
Vote For Real!!


No Harem-

Only vote once please, I have bad eyesight so make shit easier for me please.

Also if Harem wins only recommend strong women, he has Unohana and Guy which makes it a love triangle...Example of strong women:

Revy (Black Lagoon) {She's one of the most badass women in anime]

Morgiana (Magi the Labyrinth of Magic)

Android 18 (Dragon Ball Series)

Ghislain (Mushoku Tensei)

Mereleona (Black Clover)

Also I want to know if he should have his own organisation with other chads, they would have their own girls but I won't be writing about their relationship like sexual shit. A good example would be Itachi, he could be the better version of Soei. I love Escanor he could have Merlin the guy deserves it. (If you haven't read Seven Deadly Sins Manga or watched the anime he 1 v 1 The Demon King who is his captain's father and was straight up dropping the guy, he ends up dying so we could make him reincarnate as a different race so he could sustain a power similar to sunshine...)

