
Curses (1)

Short omake before the story:

I sat on the couch of my office. This place used to have a lot of things...

A rack full of video games alikes, premium Blu-rays of anime DVDs, limited edition J*V DVDs, and even a lewd Nami body pillow that was supposed to be on the couch.

Hiromi has already used to it, but rather than commenting on my stuff, the guild members asked where I "buy them with such a high quality".

Oh, I didn't, alright.

I practiced making and editing items using purely my own power.

Great Sage's Thought Acceleration was the MVP on that sh*t.

Obviously, those are all only for practice. I don't even use Great Sage's help... With most of the things...

«Report: Recreating images of two human individuals having sexual activities is a waste of ski---» GYAHAHAHAHA, AND WE'RE DONE HERE.

So anyway, my stuff disappeared soon after...

Why? Because...


[Good Slime: Sorry, I was busy with managing the town since... Some huge shark thing attacked. But it has been resolved now. Thanks for all the items by the way]


I can't stay mad at Hiromi, but I still need to vent my anger somehow...

Meanwhile, a certain administrator D pouts at her screen.

"Oh well, maybe I'll get it next time. It's fine since Kumo-chan is not going anywhere I guess... I still have some things to watch."




--- To be continued??? ---




--- Okamura Akihito's POV ---

[Voting result:

Administrator D: 1

Administrator Y: 2

Abstained: 1]

[Administrator Y has been chosen as the quest guide]

[Location: Kawasaki Prefecture]


• [Obtain A Finger Of Sukuna] (0/1)

• [Kill more than 50 curses] (0/51)

• [Obtain a souvenir] (0/1)

[Failure: -]

[Time limit: 10 days]

[Participants allowed: 2/2]

[Admin guides allowed: 1/1]

[World Suspension will only be activated for members who participate in the quest]

After Hiromi's little schemes, it's safe to say that D won't be hostile to the other members.

It was Hiromi's way to manipulate mixed feelings. The thought of the human brain will gradually change, you can't say different from an evil goddess.

D would most likely realize that one vote from Shiraori was the reason for her loss sooner or later.

That's when Hiromi's plan comes to play.

Hiromi told Shiraori to act "as interesting as possible", Shiraori might need to take down some huge monsters in order to show her progress and abilities to D as she was fixated on the reincarnators in her home world.

Then, D will try to get on Shiraori's good side, as much to her dismay for interrupting with one of the "characters" in her make-story, she would need to please her sooner or later.

She could threaten her, but that'll be where I came in: for she, who misunderstood that I too, am a God. Even if I am not that strong in reality, she herself does not want to get into trouble with some other outer gods.

Well, yet.

That is exactly why the next quest is necessary for me.

I may have divinity, a pseudo-God if I am going to call myself. But there is one thing I lacked: Raw power.

My EP is increasing day by day, but it won't come close even to Milim Nava from Rimuru's world.

Gojo Satoru, if only I can get him into the group chat then I may have a chance. If I have that much energy to overuse Law Manipulation just imagine how many things can I change in the system.

It is now an ideal situation to predict Administrator D's next moves.

No one will receive D's hostility. Well not really, the correct phrase would be: For now, none of us would have to deal with D's actions.

In the end, why did she want to become a guide?

Simply, she wants to track each member of the group chat, that way she might be able to interfere with our home world.

Anything that catches her interest after that shall be the victim as her plaything.

So that was why meeting with her was already dangerous.


[The transfer will be initialized in 3 hours]

And before that happens, I need to become a true powerhouse of this group.

"So why did you call us to your... Office, Guild master?" Kirito stated those soon after entering the messy room with Klein, Agil, and also Kibaou.

Another guy enters the room, it was Diabel. The blue-haired guy who found the boss room on floor one. I scouted him soon after I take Kirito under my flag.

"I am going to Antarctica"

"Huh!???" Thus came from the three players. Well, I can say I am going somewhere else, but I just wanted to see their reactions.

"By that time, Hiromi will be in charge. She will be the temporary guild master. Treat her well."

"I am looking forward to working with you all..." Hiromi voiced her thoughts to the members.

Thus, I will now proceed with the transfer.




I am falling... The night sky didn't fill with the lights of the stars, but instead, the ground had more lights. It's the light of cities in Kawasaki.

It always had to be the sky huh?

I always end up falling from the sky...

With Hacker's law manipulation, I was able to manipulate gravity and had a smooth landing unlike how I did in Rimuru's world.

I landed on top of a building. It turns out to be a school, I landed on a school's rooftop.

Now then, time to look for Jin Woo and Rimuru...

