
Starting With Real Madrid

Going back to the beginning of 2006, he became the head coach of Real Madrid. All his players are world-renowned superstars, such as Ronaldo, Zidane, Raúl, Beckham, Casillas, Carlos, and Ramos... each one of them is a formidable figure who can shake the world of football with just a stomp of their feet. How can a humble rookie coach these rebellious superstars? ................................................................ Raw: 从执教皇马开始 Support me on patreon.com/Blownleaves for 15+ Advanced Chapters.

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Underappreciated future Daniel

Sometimes fans tend to idealize clubs too much. However, professional football is far from the glamour seen from the outside. The management of most clubs is actually very straightforward and pragmatic.

Florentino's superstar strategy is well-known, but inside Real Madrid, many admire the modern management system he has implemented. Throughout the reform process, despite numerous challenges, these changes have propelled Real Madrid to become the most advanced club in global football management.

Many may not fully grasp the disparities in management.

Looking back to 2021, comparing giants like Manchester United, Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, and Barcelona, the differences in management capabilities are evident.

In 2006, the pinnacle of club management wasn't just in the club itself but also in the training grounds.

Physical facilities are straightforward, requiring primarily initial investment and subsequent maintenance. However, the true distinctions between clubs lie in "software" aspects like coaching staff levels and medical teams.

In fact, La Liga has performed poorly in this regard. Real Madrid's medical team has faced criticism, with even Ronaldo expressing skepticism towards them, often seeking outside doctors.

The coaching staff's caliber is similarly crucial.

After Luxemburgo's dismissal, his coaching team also resigned. When Carlo took over at Real Madrid, he retained the original first-team setup and promoted assistants like Maqueda from the second team, weakening Real Madrid's coaching staff.

Gao Shen's invitation to Carlo stemmed from a deep understanding of these issues.

Another critical aspect is physical conditioning.

Team fitness isn't just about summer camps and winter breaks but also daily training routines. How teams manage their physical readiness throughout the season, adjusting training based on fixture density, tests the capabilities of their fitness coaches.

Real Madrid, however, lacks a top-tier fitness coach, resulting in subpar training for the first team and compromised player fitness.

Everyone knows that physical fitness forms the foundation for on-field success.

Gao Shen had anticipated Carlo wouldn't come out easily; his primary agenda today was to seek knowledge.

He aimed to recruit a more professional fitness coach.


Carlo grasped the profound intentions and shared the insight.

With the team advancing to the Champions League quarter-finals, they face dual-front challenges. If physical issues aren't addressed effectively, progressing further will prove daunting.

Not to mention making Real Madrid invincible, but at the very least, they must sustain dual-front campaigns.

Currently, most top fitness coaches are under contract. This isn't a deterrent, given Real Madrid's substantial resources. As long as they aren't from major clubs, poaching is feasible.

Timing is crucial, however; it's already March, the season's most demanding phase. Hiring a fitness coach now ensures timely integration, necessitating familiarity with La Liga and Real Madrid.

"Sir, have you identified a suitable candidate?" Gao Shen asked earnestly.

Carlo, trusted and knowledgeable about Spanish football, began scanning his contacts for potential candidates.

After ten minutes of searching, he emerged with a lead.

"I have someone in mind, though I'm uncertain if he fits your criteria."

"Please, go on," Gao Shen replied eagerly.

"He's currently with newly-promoted Cadiz. His credentials include working under Bielsa with the Argentine national team from 2001 to 2005, alongside Pekerman and Vivas during a challenging period for Argentina. Subsequently, he returned to Spain and has since served modest clubs near his hometown of Seville, such as Cadiz."

Carlo paused, then added, "During his tenure, Argentina faced significant challenges, which somewhat obscured his contributions. Consequently, he remains relatively unknown despite his association with Bielsa."

Gao Shen recognized that coaching resumes can serve as valuable endorsements.

Had Bielsa's Argentina thrived, Buenaventura's prominence would've been assured. Yet, Gao Shen found himself intrigued by Buenaventura's profile, given Bielsa's reputation for football fanaticism—an indicator of Buenaventura's capabilities and alignment with his own philosophy.

