

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
75 Chs


His eyes were just stuck on it.The mole was damn attractive and her perfectly curved body was tempting him.The cuts of her curves were sharp and damn hot.His manhood was demanding for something in this situation.Her body was turning hot after his touches.She started sweating each and every drop which was rolling down on her body was tempting him more and more.

Without realising his hand went near the mole of her loin and the tip of his finger touched it.She was shocked at his sudden touch.Each and every touch of him was making her blush and the environment was turning hot.

"BEHAVE IDIOT",he said and mentally slapped himself.

He shook his head to avoid distractions and helped her in wearing the loose oversized hoodie which was easy to wear and take off.

"Take this tablet after the dressing",he said and placed the tablet right beside her.

His imaginations were going wild meanwhile his each and every touch on her body was giving her goosebumps.

"Thank you",she said with a small smile.

He didn't replied just nodded and completed his task fastly to leave the room as soon as it was possible.

"I think he's upset because of my excuses which I gave earlier",she said to herself in her mind after getting no reply.

After adjusting the shirt she was about to say something but without listening to anything he stood up from the bed and went outside the room to avoid any kind of interaction with her.

"What's wrong with him?",she mumbled and stood up from the bed.

He placed the first aid kit in the cupboard of the lounge and grabbed the cushion then squeezed it to control himself.He was aroused after seeing her almost naked and second by second his condition was becoming wild.

He sat on the couch while spreading his legs and placed the cushion on his erected member.He threw his head back on the sofa and was moaning lightly.His eyes were closed tightly.


Jennifer gulped that tablet which he told her to eat.It was a pain killer which had some kind of chemicals in it.Some chemicals were for hallucinations,after taking that she felt some instant changes in her mood she stood up and went out, saw him sitting on the couch with a cushion.After seeing the cushion in his lap she narrowed her eyes and whispered,

"This place is mine you bloody cushion",she said in a serious tone.

The medicine started working she was feeling no pain in her wound but the side effect was her unconscious mind state.After the intense medical session with the hottest man alive she was already feeling wild and after the medicine she was feeling fully needy.

He was looking damn hot in that position, his wide spread legs and sitting position was so sexy.She was staring at him with her half opened mouth and unintentionally she bit her lower lip.

"HE'S UNAWARE OF HIS OWN BEAUTY AND HOTNESS",she whispered and walked towards him.

At a few steps distance from the couch she stopped and called his name to get his attention.

"Zen",she called,he opened his eyes immediately and and sat straight on the couch.

"huh?! do-do you want anything?,he asked gently.His forehead was sweating and the veins of the hands were prominent due to his arousal.

"yes but",she said and took a pause.

"have you taken that tablet which I told you to eat,is it working I mean do you feel any kind of pain?",he asked without staring at her.

"No I'm not feeling any kind of pain,the tablet is working",she said.

"Why did you came here ? are you upset?",she asked and took a step forward.

"Don't come close",he said in his deep husky voice and squeezed the cushion.

"Why is it so?,she asked and took another step.

"I said stop right there",he commanded.

"what if I don't want to stop?",she said seductively and took the last step.

"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH",he mumbled and the removed the cushion from his lap,he was wearing sweat pants ,his erected member was totally bulged and prominent through his pants which made her eyes wide.

"YOU WANT ME TO EXPLAIN?!",he asked and she nodded as yes quickly.

He moved his sight towards her and found her staring at him with lust in her eyes.He tapped his lap and said in his deep husky voice,

"COME HERE PRINCESS",he commanded.

Without taking a second she took a step forward he held her hand the gently pulled her to him and said,

"SIT HERE",while tapping on his lap.

She sat on his lap and he left a quick moan as she placed herself on his lap.He wrapped his arms around her waist and settled her on his erected boner.She felt his hard member under her thighs.

"CAN YOU FEEL IT?!",he whispered,she nodded as yes and gulped after sensing his erection.

He drew his face closer then placed his chin on her shoulder and bite her shoulder which made her moan.His hand were continuously caressing her tummy over her hoodie.

"SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE PRINCESS",he whispered again in his deep voice.Her heart was racing and she was sweating,her cheeks were hot red and butterflies were floating in her tummy.She was at the verge to faint due to the intense situation.

"YOU'RE PROVOKING ME CONTINUOSLY PRINCESS, JUST DON'T MAKE THE SITUATION CRITICAL, IF I'LL START ...I SWEAR.....THEN I..... I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO STOP MYSELF",he whispered and kissed her ear lobule making her shiver down her spine.

"I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU..... IT'S PAINFUL....SO PLEASE JUST STAY AWAY",he said in low voice while breathing heavily.

"ZEN",she whispered back.

"LEAVE ALREADY",he commanded.

His condition was unexplainable,wild just kind of sware.He realised that his grip was very strong on her waist which may hurt her so he loosened his grip on her waist and threw his head back on the couch.

"HE'S ERECTED BECAUSE OF ME",she said to herself in her mind.

His words had a strong effect on her.She was completely lost in her thoughts and his hard erected boner was physically provoking her.She was turned on completely,the drugs were damn effective and his touches already made her needy.

His soft moans were like a good music to her ears.

"I made his condition this much wild but he is still thinking about my comfort,why you're so gentle? why you're making me fall for you over and over again?",Jennifer said in her mind.

She said nothing and stood up from his lap.She started stepping towards the room opposite of his couch,he slowly opened his eyes and found her going away.Her going figure made him smile.

"My cute little kitten",he mumbled.

All of a sudden she felt something really mysterious in her heart and turned back then walked closer to him again.She sat on the couch near him,

"I can't be this selfish",she mumbled while staring at him,she was about to say something but then smiled and at the very next moment she folded her legs on the couch while hovering over him.She held his collar from both of her hands.He opened his eyes in extreme shock.

"What are y-you trying to d-do?",he asked and gulped while scratching the couch from his nails to avoid touching her.


I WANT TO FEEL THE PAIN",she replied innocently and looked staright into his eyes.

"YOU'LL REGRET",he whispered while maintaining the eye contact.

"if it's like this then,

I WANT THIS PAINFUL REGRET",she replied and brushed her lips on his lips.


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