"Great sage..."

«Affirmative, generating sound signal to connect into satellites... success. Accessing the current satellites to gain information... success. The individual called Yuji Itadori has been located. Additionally, the Coordinates of Individual Rimuru Tempest and Sung Jin Woo have been calculated»

First I'd need Rimuru's help. But rather than that...

I opened the smartphone.


[You have made a private group]

[You have added Good Slime into the group chat]

[You have added Weakest Hunter into the group chat]

[Added members: 2]

[Administrator Y: you guys, I am sending you coordinates where the next scenario will happen. Go there immediately.]

[Weakest Hunter: Roger that.]

[Good Slime: I'm on my way]

Scenario, it is the term I'd use to describe the ideal phenomenon where completion of the quest might occur.

For example now...

"I'd have to go somewhere else..."




--- Third Person's POV ---

"Hey... After the transfer, will it always be from the sky?"

"...I don't know. I only joined once and... Yes, I 'fall' to your world too."

Rimuru had his wings out to fly, while Jin Woo jumped through buildings with his stealth on.

Jin Woo had already commanded his shadows to rush into the coordinate, while Rimuru received information about the world via both Akihito's Great Sage and his Great Sage.

«Report: The individual called Akihito has sent information through thought communication»

'So he can do something like this too, huh?' Rimuru thought to himself.

Rimuru now understood what Great Sage means by "Spiritual beings that are unseen to the humans", Cursed Spirit.

Both of them sighted many strange things along the way, strange creatures roaming around the darkness of the city. Yet nobody pays any attention to those anomalies.

And finally, they came to realize what the Great Sage told them: "Curse practitioners" or commonly known as "Sorcerer" are those who seal or cleansed a cursed spirit for the greater good.

They had grasped a few things upon gaining the information. They now understood that the world somehow had a mechanism to covert the public's malice into manifestation, and finally, humans can manifest those cursed energies into their biding.

Then what is the difference?

If Majin (Magic born) are those who are born or somehow in their lifetime events were bestowed with magic energies, and Seijin (Saint) evolved from enlightened humans, and maybe Ryujin (Dragonewts) who evolved from Lizardmens or direct descendants of dragons and humans... Then what is a humanoid entity that is basked with cursed energy?

Should they be called Jūjin (Cursed folks) then? Then why do those who are sapiens were called Jurei (Curse spirits) instead??

Rimuru wanted to question more, but finally, they arrived at their destination.

Two teenagers, one in high school uniforms and another in casual clothes... The one with a uniform on him is beaten up on the ground and can't move, the other one was trapped by a huge monster that is trying to swallow him whole.

These two are Itadori Yuji and Fushiguro Megumi.

"That must be the finger" Rimuru caught Jin Woo's attention as he pointed out the obscene body part in Itadori Yuji's mouth.

He seems to be making sure the monster won't eat the finger.





"Wait--- stop!!!"

Both the slime and the Monarch think that this boy is crazy, who in their right mind would try to swallow an oddly-looking finger?

That sharp obsidian nail and lots of pigments of skin melanin with a distorted shape as if it was cut off from a cadaver. It flew into the air before dropping down to the boy's face.

Well, thankfully Rimuru and Jin Woo acted swiftly.



Before Itadori Yuji was able to eat the finger, the hands and arms of the curse that holds Itadori Yuji hostage was cut off, leaving black flames that stopped the curse from regenerating.

Before they knew it the finger is nowhere to be found, Itadori Yuji was swiftly teleported away in the arms of a masked and platinum blue-haired girl, seemingly flying with a pair of jet-black wings.

"W-who are y---" He wasn't able to finish his words as he heard a scream from the curse.

"GYAAAAAAAAAH" Shadows. It was something that emerges from the ground. Group of shadowy figures that hold swords and axes as well as others.

The dark knight who wields a shadow great sword was one of the notable shadows that manifested in front of them.

Are they cursed spirits? Megumi couldn't comprehend what he was seeing.

Soon, the shadow knight with a strong aura decapitated the curse... As well as disintegrating it right after that.

Curses will disappear after you kill them after all.

The knight then kneeled to another man in black with casual attire as if he was its master.

The knight trembled, while the man responded wryly to him:

"You don't need to bring me their heads every single time you know..." With a huge sweat on his head, he stated thus.

It seems like the knight was deeply ashamed for not being able to bring back the head of his master's enemy.

It was a very mysterious sight.




To be continued.

I am thou, and thou art I... I am fish, and THOU SHALT BE FISH

Door_kuncreators' thoughts
Next chapter