
Starting With Real Madrid

Going back to the beginning of 2006, he became the head coach of Real Madrid. All his players are world-renowned superstars, such as Ronaldo, Zidane, Raúl, Beckham, Casillas, Carlos, and Ramos... each one of them is a formidable figure who can shake the world of football with just a stomp of their feet. How can a humble rookie coach these rebellious superstars? ................................................................ Raw: 从执教皇马开始 Support me on patreon.com/Blownleaves for 15+ Advanced Chapters.

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He Finally Scored!

Once, Gao Shen was also a young man with fire in his chest and a knife in his eyes.

After leaving school, after the repeated ravages of society, he began to calm down.

Euphemistically called: mature.

There was still fire in his chest, but it was suppressed by him; there was still a knife in his eyes, but it was hidden by him.

From the time of crossing to the present, Gao Shen has taken every step of the way, walking on thin ice. Every time he takes a step forward, he has to plan several steps in advance.

At Highbury, facing Arsenal, he could grit his teeth; in Turin, facing Capello's Juventus, he could endure; at Camp Nou, facing Barcelona, he could handle it with composure …

But tonight, at the Bernabeu, facing Ancelotti's AC Milan, when Ronaldo looked at him with that almost pleading look, when he read the understanding in the eyes of Raul, Zidane, Beckham, and others...

He was impulsive!

No matter when he was in business before or when he became the head coach of Real Madrid now, he felt that the cohesion of the team was the most important thing.

And now, he would be impulsive for this cohesion!

After the start of the second half, Gao Shen always stood on the sidelines and silently watched the game on the field.

He still looked so calm and composed, with no expression at all. In contrast, Ancelotti, who was on the bench of the visiting team, was a little anxious. But no one knew that Gao Shen's leg muscles had been trembling all the time. He never fell.

He was never a qualified gambler.

So, for so many years, he never gambled or even bought lottery tickets.

But it is precisely because of this that he was even more nervous, even if he pretended to be extremely calm.

Professional gamblers are accustomed to this kind of heartbeat game, so they enjoy it very much. Only unprofessional gamblers like Gao Shen will be nervous and tremble all over before the cup is revealed.

But no matter how nervous he was, he always stood in front of the coach's bench, upright like a beacon.


On the field, Real Madrid's players were still pressing forward with high intensity against AC Milan.

This made the Rossoneri players a little unexpected, and the scene continued the passivity of the first half.

Gao Shen didn't make any substitutions, but that didn't mean he didn't make adjustments.

AC Milan's defense in the first half made him realize that it would not be easy to break through the Rossoneri's defense, so in the second half, he let the team's pressing and pressing focus on AC Milan's left flank, which is Beckham's side.

When Zidane restrained Pirlo, and Gravesen and De La Reid pinched Kaka, the side where Serginho and Seedorf were became the main channel of AC Milan's attack, and Real Madrid concentrated heavy forces here.

But once they grabbed the ball, they could counterattack if they had a chance.

If the counterattack failed, they would transfer the long pass to the left, looking for Felipe Luis.

Yes, Gao Shen gave Felipe the power to move forward and participate in the attack in the frontcourt.

The biggest reliance of Gao Shen is that AC Milan did not do a good job of counterattacking on the spot after losing the ball, and Beckham could easily get the space and opportunity to transfer long passes.

As long as they caught it, they could create a threat.

In the 57th minute, after Abeloa stole a pass from Seedorf, he handed it over to Beckham.

The England midfielder was close to the right flank. When there was no defense for the first time, he stopped, glanced at the left side, and quickly sent a horizontal long pass with his right foot.

The ball flew out of the densely populated right wing, crossed a large field, and landed on the empty left wing.

Felipe moved forward quickly and turned his chest to stop the ball.

AC Milan's defense could not be described as fast enough, and Gattuso bullied Felipe for the first time.

But the Brazilian didn't wait for Gattuso to be in place, he flicked the ball horizontally, and after opening a little gap, he actually passed the ball back to the middle.

Zidane just ran over from the right rib, and after seeing Felipe cross, he stepped forward decisively, squeezed Pirlo with his body, and passed the ball diagonally to the penalty area.

Raul dashed forward quickly, grabbed the ball in front of Stam, shoved the ball to the bottom line, shook out a little gap, and hit the goal directly.

Dida defended very well this time. Behind Stam and Nesta, he sealed the shot angle to death. However, because Raul played this attack suddenly, he could only fall to the ground sideways and block the ball with one hand, failing to save the ball.

The ball was blocked from the left side of the goal, bounced high, turned a broken line, and fell to the right front of the goal.

Just now, Ronaldo, who was still on the right side of the frontier of the big penalty area, was about to pick up Beckham, and he had already rushed over at this time.

Anyone could see that the Brazilian's physical fitness was close to the limit, but he had been clenching his teeth to support.

Although Ronaldo grabbed a favorable position, Kaladze was better physically and ran a little faster.

Facing the football that bounced up after Raul's shot, Kaladze took the lead and wanted to kick the ball out.