"Who is he?" Gao Shen inquired.

"Lorenzo Buenaventura."

Initially surprised by the name, Gao Shen struggled to recall its significance until it clicked.


Wasn't Buenaventura Guardiola's exclusive fitness coach?

He recalled Guardiola's tenure at Barcelona, where an expansive coaching staff, including multiple fitness coaches, supported his vision. Over time, Buenaventura evolved into Guardiola's trusted confidant, following him from Barcelona to Bayern Munich and Manchester City.

Rumor had it that Guardiola's tactical prowess owed much to Buenaventura's rigorous physical training, particularly the famed "Dream Team 3" at Barcelona, known for their exceptional endurance and work rate.

A potential talent!

Excited, Gao Shen sensed a rare opportunity.

"Sir, are you acquainted with him?" he pressed eagerly.

"I've met him once, though our acquaintance is limited. If you're interested, I can reach out through a mutual contact. Given Real Madrid's stature, he might consider the opportunity seriously."

Gao Shen nodded decisively, "Please proceed."

Employing a personal fitness coach was out of the question for Gao Shen; it implied a temporary commitment he couldn't afford. However, an opportunity with Real Madrid was another matter—it promised stability and a chance to prove oneself.

Real Madrid's current predicament, particularly the team's training standards and player fitness, presented a challenge but also an opening for capable individuals to shine.

Gao Shen resolved, "Alright, please make the necessary arrangements. I'll approach the club."

Recruiting a fitness coach required reasonable demands yet guaranteed advanced expertise.


With this major decision off his chest, Gao Shen felt a weight lifted.

Bringing Buenaventura aboard promised to alleviate Real Madrid's physical crisis significantly.

Few individuals understood Buenaventura's capabilities better than Gao Shen.

Mrs. Carrow served a lavish lunch, and under their gracious hospitality, he thoroughly enjoyed his discussion about Buenaventura.

As the meal wound down, Carlo broached the pressing concerns raised by Alfredo and De la Morena regarding Real Madrid's looming crisis.

"Don't worry, sir. I'm aware of their concerns," Gao Shen reassured calmly.

Carlo, slightly surprised, had expected Gao Shen to revel in recent victories over Atletico Madrid and Arsenal. Instead, he found Gao Shen already planning ahead for potential crises.

"What are your plans?" Carlo inquired, concerned.

Despite no longer in charge, Carlo remained deeply invested in Real Madrid's well-being.

"Score one goal, and then find another for the team," Gao Shen replied with lofty determination.

Goals were indispensable for any team.

He referenced a classic Chinese analogy: why do disciplined children falter in college? The reason lies in clear goals set from elementary to high school—unit tests, mid-terms, finals, entrance exams—each offering scores and rankings. Once in college, the absence of clear objectives often leads to complacency.

This principle applies to teams as much as individuals.

Whether a company or a football team, a shared goal fosters unity.

Did Real Madrid lack goals?

Gao Shen believed otherwise, acknowledging some may perceive their goals as unattainable or unrealistic.

However, having witnessed Arsenal's turnaround and believing in the possibility of miracles, he saw no reason to deem any goal impossible.

Carlo remained perplexed.

During their extensive conversation, Gao Shen appeared as resolute as ever outwardly but inwardly operated with an entirely different approach. His technical and tactical insights, problem-solving methods, and overall demeanor bore a striking resemblance to Carlo's, yet markedly distinct.

This intrigued Carlo and brought him comfort simultaneously.

Though unable to pinpoint it, he sensed this was the mark of someone capable of achieving greatness.

He eagerly awaited Gao Shen's next move to tackle Real Madrid's latent crisis.

As they continued chatting post-meal, Gao Shen's phone suddenly rang.

The caller ID displayed Butragueno's name.

Answering the call, Gao Shen learned that Real Madrid had prepared a formal contract and sought his input on specific terms. They asked if he could visit the Bernabeu to discuss further.

Surprised by the swift response from Real Madrid's office, Gao Shen halted the conversation, confirming his immediate availability to visit.

He wondered curiously what kind of contract Real Madrid would propose.