Garou Fang, an 18-year-old orphan, dies and reincarnates into his anime counterpart in the world of Tensura. His first motive was to get strong beat some kids and clap some booty, in-hindsight become a SIGMA CHAD. Let's watch on a complete sadistic, crazy-ass monkey who has some fun in a world where power makes right. I have no clue what to write for a synopsis so yeah..... |The first few chapters aren't great, mainly because I haven't written anything in my life and secondly I didn't have enough information about any cannon elements...| (I only own my OC.............)
~Ice Continent~
(1st P.O.V.)
From a distance, you can see a red blur dashing around a blue ball-like sphere, the both blurs then disappeared into thin air.
"So you're resorting to Time Stop now...?"I asked in a mocking tone, I haven't even used a single multiplier from Super....whom I shall name after. My Ultimate skill is off and if it was on, no matter what she does once I'm able to block or react to it she can't do jack shit.
"You never said anything about not using skill, I'm more surprised you can even move!"
She disappeared, appearing in front of me stretching her hand out.."Napalm Burst!"
What a chunni...not like I'm any better"Bo Bup"I teleported right above here. To her, as her Napalm Burst explodes where I once stood leaving a huge crater. Front flipping mid-air I carry the momentum into a kick'[Second Form:Cutting Edge]-'Renewal Spin Kick', directly hitting her in the back off the neck she launches across the continent.
Following behind her I sprint past her castle, where a blue-haired woman stood watching on curiously, leaping into the sky I carried my momentum again to a flying front kick.
Her punch and my kick connected causing a shockwave that rattled the entire continent.
"You're not that bad, just using brute force and skills aren't getting you anywhere though."
I smirk, I see a glint pass through her eyes, out of thin air a sword appears in her hand. Rushing towards me, with a red aura covering both her and the sword, she swung down without any remorse.
Activating my newly gained thought acceleration I stood there looking at her magnificent figure, long scarlet hair that flows divinely, abundant breasts, now I know why she became a man. Those can hold you back jeez. An unusually round butt, looks soft as fuck, the opposite of my dragon right now. Damn and the fact it's emphasized due to her incredibly slender waist it looks like I could smack her ass and she'll break in half.
Disabling thought acceleration, the blade came down, creating a whistling sound, coming in contact with my palm,' Water Stream Encampment' every slash she made was easily deflected.
How, well super saver is OP as fuck, let's say somebody took 500 years to perfect martial art, I would take half a year instead. On top of that with Garou's body, I could mimic almost anyone's martial arts.
Training in the forest I told Super to multiply whatever I was doing, Cooking right now is way better than anyone from food wars, I used it to perfect more than 1 million martial arts, reconstructed them to perfection then combine them to create even better ones, mainly from memory, after allowing Super to read my mind she was able to cast multiply on specific Martial Arts.
After using her for so long in the forest I found out she,(yes I gave her a with it....)was Great Sage without thought acceleration and prior knowledge of the world, all creation and all those extra abilities.
Parrying all of Guy's sword attacks, I stomped the ground,' Tank Top Tackle', using 'Bo Bup' I appeared in front of her slamming my shoulder into her midsection, proceeding to throw her airborne like a ragdoll she flew.
"Clench your teeth, this gonna hurt real bad hun!!"I shouted to her.
"What the fuck are your gonna do!!"Screaming at me she increased her output of {Ultimate Skill:Wrathful King Satanael}, most likely her instincts kicking in, I tighten every muscle in my body to an extreme degree, not to the point of activating my [Fourth Form:Absolut Defense].
Using Bo Bup I teleported directly behind, she turned around expecting that, widening her eyes the next second, after all, how can clairvoyance predict something that surpassed time itself.
My body proportions changed, my close fused with my muscles,' Hoe Grab', breaking her guard mid-air, I proceed to rev my arm back as she looks on unmoving, my fist connected with her stomach, space itself seemed to warp, then I spoke."[Fourth Form:Incognito Death]: 'Rokugan'(Output 0.1%)."
As soon as my fists connected with her midsection, it disappeared completely, using 'The Fist that Surpassed Time' would do massive damage, but she would most likely regenerate instantly, skills are gay and Ultimate ones are gayer. So I blew her midsection, after connecting my punch.
I broke the space itself which ate her stomach, splitting her in two hypothetically, I also had Super, calculate how much I would need to knock her out, so In that moment of my fist connecting with her stomach, I hit all her tenketsu points and increased her pain insanely high.
She was using time acceleration as well so...she's feeling that way longer.....I walked up to her reconnecting body parts, picking her up and making my way towards her castle.
"I destroyed an entire kingdom now half a continent, I am a God of Destruction, more like Demi-God huh, Super..or should I call you Vados now?"
{Garou Sama can be anything he wants, I would love anything you love!}
"Ho, I see then from this day onward till the end of time your name shall be Vados Fang."
{Thank you, Garou Sama, I will cherish this name for as long as I exist~}
Evolution does a lot of things, I got overpowered, Vados became a yandere, evolution does things. I mean look at humans...Oh shit, Velzard is going beyond mad.
[Guy Crimson P.O.V.]
Getting my phat ass handed to me, was....unexpected to say the least. Worst of all he used 0 skills, I even tried using,{Ultimate Skill:Prideful King Lucifer] only to feel the most pain I have ever experienced in my life.
Waking in my bedroom, the only place in the entire castle that isn't frozen I felt a hand going through my hair. Opening my eyes fully I see the man who showed me I wasn't the highest in the food chain. Leaning down towards me I knew what he was going for, I closed my eyes pretending to sleep only to get caught immediately.
"Oy, I know you're awake, get up you lazy ass demon it's been a couple of minutes since I killed Velzard."
Eh.....I lay frozen for a bit, after all even if I could beat Velzard, killing her was unbelievably hard, to the point of almost being impossible. Even if he beat me he had to use some sort of strong is he.
Staring at the man in question, he only gave me a questioning gaze. Raising my head off his lap, only to be pulled back down. He leaned in again only this time he spoke, "Your mine for today~" he nibbled my ear.....and I came instantly.
"What the fuck did you do!" I shouted, ``After all, there was no magicule fluctuation so he didn't use a skill, it's as if he doesn't have any."I'm good with my hand kekekekk~" I got up putting all my strength into my legs, only to fall.
"Ahhnn~"I looked down to see myself continuously.....cumming...I could only say one thing at this moment, I didn't regret it tho.
"-you sure hun!" he replied, picking off the ground and resting me on the bed.....