
Starting Today I'll Work As A City Lord

Schedule: All days. Support me on https://ko-fi.com/greenblue17 pat reon.com/GreenBlue17 Lucas unexpectedly possessed the ability to travel between Earth and a new world. The new world is a fantasy world without magic but it have all kind of people like Elf, Beastkins. Read the story of Lucas how he start his journey by becoming a City Lord in this world. With his harem of beastkins. I am not only translating it but also adding my own imagination in the novel. This is a fanfic. Important: The MC is not chaotic evil. He is ruthless toward his enemies. Note: Image is not mine.

GreenBlue17 · Anime & Comics
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196 Chs

Chapter 3

Lucas carefully put the two things to the side, and said calmly, "Then let's check the goods and settle the price." Then he walked toward his boxes and took one of the three boxes in his arms. He put the box on the table.

"Okay." Carter nodded and immediately called over a middle-aged man, his butler who was a shrewd man. He had been working with Carter from his younger days and he knew about Carter's plan very well.

"Butler, help us estimate the cost." Carter ordered the butler.

"Yes, my lord." The butler replied respectfully.

Lucas put a box on the table, opened it and took out five glasses from the inside. The glasses were the kind that cost about a few bucks each in the supermarket on Earth but here their value is reversed.

"Beautiful…" Carter, Fez, and the butler all sucked in a mouthful of cold air. Their eyes staring at the glasses in Lucas's hands. They hurriedly went forward with two hands in front of them, carefully taking the glass cups from Lucas' hands afraid they might damage them.

"These are crystal glasses. I had been fortunate enough to see one at a Duke's Mansion, but they weren't as pure and gorgeous as these ones. I want them." Carter exclaimed, his eyes full of greed.

Fez's breathing sped up as he held the glasses tightly with his hands. The only thing he wanted to do at this moment was to claim them as his own. He was already thinking of a way to kill Lucas if he didn't give him these glasses.

"How many gold coins do you three think these crystal glasses are worth?" Lucas said, instantly making the price of the glasses on the level of gold coins.

The currency of this world was divided into three levels: copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins.

1 gold coin was equal to 100 silver coins, and 1 silver coin was equal to 1000 copper coins. According to Lucas's investigation, 1 copper coin had the same purchasing power as 1 dollar on Earth.

Carter took a deep breath and carefully placed the glass cup on the table and said with a smile, "My friend, I will give five gold coins for one crystal glass."

The value of the item was too high for a Baron's butler to estimate. So Carter immediately took the situation in his own hands. He liked these crystal glasses very much.

Lucas silently looked at the glasses. 'What? 5 gold coins? And here I am thinking that 2 gold coins for one glass would be ridiculous enough.'

One gold coin, if converted into Earth's money, would be about $10,000. One glass only cost a few bucks, so the profit was terrifyingly high. Lucas was very happy about this situation.

Carter saw that Lucas was silent for a long time, and he quickly added, "Of course, these crystal glass cups are of very high quality, so I can add another gold coin."

"Uh…" Hearing that, Lucas knew that Carter had misunderstood him. He sighed, "I received these five crystal glasses from a desolate nobleman. At that time, I used five gold coins and twenty silver coins to buy one crystal glass. Now that I'm selling you these glasses for six gold coins each, I'm making a loss."

"Ha ha ha…" Carter laughed mysteriously. "Baron Lucas, my friend, I won't let you take a loss. There's a gift for you inside the castle which I will give you later."

"Oh?" Lucas raised his eyebrows and gritted his teeth. "Okay, I'll sell it for 6 gold coins each."

"Ha ha ha…" Fez laughed excitedly and quickly took the five glasses from the table and put them in his arms like they were some treasure.

"5 glass- cough cough- 5 crystal glasses cost a total of 30 gold coins, which is just enough to pay for all the things, so we are even." Lucas said, his mouth twitching.

"That's right." Carter nodded, his eyes fixed on the two boxes Lucas had with himself. He calmly said, "Baron Lucas, can you let this old man look at your other goods? If I am satisfied, we will buy a few of them."

The words made Lucas's heart shiver. He knew that Carter wasn't a good man and now he had gotten greedy. If there really were items that Carter liked, they would most likely kill him and take the goods.

"Of course." Lucas said immediately and quickly put his hand on the boxes for a short time before quietly opening the box revealing some clothes and a few ceramic products.

Disappointment flashed across Carter's eyes when he saw the items in the boxes. He forced a smile on his old face and said, "Are these exquisite ceramic plates the same as the ones you sold to me last time?"

"Yeah. Only these things are left. After all, these goods were transported from Earth which is very far and took a long time. A lot of them were broken on the way." Lucas made an excuse that he had used before.

He had just put the mirror and a few items back in his storage space. He was afraid to let the other party know about the existence of mirrors and Baijiu since just one glass was worth so much money. He didn't know what would happen if he brought out those items. No actually he knew what would happen with him especially that is why he didn't bring them out.[Baijiu (Chinese: 白酒; pinyin: báijiǔ; lit. 'white (clear) liquor'), also known as shaojiu (烧酒/燒酒), is a colorless Chinese liquor typically coming in between 35% and 60% alcohol by volume (ABV).]

In the past he had sold salt, polished rice, ceramic products, wooden combs, and other similar stuff. This was the first time he brought out things like glass.

There was only a small amount of naturally made glass in this era. Fortunately, he had discovered this in time otherwise he would have been killed for his goods. He had decided that from now on he would never sell anything which could get him killed.

Carter had bought several ceramic plates from Lucas before. He had even complimented that these ceramic plates were better than some that were used by high noble families.

"What a pity." Carter said, sighing. As for whether he was disappointed about there not being more valuable items or disappointed about some other things, only he would know. "My friend, sell all of these ceramic plates to me."

"Sure. There's a total of 12 plates, 1 silver coin for 1 plate, a total of 12 silver coins." Lucas said, rapidly calculating the cost.

Carter nodded and the butler quickly walked forward, handed 12 silver coins to Lucas and carefully took the ceramic plates from the table.

"Then Baron Lucas, please come with me. I'll introduce you to the residents." Carter stood up from the seat and said to Lucas while he started walking toward the plaza from where he mostly introduced his previous prey to his citizens.

"Okay." Lucas also got up from his seat and followed him.


Before they got outside, they heard a bell ringing a few times. Carter explained that it was a signal to gather the residents outside the castle.




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