
It's completely out of control.

"You're asking for it!" Wang Lin's expression was ferocious.

With his girlfriend beside him, how could he make a fool of himself?

As a strength awakener, Wang Lin had cultivated to the Bronze level early on!

How could he not handle Jiangnan, this little Iron rank guy?

So, enduring the severe pain, he swung another punch.


This punch was firmly caught in Jiangnan's hand, and with a forceful squeeze.

"Ai! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Wang Lin cried out in pain, his face contorted.

He started to doubt his life!

I'm the one who awakened strength! How can I be overpowered in strength!

Is this kid also a strength awakener?

How can he be so strong? Isn't he a spatial awakener?

[From Wang Lin's resentment value +888!]

The system's prompt sounded in Jiangnan's mind.

Jiangnan's eyes instantly lit up.

After integrating with the system, he also roughly understood its basic functions.

The Lucky Spin uses resentment value for the lottery!

It takes ten thousand resentment values for a spin!

Ten consecutive spins cost one hundred thousand!

Just now, I didn't know how to get this resentment value,

But now it seems very simple! Just make people resent you!

What kind of perverted hobby does this system have?

At this moment, Jiangnan looked at Wang Lin with a different look.

It was as if he saw a big, shiny Pixiu.

Holding Wang Lin's fist, he turned around and pressed him down on the ground. Jiangnan sat on him,

Left fist.



[From Wang Lin's resentment value +666]

Right fist.



[From Wang Lin's resentment value +686]

Jiangnan's punches fell like rain, "bang ao" sounds kept ringing in his ears. Seeing the constantly refreshing resentment value, he was already overjoyed inside!

It's like eating Xuanmai, he just couldn't stop!

After hitting for a while and not having enough fun, he picked up a small stool beside him and smashed it fiercely towards Wang Lin's face.

[From Wang Lin's resentment value +999!]

Hey hey? Using a small stool seems to be much easier

"You're asking for it!" Wang Lin's expression was ferocious.

With his girlfriend beside him, how could he make a fool of himself?

As a strength awakener, Wang Lin had cultivated to the Bronze level early on!

How could he not handle Jiangnan, this little Iron rank guy?

So, enduring the severe pain, he swung another punch.


This punch was firmly caught in Jiangnan's hand, and with a forceful squeeze.

"Ai! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Wang Lin cried out in pain, his face contorted.

He started to doubt his life!

I'm the one who awakened strength! How can I be overpowered in strength!

Is this kid also a strength awakener?

How can he be so strong? Isn't he a spatial awakener?

[From Wang Lin's resentment value +888!]

The system's prompt sounded in Jiangnan's mind.

Jiangnan's eyes instantly lit up.

After integrating with the system, he also roughly understood its basic functions.

The Lucky Spin uses resentment value for the lottery!

It takes ten thousand resentment values for a spin!

Ten consecutive spins cost one hundred thousand!

Just now, I didn't know how to get this resentment value,

But now it seems very simple! Just make people resent you!

What kind of perverted hobby does this system have?

At this moment, Jiangnan looked at Wang Lin with a different look.

It was as if he saw a big, shiny Pixiu.

Holding Wang Lin's fist, he turned around and pressed him down on the ground. Jiangnan sat on him,

Left fist.



[From Wang Lin's resentment value +666]

Right fist.



[From Wang Lin's resentment value +686]

Jiangnan's punches fell like rain, "bang ao" sounds kept ringing in his ears. Seeing the constantly refreshing resentment value, he was already overjoyed inside!

It's like eating Xuanmai, he just couldn't stop!

After hitting for a while and not having enough fun, he picked up a small stool beside him and smashed it fiercely towards Wang Lin's face.

[From Wang Lin's resentment value +999!]

Hey hey? Using a small stool seems to be much easier than using fists?

In a short time, quite a few people gathered around to watch the excitement, and many even recorded short videos with their phones. "Wow, this bald guy is too fierce! He doesn't look old, won't he cause trouble?" "This is a bit too much, right? Look at how you beat him? His face is all swollen..." "Too much? I saw just now, that girl flipped this guy's stall, and even said we are stinky stall vendors! If not him, then who? He deserves it! We are setting up stalls in response to the national call!" Li Muyan stood there, looking panicked and not knowing what to do.

Wang Lin is a Bronze rank three powerhouse, a strength awakener with exceptional combat ability.

How could he be beaten up so badly by Jiangnan, this little Iron rank guy?

Has he been injected with adrenaline?

Normally, Jiangnan is quite a honest person...

Stop hitting him! If you keep hitting him, I'll call the police!

[From Li Muyan's resentment value +888]

Jiangnan paused with the small stool in his hand, looking at Wang Lin, who had already been beaten into a swollen mess, resembling a pig's head.

