
starwars the immortal empire

Let's all be honest. Anakin shouldn't murder all of those children just because he saw a vision that his wife was going to die. why not find someone to help her. You fucking idiot This story will happen 4000bby then transit to right before the naboo blockade Jack was bing watching the glory of starwars ep1 to ep 6 with his two friends after watching the shit show of the newest ones (you can argue but ep7 and onward are absolutely shit) Than honk honk a fucking truck came out of the fucking sky crushing them underneath

no_name_7540 · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

begining of a war

(An: I am trying a new way for dialogue so please comment if you like it or not)

There is a man fully armor while being followed by a maid and 2 other fully armored men

Jack: did you guys find the location

uno: yes your majesty, they occupy 3 galaxies 1500 planets each

jack: interesting , xander, alex take you fleets and take down a galaxy

the boys just nod and went to their ships

Jack: uno, is the ship produce

Uno: yes your majesty

Jack: ok manned it with the most loyal men and women also armed it with a shit ton of everything and everything related to the ship gone, blueprints, records, everything and sent it to sector 10 to wait for further orders

uno: your majesty, may I speak freely

Jack: go ahead

uno: why are you sending it to their and not to war

jack: because in case I perish in battle I dont want my empire to be going to a wrong path and became an fucking republic ( saying the word in a mix of hate and disgust) And it will go to sector 10 to build a force to take the empire back

uno: why do you hate a Republic so much

Jack: the are nothing more than a bunch of corrupt politicians that I will have to slay

( that maybe a good see, might be bloody, maybe later or not who knows)

any way if I happen to die take command and make my empire great if someone try's to take over KLL THEM

uno: yes your majesty, but you promise to not die on me ( having some tear going down her cheek thinking of her majesty dead)

Jack stopped and hugged uno while saying.

jack: it is just a precaution so dont worry

the two split up and went to their destination

uno made sure everything about a weapon that make the death star looks like a childs toy disappear

while jack went and jump to the VONG home galaxy

The beginning of the bloodiest war in the history with a species being extinct and a powerful leader sacrifice himself for his empire that will be ********( do you think I will tell you what happens to the empire nope you have to find out but will this immortalemperor die)