as you could already tell. So it surprised me when you stepped in and-"

"If I'm being honest with you," I interrupted her. "I was being selfish."

"Selfish?" she repeated in confusion.

"In a way I guess I was just trying to keep the peace," I confessed. "For the sake of everyone at the table."

"Because of Ruby?"

"Mmm," I nodded my head. "I'm sure she already knows about the situation with Faunus kind. But seeing friends tear each other apart is something else. Even though she's the team leader, she's still young and has a lot to experience. I'm pretty sure that she's never experienced a breakdown of relationships before." Memories of Julian and I flashed through my mind. I made a face but quickly hid it away. "It can be ugly. It can be hurtful. So if anyone that you should be apologizing to, it should be Ruby."

"Was this from experience?" Blake asked tentatively.

"And you?"

I turned it back onto her.

Once again amber eyes connected with golden brown eyes. We sat there in silence staring at each other before a cold breeze washed over the rooftop. She broke off eye contact first and returned to her drink. Even though we both denied each other an answer. The refusal to share was more than enough for us to empathize with one another.

Blake Belladonna wasn't the only one here attending Beacon Academy under mysterious pretenses.

A dark haired girl with a shrouded background.

A red haired boy with a secretive past.

Two very different individuals that shared very similar circumstances.

"We're friends right?" she asked.

As of this moment? "Yes."

The entire time since she had been here. Not once had she looked up. She had always kept her vision casted downwards. Almost afraid that if she were to look up it would expose something about her; as if it would leave her vulnerable. She was afraid, but hid it underneath her mask well.

"That's good…" She inhaled deeply and sighed out in relief. "I'm really happy to hear that. If you don't mind, I think I should be going to bed now. It's getting late and well… I think I have some making up to do tomorrow with Ruby." Blake got up from her seat and excused herself.

"Blake," I called out to her before she left. "I won't always be there for Ruby. That goes to say that I won't always be able to put out any fires between you and Weiss. So next time, for both my sake and Ruby's, try not to let it get to that point."

"I understand," nodded Blake. "Oh and Shirou?"


"Thank you," she smiled.

I blinked.

A genuine and sincere smile. Under the veneer of unreadable expressions. A curtain was pulled away for a brief moment that exposed something precious. An almost closely guarded and protected image that only a few, I imagined, had ever seen.

"Goodnight Shirou."

"…Goodnight Blake."

The door closed shut and I was alone. Another cold gust of wind smoothed over the building. My eyes remained on the door for a moment longer than I would've liked.

When I went back looking up at the night sky, I shut my eyes.

"Man… I really wanted that tea."


Author's Note:

So… this is super awkward. Remember when I joked about the next update being so and so long? Yeah… in hindsight I shouldn't have done that and that joke came biting me in the ass. Long story short? Writer's block.

I apologize for almost a literal years' wait for another update. I agonized. I worried. And I over thought over how I should develop the chapter and story. Every time I typed something onto Word. I hated myself. I hated how the characters sounded and talked. I hated the dialogue. I hated the transitions. The more I typed, the more I started to hate every single thing that I did as an amateur author.

I've had too many nights just staring at the word document with a blank expression for hours before I turned away. I've also had too many days just scribbling into a little notebook trying to figure out how to even type again. It also didn't help that a combination of university, Fortnite, and Fate/Grand Order kept distracting me. And boy oh boy, is F/GO a huge distraction. Game is addicting when all you want to do is collect everyone.

So with that out of the way, I have to thank my editor, who turned into a valuable friend, for encouraging me and having patience to deal with my frustrations. So this one is out to you Stiama. Thank you for being there even when you could have just upped and left.

I originally intended this chapter to wrap up half of volume 1 and proceed to the next arc/development of the story. Things didn't pan out, over twenty variations of the chapter later, and boom. We now have this story. Chapters one through six was supposed to be used for establishing Shirou into the RWBY world and cast. But somewhere along the way, I realized that chapter six needed to develop the relationships more between the main character and his environment.

I wanted to show better leadership, his underlying trauma, and the conflict that he has within him. I'm always concerned about accidentally portraying him as a perfect character that can do no wrong or anything like that. That even with all his skills and power. He's still a fundamentally broken character with his history of being a hero of justice.

Anyways, this author's note is turning out to be longer than the other one. Once again, I'm sorry for this stupidly long wait. The next chapter actually won't take a thousand years to develop as I've gotten a good grasp on how I want it to pan out and continue into the next arc of this story.

As always, please leave a review of your thoughts on the story. I welcome any and all critiques or comments about the chapter. If you want any questions answered/explored, please feel free to send me a private message. I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.