Ronaldo's movements were obviously a little slow, and his legs were already very difficult to support the body. Under this situation, the Brazilian had almost nothing to do. Seeing that the ball was about to be cleared by Kaladze, he resolutely gritted his teeth and dove.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Kaladze, who was about to clear the ball, was very surprised. He just wanted to clear the ball and didn't want to hurt anyone, but Ronaldo worked too hard.

What would it look like if the kick hit him on the head?

Kaladze hesitated and held back, but Ronaldo headed the ball and dribbled it directly into AC Milan's goal.

All of this happened in an instant, and everyone was shocked, all thinking that Kaladze had kicked Ronaldo.

There was a burst of exclamations at the Bernabeu Stadium.

"God, Ronaldo was kicked by Kaladze on the head and he fell in the AC Milan goal."

"The referee Sass blew his whistle and the goal was valid, but Ronaldo fell to the ground."

Countless Real Madrid fans rushed out of their seats, forgetting to cheer and celebrate the goal.

Under the referee's signal, the Real Madrid team doctor quickly rushed onto the field, followed by the stretcher.

Gao Shen also gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

But soon, the team doctor turned around and made a reassuring gesture towards Gao Shen.

"Wow, we can see that Ronaldo is not injured."

"From the slow-motion replay, we can see that Kaladze stopped at a critical moment and didn't hit Ronaldo."

"God, it was just too dangerous just now."

"If this kick had hit, the consequences would have been really unimaginable."

There was applause from the sky at the Bernabeu Stadium, and countless Real Madrid fans were shouting for Ronaldo.

Aliens had not heard the cheers of the Bernabeu for a long time.

At this moment, he was lying in the goal of AC Milan, hearing the cheers from the crowd, hearing the fans shouting his name, he slumped on the grass weakly, but there was a smile on his face, showing his signature rabbit teeth.

Three to zero!

He finally scored!


What is the real Real Madrid?

This is the former Real Madrid coach, the former Real Madrid captain Camacho, after angrily announcing his resignation, raised a question in the media.

Over the past few years, more and more people have been reflecting on this issue.

Everyone has their own Real Madrid in their hearts.

Just like Florentino, his Real Madrid was the star-studded Real Madrid during the Bernabeu period, which belonged to his good memories when he was young, and it was his lifelong pursuit; it was also like Bosque, his favorite should be The Real Madrid team in 2002 was the pinnacle of his coaching career.

And Butragueno, Valdano, Di Stefano, Camacho...even Martin.

Everyone is different, but when they watched Ronaldo being carried off on a stretcher, watched the rabbit-tooth smile on the Brazilian's face, watched him pass by the coach's bench, lying on the stretcher, but still did not forget to stretch out his hand and shake hands deeply with Gao Shen, although they couldn't hear what he said, it should be a thank you.

Everyone was infected and moved.

This is football.

Some people say that the reason why a legend is a legend is that a certain moment on the court moved everyone.

For example, the back of Robert Baggio in the World Cup, or the moment when Beckham smashed Argentina, it was like Ronaldo crying when he was injured, and it was more like Batistuta's helplessness to score Fiorentina's goal...

Thousands of fans will also remember Maradona's hand of God, Zidane's flying fairy, Ronaldo's unstoppable, Ronaldinho's flowing water...

It is these moments, bit by bit, that have brought countless fans unforgettable memories for a lifetime, and have become a football classic.

At this moment, in the VIP box, including Florentino, everyone was reflecting.

The lofty Real Madrid is not the Real Madrid in their minds, but this does not prevent them from being moved by this team.

More importantly, Gao Shen can lead the team to win.

So why did the last three years of the Galactic Battleship period, the most traditional era of Real Madrid, collapse so miserably and badly?

What did Gao Shen inject into this Real Madrid?

Why can the same team undergo such a rebirth?

This is a very deep question.

Florentino knew that without figuring it out, he would never be successful.

Because times have changed!

Ronaldo was injured, and Gao Shen immediately replaced him with Negredo.

Not only that, he made two substitutions at once.

The other was replacing Zidane with Baptista, showing that the horses continued to use Baptista to suppress Pirlo.

The unfortunate Pirlo was heartbroken.

It was difficult enough to deal with Zidane, and now a more ferocious beast was brought on to replace him, which was killing him.

However, in the advanced tactics, Pirlo was unwilling to relax for a moment.

Ancelotti was also making substitutions, first replacing Inzaghi with Gilardino, and then, seeing through Gao Shen's restraint on Pirlo, he replaced Pirlo with Maldini and pushed Serginho to the midfield, with Seedorf as the midfield playmaker.

Finally, he replaced Stam with Cafu.

When the three substitution slots were used up, the game had only reached the 75th minute.

Ancelotti was trying to grab a goal.

But with three goals in hand, Gao Shen indicated that the team should adopt a stable strategy.

In the last ten minutes or so of the game, AC Milan began to take advantage on the field and created several chances, but they failed to turn into real threats, and in the end, they could only suffer a 3-0 away loss at the Bernabeu.