

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Tit for tat.

Next morning Jennifer woke up, turned her face and found the most handsome man in the world sleeping peacefully beside her.A smile appeared on her lips.She was staring at him peacefully but suddenly she got a flashback of last night and her expressions changed.Her heart started racing and she was sweating heavily.

"What the actual kind of fuck I did last night?",she said to herself in low voice.

She got a flashback when she was hovering over him and kissing him, sucking his collar bone, unbuttoning his shirt everything was roaming in her mind.She was feeling like a sinner.

"I was feeling so needy why? I never felt something like this before.What happened last night to me? This is so fucking embarrassing,I asked him to do it with me,ahhhh what the hell",she mumbled and closed her eyes tightly in embarrassment and covered her face with blanket.

"We did it?!",she said with wide eyes and removed the blanket from her face.She looked down on her cloths she had her cloths on and then took a glance at him he also had his cloths on.

"I'm wearing my cloths it means ahhh thank god but I kissed him by myself and almost ate him by my kisses ,what will he think about me? well no need to worry he also kiss me whenever he wants so I also have the right to kiss him whenever I want ,tit for tat",she said to herself and sighed in relief.

Zen slowly opened his eyes and found her awake.He yawned and sat straight on the bed as she found him awake her cheeks started burning due to the embarrassment.

"Good Morning",he said and smiled.

"Go-ood morning",she replied.

"How're you feeling now?!",he asked while looking at her with his bright smile.

"I-I'm feeling good",she replied.

He was just smiling which was confusing her.She was so embarrassed because of her horny behaviour but was trying her best to act normal Infront of him.

"Why you're smiling?",she asked innocently.

"what's wrong in it?",he questioned back.

"Nothing wrong,I'm just simply asking",she replied and stood up from the bed.He followed her and left the bed too.

She went to the bathroom and after her daily morning routine came back to the room.He was standing Infront of the mirror.The tips of his veiny hand's fingers were caressing his extremely hot long neck.

She went closer to him because she had to comb her hair.Her sight fell on the red marks on his neck and collar bone.He noticed her staring at him and smirked.

"See what you've done princess",he said and her eye's widened.

"Me- I ... I'm sorry",she said and lower her head in embarrassment.

"Sorry for what?",he said and wrapped his arms around her waist and caged her in a back hug then snuggled into her neck.

"I don't know why I behaved like that,what happend to me last night,I was feeling different and I messed up everything",she said.He placed a kiss on her neck.

"You've done nothing wrong,you just asked me for what you needed and there's nothing wrong in it",he whispered near her ear and pecked her ear.

"BY THE WAY,YOU WERE SO WILD PRINCESS",he said and caressed the red marks on his neck.

"See",he said and smiled.Her face was all red and cheeks were burning after seeing the red marks on his neck.

"I'm-sorry",she said and again lowered her head.

"Don't say sorry over and over again, I've returned this favour to you with interest",he replied and smirked.Jennifer widened her eyes and looked at him through the mirror and found him staring at her already with a smirk.

"Forget it,tell me how're you feeling now?",he asked and placed his chin again on her shoulder.

"I'm good",she replied and gave him a small smile.

He was about to say something but then heard the door bell.He released her from his grip and went outside the room to check out.

"What does it mean that he returned the favour al-already?",she said to herself and slid the head of the hoodie to see her neck.She found her neck and collar bone covered in red and purple marks.She touched one of those marks and felt pain.

"I can see clearly that who was wild,He actually returned the favour with interests",she said and smiled then set her hoodie again to hide her neck.

Zen opened the door and found Roby and Ana there with bright smiles.Zen welcomed them and they came inside.Roby hugged Zen and Ana gave her hand to him for a handshake.

"How's she?",Ana asked innocently.

"She is better",Zen replied.

"that's very good",Roby said and patted his shoulder.

"she's awake or still sleeping?!",Ana asked.

"You can see her,she's in my room",he replied.

After hearing his words Ana ran to his room,opened the door and found Jennifer staring at herself in the mirror.As the door opened it caught Jennifer's attention and she saw Ana.Ana ran towards her and caged her in a warm hug.She pressed the wound of her unintentionally.

"ouch",Jennifer hissed, Ana realised and removed her hands from her back.

"I'm so sorry baby",Ana said and cupped her face with her palms.

"it's okay",she replied and held hands.

Ana with Jennifer sat on the bed and started talking about the incident.Roby and Zen were in the kitchen.

"Bro there was no need to bring these,I already ordered breakfast an hour ago",Zen said while unpacking the breakfast package which Ana and Roby bought for them.

"it's okay we'll join you both in breakfast and will help you in finishing it",Roby replied and chuckled.

"Did you guys saw the doctor yesterday?",Roby asked.

"Not actually,the weather conditions weren't good so",he replied while doing the dishes.

"Then what about her wounds dressing?!",Roby asked with serious face expressions.

"Don't worry",he replied with a light blush in his cheeks.

"Zen you know very well that doctor told us clearly to change her dressing and you're saying don't worry",Roby said on a serious note.Zen went near him and patted his shoulder.

"I know big brother,don't worry I've changed her dressing by myself",he replied.

"ohh okay",Roby replied and sighed in relief but then a sudden realisation hit his head and his eyes widened.

"you did her dressing?! and she allowed you to do that?,Roby asked in shock.

"yeah",he replied and smiled awkwardly.

"ohkayyyyy",Roby said and grabbed his neck in-between his arms in a teasing way making him giggle.

Ana and Jennifer were still taking about the incident.

"if I'm not wrong so this isn't yours",Ana said while pointing out her hoodie.

"Yeah this isn't mine,Zen gave this to me because it is easy to wear and take off",she replied.

"You know what,Zen said that he want to take care of you by himself that's why he brought you here",Ana told Jennifer.

"He looks arrogant but trust me he is not",Ana said and smiled.

"yeah he is not",Jennifer replied and smiled back with blushed cheeks.

"he treated you well?,Ana asked with serious face expressions.

Jennifer got a flashback of last night when both of them were wild but still he managed to control his desires and prioritized her consent.A smile appeared on her lips.

"He took great care of me",she replied.

"I've tried my best to comfort her Miss Ana",Zen said while coming inside the room and his voice caught their attention.

"yeah yeah I know,I can see her smiling face and better health condition",Ana replied,then gave him a smile and stood up from the bed.

"Thank you so much Coldie for taking care of her",Ana said and Jennifer along with Zen laughed.

"Pleasure is all mine",he replied and took a glance at Jennifer then winked at her.

All of them went outside for breakfast.They spent a great time while having chit chat during the breakfast.

how's everybody doing ?!

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