Tears welled up on his pig-head-like face; he actually cried from the beating?

"I can stop hitting him, but you've made a mess out of my socks. How am I supposed to sell them now? You have to buy them all!"

Wang Lin's mentality collapsed. He couldn't believe he was completely overwhelmed by a high school student.

He weakly asked, "How much?"

"Ten yuan per pair!"

"What? Isn't it four pairs for ten yuan? Are you robbing me?"

Jiangnan sneered, "What do you think I'm doing?"

Wang Lin: ...

[From Wang Lin's resentment value +666]

With a total of over two hundred pairs of socks, more than two thousand yuan was easily earned!

Wang Lin didn't want to buy them either, but if he didn't buy these socks, he probably wouldn't be able to leave today...

Li Muyan hurriedly helped up Wang Lin, whose face was beaten like a pig's head, and said resentfully, "Tomorrow is the monthly exam for the Spirit Martial class. Just wait to be kicked out!

"Starting from tomorrow, you won't be able to stay in the Spirit Martial class anymore!"

Jiangnan completely ignored what she said and even waved...

"Godspeed, come again next time!"

[From Wang Lin's resentment value +999!]

Come again?

Come again to get beaten?

As more and more people gathered to watch, having earned the money, Jiangnan dared not stay any longer.

He hastily wrapped up his stall cloth, threw it on the back seat of his bicycle, and tucked the small stool under his arm.

Jiangnan rode his "Phoenix Brand" 28 large-frame bicycle.

In a good mood, he hummed a tune,

"Riding my beloved bicycle~ I'll never get stuck in traffic~"

The bicycle chain "clack clack" hit the wheel cover, as if accompanying him.

Tomorrow is the monthly exam for the Spirit Martial class at Jiangcheng No.1 High School. Because Jiangnan's talent was too poor,

Since awakening his spatial ability in the first year of high school and becoming one in ten thousand Spirit Martialists, it wasn't until his third year that he barely upgraded to pitiful Iron rank three.

His classmates have already reached the peak of Iron rank, and some have even ascended to Bronze rank.

If his cultivation level doesn't break through to Iron rank five this time, he will be kicked back to the ordinary class.

There will no longer be spirit beads provided by the school for his cultivation, and his strength can only stop here.

Twenty years ago, many Spirit Ruins gates appeared all over the world, and the spiritual energy gushing out from them brought Earth into an era of spiritual recovery.

At the same time, a large number of spirit beasts surged out to impact human society.

Humans were also able to awaken abilities due to the resurgence of spiritual energy!

After experiencing initial turmoil and paying a tragic price, today's peaceful prosperity was exchanged.

However, people who awaken abilities will inevitably impact human society, so various policies targeting Spirit Martialists have gradually improved!

Major cities and provinces across the country have established Spirit Martial universities, and separating Spirit Martial classes in high schools is one of the policies.

Jiangnan was fortunate enough to become an awakener, and he even possessed the rarest spatial ability.

However, it gave him the most useless talent.

That's why such a big mess happened!

Originally, Jiangnan thought that if he was kicked out, then so be it. Being an ordinary person is also good.

With hands and feet, even as an orphan, supporting himself would not be a problem.

But this accidentally obtained "Strongest Stall System" has stirred up Jiangnan's thoughts.

"I hope that Pith Spirit Fruit really works!"

Thinking about it, Jiangnan only felt a coolness on his head.

Damn, I forgot I was bald!

That damn Strength Potion is too deceiving.

"System, why do you only introduce the effects in your description? Don't you mention the side effects?

"You can't just scam people like this, right?"

[Don't worry about these details!]

Jiangnan: "What the f*ck?

According to the system's nature, does the Pith Spirit Fruit also have some side effects?

Why think so much? Just go home and try it out!

After riding for more than half an hour, he arrived at a small alley in the suburbs of Jiangcheng.

At the entrance of the alley, there was a barbecue stall doing booming business with many customers. Jiangnan's stomach growled.

The aunt who carried the plates greeted: "Xiao Nan, just finished your stall? You must be hungry! Come, Aunt Zhou will make you a plate of fried noodles!"

Jiangnan smiled and said, "No need, Aunt Zhou, I've already eaten outside. Here is this month's rent of 2500 yuan for you. Sorry for being late!"

Aunt Zhou took the rent: "Oh, it's not easy for you alone, studying and running a stall..."

"Why did you shave your head?"

Jiangnan: atatatat

"Hehe, I thought it would be cooler in the summer..."

"Alright, it looks spirited too!

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Jiangnan hurriedly went home. He wanted to try if that Pith Spirit Fruit really worked!